Wall mounted touchscreen

Yes. I have a pi 3 and had got the chromium kiosk mode successfully but I couldn’t figure out how to get passed the login without a keyboard. Tried different keyboards but none of them pops up when the password field in focus.
I wonder how other people do it since I am super new into this.
I read homeassistant rest API that you could pass in the header to auto login to access services and other things but I’m not sure if the UI works that way …

Sorry, not sure the answer here, since I don’t have a setup of HA anymore. You will want to go onto the login screen and examine the source code; if you have some understanding of HTTP and HTML, you should be able to see how the system passess the username and password to the backend, and from there you should be able to recreate a user session and bypass the logon screen.

You can whitelist an IP address (or an entire subnet, but be careful with that if guests connect to your wifi!) in the ‘http’ directive in your configuration. This will allow it to bypass the password prompt. Details here: https://home-assistant.io/components/http/

In practice, it would look something like this:

  api_password: YOUR_PASSWORD
  server_port: PORT
    -      # Home Assistant Computer
    -  # Raspberry Pi Kiosk
    -  # Personal cell phone 

Make sure the devices you list are configured to use a static IP address. Otherwise, this will stop working if/when DHCP serves them a different address.

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I ended up setting the Pi as Kiosk and launching HADashboard to get passed that login screen on HA; which shows nicely on the Pi official 7" touch display.

But now I ran in an issue with HAPush which I couldn’t get it to connect to HA. Any idea?

Strange that the actual dashboard could connect but the HAPush couldn’t. I am pulling my hair.

Looks nice!

HADashboard is a much better solution for a wall mounted touch screen than the default web interface (imho).

But now I ran in an issue with HAPush which I couldn’t get it to connect to HA. Any idea?

Strange that the actual dashboard could connect but the HAPush couldn’t. I am pulling my hair.

Not strange at all - HAPush just relays information back to HADash from HASS. HADashboard will work fine without it, it just wont update when something changes.

Could you post your HAPush log and configuration? That would help to narrow down the problem. Also - You may have better luck getting help on HADashboard specifically if you (cross)post in the Third Party forum.

Thank you.

Yes, I posted it on “Wall Mounts Dashboard” forum here originally :slight_smile: but here’s the link to it.

Hi @michael , Thanks for the share. My setup is working fine with the motion sensor + Tasker combo; but I found its too sensitive even I setup the sensitivity to lowest value. Is there any other settings I need to play around ?


As I can see there are folks using Tablets as Wall mounted dashboard and others using Pi Display. I myself is very confused with the options as well. To me one obvious advantage of using pi could be the mpd server installation in the same dashboard and play via Bluetooth speaker which a tablet is not good for. One advantage of tablet is the compactness which is missing for pi. Anyway, these are my thoughts… Can anyone show us some light on these ?

Hi @tarikul sorry for late reply, I was far away from my smart home :slight_smile:
Now I realize that high sensitivity was a bit of problem while dashboard was reacting even on light change in very another room… So I managed to lower sensitivity level with next settings:

  • level is Low
  • resolution 10 x 10 - probably will react on more than 1 of 100 zone covered with motion, need to be checked in docu additionally
  • noise filter is On - should be useful on crappy cameras of cheap tablets
    Of course sensitivity is highly depends on HW of tablet camera, so your result may very differ.
    Good luck.
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Thanks a lot Michael.

Hi Everyone
I hope this is right place to ask question about raspberry pi official display. I have set chromium as default startup screen showing home assistant default dashboard. Everything works fine but i want to turn off display after 2 mins of inactivity and when i touch screen(or i can install a button) it should turn back on.
Can someone help me with that please?

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I remember when I was setting this up, there was an instruction to disable it. Maybe you could enable it again so that the pi tell the display goes to sleep mode.

This link might be helpful.

Where did u got those wall switches?, they look good.

They’ve been replaced now with a newer model, see http://aeotec.com/z-wave-wall-switch

The versions I have are great, but not as good quality as I expected for the price. They feel very plasticy, and I was expecting them to have a more “premium glass” feel. Still, the updated model is supposed to be a huge improvement, so I hear.

Here is mine that I just got done installing. GoControl zwave thermostat shown also.
Inspiration for the design credited to https://blog.smartthings.com/stories/home-automation-dashboard/.


Very inspiring thread. I am not creative enough to laser cut a tablet housing however, and am not in the USA.

I did find something that could work:

There’s some other types on Ali as well, seeing this one requires 3 min. order…
Anyone experience with this one or similar?

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Yes there are many wall mount android tablets on alibaba. That one looks quite good, but there are also things like this https://www.alibaba.com/product-detail/9-inch-in-wall-Android-Tablet_60549904083.html?spm=a2700.details.maylikehoz.5.3c51df53RNAYBV which have a bevel to put in the wall. Lots of options.

Hello @dennisaion What is it “Talk to me” component on your wall mounted dashboard? Thanks.

Just a place where I type in a message to be heard across the speakers. This is already incorporated in the mediaplayers now.

In case anyone is looking for a cheap touchscreen.
Refurbished Amazon Fire 7"

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