WarmMe Intergration (Tuya?)

I wouldn’t say that via tuya cloud isn’t a hassle either.
First, deconfigure your wifi’s 5GHz support.
deconfigure thermostat from warmme app if it’s in there.
create tuya app account
go through the hoops to link an unconfigured thermostat to the tuya app (has anyone worked out this pairing and get it to register locally in the first place rather than the tuya, or warmme apps?).
create tuya iot cloud account
link tuya iot cloud accounts to tuya app account
remember to choose the ‘correct’ data centre that manages your tuya app account, the mapping to country isn’t at all obvious.
get the authorization key, access ID and access secret

Well yes, but the local stuff needs (needed?) dp setup.

As a newbee in HA I tried to also integrate Tuya devices, such as Warmme thermostat.

I just successfully integrated warmme thermostat through tuya integration in HA after creating project in Tuya IOT etc. I can adjust temperature in HA and it synchronises with the Yuya app viseversa.

Only thing is that the ‘mode’ does not respond when the heating is on/off and shows ‘uit’.

Do you experience the same? Any idea how to solve this?

As Mode i see Heat and Cool. Of which Cool doesnt make sense for my thermostat.

I do not use the modes

Ah, ok I understand. I agree that the info is in fact irrelevant. I will connect a power socket to get energy data, this is easier and accurate. And room temperature is available through other device.

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replaced my with zigbee thermostat. Just sharing the link for my fellow dutchies

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How are you getting the local_key for a warmme thermostat?

How did you get the local_key for the warmme thermostat?

Tuya is now integrated with Home Assistant core. Did anyone use this method successfully?

For me, the temperature shows up correctly and can be altered, but you cannot change mode or turn the thermostat on and off.


I’ve created an issue here: Tuya C16 Wi-Fi Thermostat control partially not working · Issue #132196 · home-assistant/core · GitHub

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How easy was it to replace it? Is it doable for somebody with 0 handyman skills? :grinning:

I was wondering if someone here succesfully used a blueprint like advanced-heating-control to change or alter the behavior of your heating system according to a schedule, outside temperature and/or presence if someone is at home?

Just as in the thread I use the integration Tuya local. But for example when I try to change the heating mode I receive an:

Failed to perform the action climate/set_hvac_mode. hvac_mode is read only

Might be similar to the behavior of @Humvee ?

Anyways, anyone here willing to share their automation of when to turn on and off their heating system?

I ended up with a very simple automation based on that blueprint which works really well. Just create a scheduler that you can attach to the automation when you want to have the comfort temperature.

- id: '<id>'
  alias: Badkamer vloerverwarming
  description: ''
    path: panhans/advanced_heating_control.yaml
      - climate.badkamer_vloerverwarming
      input_temperature_comfort_static: 20
      input_temperature_eco_static: 15
      - schedule.badkamer_vloerverwarming_schedule
      input_mode_outside_temperature_threshold: 12
      input_away_scheduler_mode: false
      input_away_presence_mode: false
      - person.<person_a>
      - person.<person_b>
        hours: 0
        minutes: 0
        seconds: 10
        hours: 0
        minutes: 0
        seconds: 10
      input_mode_outside_temperature: weather.buienradar

When away or outside temperature is above a certain threshold the climate system is not triggered, which is exactly what I wanted to achieve.

Side note: make sure to select the room temperature instead of the floor temperature :wink:

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