Wallbox pulsar plus integration?

Well good point… :slight_smile: yes. I now created new utility meter and set reset cycle to year. Probably because it was set to a “hour” there was 0kWh even though car charged at night.

EDIT: and thank you @VdR . Now it works!!

Hi @Driekes,

Please also include how you created the helper, do you use the P1 integration?


Dear all,

Thank you so much for your contributions to this topic, I learned a lot.

I tried to read all the posts but I may have misread some of them so apologies for any stupid questions…

In fact, I ordered an MG4 (Standard Version) with mono phase internal charger (max 6,7 kWh) and I try to find a wallbox installer (compulsory in France for such a power).

I also plan to install solar panels within the year.

I have a 3 phase power installation in my house.

One wallbox installer propose to install a Wallbox Copper SB with Eco Smart module.

Reading this thread, I wonder if the Eco Smart module is necessary as I may be able to fine tune the EV charging with my actual Shelly 3EM.

@RT1080 Not sure that Copper SB operates like Pulsar Plus but can’t you charge using only 1 phase (as with the MG4 SE) using a 3 phase Wallbox if Eco Smart doesn’t detect 6A per phase ?!

@VdR I read your posts with care.
Do you confirm your DIY Eco Smart is still working fine?

If I got it correctly the only issue is that you rely on the Cloud unofficial API.

Any chance to get a BT local implementation?

Do you think I should buy the Eco Smart option (in case of) or do you think relying in HA is far enough?!

Finally, I guess this is the best thread to ask but, if I decide to rely on HA to controle my EV charging, would you use a Wallbox charger (Pulsar Plus or Cooper SB) or another brand/model as the HA controlled charging component?!

Again, thank you so much to all of you for your valuable contributions (@RienduPre, @Oriol_FP, … and @hesselonline !!)


I would personally not rely on HA for load balancing - risk is that it scales back the wallbox too slow and if the main fuse pops that would set me back a few 100 eur - not to mention the side effects of having no electricity. I have 325a though and charge 316a so limited buffer in that sense. 2 large consumers on 1 phase would do the trick.

For optimizing the green part ha however does a much better job than the native wallbox green/eco implementation.

As for your question, no it does not scale back to one phase; but then again my car uses 3 phase charging (although it can manage receiving 1 phase it can’t scale back either)- min option I have is 3*6 (which is still 4kw).


I own a Copper SB with 2 EM112, one for Powerboost and the other as a individual MID counter for official invoicing of my consumption.
I currently use the wallbox in non-OCPP mode, but I’d like to get the value of the MID counter which seems to appear only in the data shown to the OCPP server.
The problem is that when in OCPP mode, I can’t use the always locked function to keep the cable locked to the box and I’d like to keep it…
I suppose there’s no way to work this around as it’s not a feature OCPP compliant ?

As I have a rpi near the box, I could use a RS485 HAT to sniff the modbus, to get the MID value read by the box (and perhaps voltage/frequency ? I’ve seen they appear in the log the box can upload but maybe they are provided by the box itself).

I’ve seen a few posts of people (@VdR @GrantK) talking about things similar, but it seems it has been given up ?

Hi @Redosk,

In the early days I also considered eavesdropping on the RS485 bus from my Solar Power system to save buying another Energy Meter. However, the Modbus Protocol is complicated and it was just so much easier and cheaper to buy a Shelly EM which connects via WiFi to HA (no RS485 converter needed).

I also don’t recommend using the OCPP integration with a Wallbox. It is unreliable and the functions are limited - for example, you cannot Pause and Resume charging. Instead, you have to start a new charging session each time. I guess the issue of additional charging counts being logged by my EV as L1/L2 charges is only cosmetic, but I don’t like the idea of maybe 50 extra charging sessions being logged when there should be only one.

I don’t own a Pulsar evse so before purchase it I’d like to know if it only communicate with HA through OCPP protocol.

Hi @Tony2k,

There are two ways a Wallbox Pulsar Plus charger can communicate with HA. One of them is by using this integration…

The other way is by using OCPP…

It’s your choice which one to use, but I strongly recommend the first one.


Looks like a HACS integration is being worked on for the redback technologies inverter. Found it when looking for something for a friend’s setup. Might be of use for you if you want to get battery level information.

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Thanks for the tip. I had a look at the various files of code and it looks promising, but still very much a work in progress. For now, I’m mostly using the Redback app to see what is going on, occasionally dipping into the web portal for more detailed info.

@Oriol_FP sorry to see the recent announcement in the press on wallbox lay offs — source; it does beg the question though, seeing wallbox will no doubt look to optimize it’s cost structure further, how future proof the (currently free) cloud solution is.

That being said, any visibility on giving users more control over their assets? Eg through:

  1. Allowing access over bluetooth outside the app
  2. Providing a local api
  3. Releasing fw as open source to enable local only forks [all software runs on a RPi board 4 so all hardware ingredients are there]

Thanks and hope you yourself are not impacted

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Hi @RT1080
Thanks for your interest and curiosity.

As in any company, one cannot give promises of its long term survival with 100% certainty. However, and this is my opinion after being 4 years at Wallbox, I expect with high confidence that Wallbox is going to continue to be a key player in the EV charging solutions product category.

As per the second question, I am not allowed to publicly diclose any information of our roadmap which has not been already published by our dedicated channels. However, I could say that it is in our aim to facilitate the transition to a more clean mobility and energy use. So it is a matter of prioritization, strategic fit and profitiability that you requests get addressed.

Best wishes!


in my case (owner of a Pulsar Plus) Eco smart is not working properly. Sometimes it works, the majority don’t. In any case, as hesselonline points out: “It would be helpful if the app provided more visual feedback”, currently we don’t know it is using green energy or not.
Secondly, the functionality should be open to Wi-Fi, having to access the most relevant of them through Bluetooth is not feasible or convenient since we are not usually at a close range of the Wallbox.
thanks a lot

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Looks like it’s finished now and available via HACS. I won’t be able to try it out for a few weeks though.

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How has your OpenEVSE been working for you @hanross2323 ?
Mine has been working great but I’m hoping to find some way to create a daily charging consumption counter as the standard integration doesn’t seem to have one.

Anybody could help me to add Wallbox integration? I can’t find it in my addons and I dont know what’s the right link to add on Home Assistant.

See manual configuration

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Hi @GrantK , if I understood correctly both the integrations work with data from Wallbox’s server, right? There is no way to communicate from local network?

Yes, that’s right @Tony2k, this integration works with data from the Wallbox server. I find it very reliable.

If you want to communicate only via your local network, you need to use the OCPP integration. But I find it has a lot of problems. Poor reliability is only the beginning!

It’s not an add-on, it’s an integration. Supported out of the box and part of HA Core. Just go to integrations and press the “+ add integration” button.