Viron Astral Pool ChlorinatorGo integration

Added mine too.

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Canā€™t see any obvious trends yet.

Can anyone else verify if this is happening to you too?

I have a power metering plug on my Halo and pump.

Iā€™m getting unexpected power spikes shortly after the Halo transitions between modes.
I am using the AI mode on the Chlorinator.

As you can see from the snip below:

  • the pump comes on at 8.00am at full power until about 9.00.
  • drops to medium speed until about 11.00.
  • 11.00am small drop is when the Chlorinator cell turns off after sensing sufficient chlorine levels.
  • 1pm pump drops to low speed after the pool volume has completed filtration.
  • pump increases to full power for a few minutes, then back to low.
  • 4pm schedule finishes and the filter pump stops as expected.
  • pump restarts on full speed for a few minutes, then turn off again.

This happens every day.

Bug report
(This issue is with the Halo Chlorinator device, not this Home Assistant integration)

Halo does not retain some values after the Halo Chlorinator is power-cycle.

The following device stats are not retained after the Halo Chlorinator is power-cycled.

  • Dosing Pump ml today
  • Filter Pump runtime today
  • Litres left to filter


  • Unable to save or calculate cumulative numbers for Acid dosage, etc.

You can see the results in the attached graphs below.
Each dip represents a power-cycle of the Halo device to deal with the Bluetooth drop-out issue.

I have reported this issue to Fluidra today.


Iā€™ve noticed this before and would say this isnā€™t a bug.

When running a Freertos for example, having calculations where variables like this are stored in ram.
It doesnā€™t make sense to store them in flash.

Furthermore, we are using the device in ways it wasnā€™t designed. Logging it as a bug to fluidra is just generating noise that is something they will not fix.

Sure the Bluetooth hangup is frustrating, but power cycling the chlorinator is something Iā€™d suggest not doing.

Iā€™ve recently developed an ongoing communication with fluidra, and need to remind people that this HA integration isnā€™t something officially supported by them. If there is any issues moving forward I think logging them as a GitHub issue against the halo HA integration.

Believe me that they are aware of the Bluetooth hangup issue, as well as a number of other issues introduced by firmware v2 that they are working through.

End of the day itā€™s nose like this that will cause fluidra to end up just shutting us down. And thatā€™s not what Iā€™d like to happen.

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I might be imagining it, but i feel the bluetooth outage is happening less often.

Donā€™t get your hopes up, it fluctuates wildly day by day.
I havenā€™t been able to log anything today. my integration is not working for some reason.
Unsure if itā€™s the esp32 or Halo or Home Assistant - Havenā€™t been able to troubleshoot yet.

Turns out that the esp32 Bluetooth proxy had hung somehow and needed to be power cycled.
Working fine immediately after, but I have no idea what caused it to hang.

Iā€™ve had my esphome esp32 device hang before I even had my halo up and running. Just Noticed my BLE sensors all drop offline. It hasnā€™t done it recently though.

Iā€™ve noticed that if you open the app and connect to the chlorinator, Bluetooth connections are restored.

Correct. This is the current work around which kickstarts the haloā€™s Bluetooth stack again.

I made a quick and dirty automation to power cycle my ESP32 whenever the integration gets an unavailable response from my Viron.

Looking at the logbook, it has triggered between 5-9 times per day over the last 2 weeks.

My ESP32 is sitting 2 inches away from my Viron, so proximity is not a problem.
My Viron is on latest firmware (v5.8).

Iā€™d love to see more reliability!

If youā€™re power cycling the esp32 to resolve connectivity issues with the viron, then that suggestions the issue wonā€™t be the viron.

The issue we have with the halo firmware v2.0 isnā€™t fixed by power cycling the esp32. The only fix is to power cycle the halo, or as pointed above, use the mobile app to connect to the halo via the cloud and disconnect.

Iā€™ve noticed that Bluetooth dropping out issue hasnā€™t happened for a few days now. Has it been fixed by AstralPool?

No. The fix will be via firmware update.

Firmware v2.2 is out. Letā€™s see if this is any better with the BLE hangup.

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Hey everyone, new to the community. Just got myself a new pool with a halochlor and a hub installed, i got the m5 before the pool was even in the ground. Just wondering if there is any work being done to bring in controls for the hub? Valves, heater, favourites, lights etc. If there is anything that needs to be done im no good at programing but im willing to give other things crack.

Further development was parked until the Bluetooth stability issue has been resolved. Given firmware v2.2 just came out, only time will tell.

But in saying that, Iā€™ll be continuing to add these features over time.

lets hope the connectivity issues are sorted.

Have updated to 2.2 and will monitor the HA / Bluetooth issue.