II have found the case does matter with the Aqara Motion Sensors P1 with doing what tom_l mentioned to do. ( The magnet has no problem working through the extra plastic)
On me testing this the sensor, it does not work inside the case and the plastic is blocking it from working ! The case is a sourcingmap 100x68x50mm Electronic Waterproof IP65 Sealed ABS Plastic DIY Junction Box Enclosure Case Clear and the Material Plastic, Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene.
So not sure if its the case or the sensor but the sensor works outside of the case, but due to the Medium sensitivity setting set onto it and I cannot seem to be able to change it to a highest sensitivity setting range I cannot get the distance of 7 meters from it making the path lights useless to come on after you have passed them!
Can you set the Aqara Motion Sensors P1 higher in Home Assistant or do they have to be in Aqara App?
Contact sensors are of no use either I really need to find a better way to do it with a Motion Sensoras the Contact Sensors tend to fail in the home let alone on an outside gate that is always left open!
The way I’m thinking is going to be best but not sure how unless I need a different Plastic for it to go through it to detect motion or a better and some how chaning the medium sensitivity setting to a higher one in HA with this Aqara Sensor P1 I have or to change that too. But rather keep to a Aqara One if I can.
If this is the case then this could be a way for me and I use the Aqara pne for a cupboard one but I thought I needed to have another hub and Im trying to keep to the zigbee like you said! Have you a link to one for the Uk or does the site do for all countries, so I can try to get and see if it will work
By the way: I also have an Aqara one out front outside, but I must admit it is sheltered from rain. So outside may not be a problem. If I remember correctly from the battery replacement, I did see some sealing. Maybe someone tried in rain too?
Yes I think the Aqara ones would work to some degree a little sheltered but like where Im I get all weathers badly at it wind rain! Is there anyway to change the sensitivity setting in Ha for them? It seems to go back to default with me!
Id also get it pinched with leaving iyt out openly too!
Thanks I have managed to do it now it seem to take me to a Dutch site but In english so I got to the correct link after a few links to order it! They look a very neat finish on them I sent the box back now but got two on order from china to see if they would work so be a while before I can return them Unless these dont work.
Is there a certain way I need to get them into Home Assistant or do I just add them from the Zigbee Zigbee Home Automation?
And will any othe Hue things work?