They just updated the app. It brings the new zigbee firmware. Later I’ll try to update to see if the behavior in Deconz is correct respect current “light” setup.
This the response from Vimar about the Zigbee limit:
Con riferimento alla richiesta di supporto tecnico inviataci siamo a comunicare che il prodotto è progettato e testato per lavorare specificamente con l’hub ZigBee integrato a bordo di alcuni assistenti vocali Amazon (es. Echo); possiamo tuttavia anticipare che stiamo già lavorando ad una nuova versione firmware per il deviatore connesso in questione che uscirà prossimamente, quindi consigliamo di attendere il nuovo aggiornamento che verrà reso disponibile nel relativo store per l’app VIEW Wireless: ad app aggiornata ed accedendo al suo menù Azioni → Gestisci dispositivo potrà applicare il nuovo firmware sull’apparecchiatura.
A disposizione per eventuali chiarimenti, porgiamo Cordiali Saluti.
UPDATE: Works as before (firmware Zigbee 2.0.1) so in a bad way with HA.
If you toggle from the button, HA is not updated in anyway, no status on/off and no toggle. If you toggle from HA it works just as a push button with no state, just toggle.
For me it’s useless, I expected it worked like a pushbutton in monostable relay, but as a switch in bistable. I’ll try using MQTT, but definely not the best solution.
UPDATE 2: This the response to my last mail.
Pur confermando che effettivamente il prodotto in questione a livello ZigBee è progettato principalmente per l’interfacciamento con l’hub ZigBee integrato a bordo di alcuni assistenti Amazon Alexa, possiamo consigliare di verificare il carico collegato al deviatore in questione: è infatti importante che il prodotto rilevi un assorbimento sulla propria uscita di almeno 2W per poter funzionare correttamente. Confermiamo che oltre a questa condizione, una volta aggiornato il firmware ZigBee alla versione 2.0.1, non vi sono altre verifiche da condurre.
Positive update, recognized as switch and it works perfectly with ZHA!!
Just for testing I moved back to BT using Vimar app, then moved again to Zigbee and there was a firmware update in the app…and from this moment found in ZHA as switch!
Guys you know that there is an integration for the “old” Vimar by-me via the web-server to HA, right?
I’m in any case interested. Are this switches fitting in “Eikon” or “Plana” slots? What they need to be powered?
BUT when acting on the control on the HA dashboard, the feedback on the dashboard goes back to off in few seconds, even if the real switch is on
The documentation for the other Zigbee mqtt stack says that tha status of the switch is publisched in the state variable. Vimar 14592.0 control via MQTT | Zigbee2MQTT
In zha the status is non corretly reported in the dashboard. In the screenshot it is showed off, but it is on.
Still not tested in mqtt, because started using zha.
For correct load state signalling, connect a 2 W minimum load.
The reset restores the factory settings. Within the first 5 minutes from powering, press the
button for 30 s until the white LED flashes.
Set the actuator parameters.
press the button for 15 s; this way, you can select the relay operation - between one-po-
sition stable and two-position stable (the LED flashes green for the two-position stable setting
and amber for the one-position stable setting)…
you can set the one-position stable activation time.
Ciao a tutti! ho appena installato uno switch 14592 tramite zigbee2mqtt (Z2M), il controllo da homeassistant funziona correttamente (riesco ad accendere e spegnere il carico collegato), però se interagisco con lo switch direttamente non mi si aggiorna lo stato in homeassistant a meno che non vada nell’interfaccia grafica di Z2M e forzi il refresh.
Inoltre io ho collegato lo switch con un invertitore ed un deviatore in cascata (di fatto ho la necessità di controllare la luce da 3 interruttori) se cambio lo stato della luce da uno di questi dispositivi anche se forzo il refresh da Z2M non rilevo lo stato, voi avete avuto qualche esperienza a riguardo?
Hi everyone! I just installed a 14592 switch via zigbee2mqtt (Z2M), the control from homeassistant works correctly (I can turn on and off the connected load), but if I interact with the switch directly the status in homeassistant doesn’t update unless I go in the Z2M GUI and force the refresh.
Furthermore, I have connected the switch 2 multiway switches in cascade (in fact I need to control the light from 3 switches) if I change the status of the light from one of these switches the homeassistant status do not update, even if I force the refresh from Z2M.
Have you had any experience on this?
Hi, the 14592 switch works very well for me, but in my zigbee system some other devices just started blinking every 5-10 seconds. This is because I had the option “Activate the identification effect when devices join the network” active in ZHA. I have now temporarily switched this off and now everything works perfectly.
But does this mean that the switch reconnects to the network every 5-10 seconds? And is that bad for my network?
to configure the colors you must use bluetooth, in zigbee the color settings are not exposed and you do not see them in home assistant.
To use them in bluetooth you must have the vimar bridge that connects to home assistant with Home Kit
Thanks! Ok so with the bridge i can do that using an HA plugin, right? I was looking to this only for the LED, i do not need the switch automation at all, so being zigbee not an option i think i might end up using the 3046 buttons and then use an ESP home device to control 4 5mm leds i can easily insert into that. Anyway, thanks
I’ve called Vimar and they told me, multiple times, that all features are supported even with the bluetooth firmware, even the led color change. If not, it’s an issue related with the HUB that doesn’t supprot that
Any chance to debug if this is true (i dubt) or false ?
In bluetooth it has all the features they tell you. In Zigbee, however, no. I live 40km from the Vimar headquarters. A friend of mine works there. zigbee are simple switch, they don’t interact with leds
In bluetooth it has all the features they tell you. In Zigbee, however, no. I live 40km from the Vimar headquarters. A friend of mine works there. zigbee are simple switch, they don’t interact with leds
Don’t you know (or can you ask to them) if they plan to add full zigbee support ?
Hi all,
If I have a switch already properly connected to the zigbee network and it disconnects, how can I put it back into pairing mode?
So far I have always done the Zigbee->Bluetooth->Zigbee transition but it seems strange to me that there is no way to do it directly from the button.
Because if I press and hold the button for 8 seconds, the blue LED comes on and not the white one.
Thank you
Hi, the method you use would already be a trick not mentioned in the Vimar instructions, and the technicians advised me against using this system. The solution indicated by Vimar is “turn off the power, and when you turn it back on, hold down the button for 30 seconds”.
The constant disconnections were a problem that convinced me to switch to bluetooth with their bridge connected unfortunately