Wallbox pulsar plus integration?

The HA connection is working again. The wall box app won’t connect over wifi if Bluetooth is enabled on the phone. I don’t really use the app since I have HA. No big issue.

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No i like the charger, i was just curious.

Right now it does not matter anyway, as i only use solar for load, and to sell, due to some idiot totalling out EV.

He hit the car while doing approx 50 kph in reverse in a toll booth lane because he decided that it was brilliant idea to get partially out of his car to press a help button, only holding his V8 on the brake…Until his foot slipped and he hit the accelerator instead

So for the next 9-12 months i will not be charging any EV sadly.

Will look into the wallbox integration when, if ever, i will get an EV again.

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So sorry to hear that. EVs are in hot demand everywhere so waiting lists are very long. We had to wait 10 months just to receive a replacement front bumper for our Nissan Leaf. However, we were able to keep driving it in the meantime, even though it looked a bit strange.

It’s very sad that you’ve been denied the enjoyment of driving your EV, especially now while fuel prices are so high. All because some idiot didn’t take sensible precautions before leaning out of his car :rage:

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New here, the thread is quite long, maybe I’ve overlooked an answer to my questions, if so, sorry for that.
My questions are:

  • SoC (sensor.wallbox_portal_state_of_charge) is always “unknown”, whether the wallbox charges or not, connected or not.
    My car cannot stop charging at a certain SoC (say, 80%), so I want to use the SoC in an automation, which I cannot.
  • what does sensor.wallbox_portal_current_mode mean? (it seems to return always 3)
  • what is sensor.wallbox_portal_depot_price? I thought it would be the price per kWh, changed that in the app, but the value in HA remains 0.2

The box was installed 2 days ago, so I might be a little bit impatient…

Not all sensors are useful. You found three of them. It is not clear why they are exposed by the Wallbox API.

SoC can never work because the communication protocol for AC charging does not include this information.

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Perhaps your car API reports a SoC? For VW/Skoda/Audi integration are available which tap into their cloud based API

It’s a Fiat. They have never heard about what an API is. The web portal is from the early 16th century.

Is it a 500e? Our 2nd EV is a 500e, we love the car.

The 500e has an app. Some-one has been able to get data into HA from the cloud for it. But it looks way to complicated for me.

Yep, a 500e. Fiat can build cars and cannot build software.
I stumbled upon https://github.com/evcc-io/evcc - but, as you wrote, way too complicated for me :frowning:

Our other EV is a Polestar 2. I would consider the Fiat app superior to the Polestar app. Neither have an api though. Some OEMs put quite some effort in fencing off the cloud data.

Today I have been able to reliably identify which of our two EV’s is charging. I have done this by looking at the charging power 15 seconds after the charger status description changes to ‘Charging’. It seems that the Fiat takes a little bit more power than the Polestar. In my case the threshold is at 7400 W.

I do not know if this will reliably work over the vastly varying line voltage I see. Although it seems that the reported power is not influenced (which is strange, it should be …) by the line voltage. Time will tell.

Screenshot 2022-08-17 180757

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Looks good. It will be interesting to see how that 7400W dividing line holds up, with varying line voltages and possibly temperatures too.

I’m guessing you need to have the Pulsar charging current set to 32 Amps for this test to be valid?

Is there no way to pause/unpause the Wallbox with this integration? I continually regret not buying a locally controllable EV charger.

Yes, you can Pause and Resume so long as the EV is plugged in.

A few months ago, I tried another HA integration which controlled the Wallbox using OCPP so control was local. It seemed like the best idea, but in practice was less reliable than this integration. Every time you Paused charging and then Resumed, it would start a new session.

Interesting. I show 15 entries and the only one “not available” is switch.wallbox_portal_pause_resume. I looked out the window to see the car is still charging. Should of bought an OpenEVSE.

Have you installed the latest version of the integration? Early versions had that problem.

I’m having the same issue, how did u solve this?

Yes, you are right. The charger has to allow 32A for the test to work. So I will have to change my ‘green’ and ‘eco’ charging algorithms to initiate at 32A rather than 6A. Not a big deal.

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I’m still using an older version installed via HACS. It has worked reliably for almost 3 months now, so I haven’t bothered to upgrade.

@VdR - Could you comment as to which version you are using at present?

Maybe the version included with HA has regressed to an earlier version which had this exact problem.

I’m using the official integration (no HACS). If I recall correctly I changed to the official integration as soon as it became available. It originally had this issue with the pause/resume not working (while the HACS version was OK). But that was solved in a later update.

The latest version of the official integration should work fine.

Note that there is a behaviour of HA that may make you think the pause/resume does not work. When you are charging, the pause/resume shows ‘active’. When you click to pause, it will change to show ‘pause’ briefly and then immediately go back to show ‘active’. This has to do with the fact that the communication with the Wallbox only happens every 30 seconds. Therefore it can take up to 30 seconds before HA shows the actual state as ‘pause’.

Also, you can always pause the charge by setting the current limit to 0. I suppose that works for you?

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