WeatherFlow Weather

It’s one of the available sensors from the integration.
No, I just use Apexcharts to create a weekly graph grouped by day. All the data comes from the recorder database.
It’s one of the available sensors from the integration.
It’s one of the available sensors from the integration.
I use the mini-graph card to graph a week’s worth of data from the recorder database.
With this Compass Card - Points you in the right direction 🧭

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Thank you. I use weatherflow2mqtt and just found, that not all entities that you have with weatherflow weather, also exist in the weatherflow2mqtt integration.

That compass card is beautiful, thx

The integration being discussed is not weatherflow2mqtt. It has more sensors. See the first post in this topic.

@briis and @tom_l - I ran down a rabbit hole with the details that you provided. Thank you so much!! I’m now almost finished with a few more screen pages.

I still have a little more work to do to clean some things up. I think I’m also almost at the limits of how many sensors I can reliably grab from HA as well since I have to baby the firmware updates and some other interesting configurations. But it’s been fun!!

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Looks really good, thanks for sharing. What is the HW you are doing this on? (Can’t remember if you already posted that)

A post was merged into an existing topic: WeatherFlow to MQTT Setup

3 posts were split to a new topic: WeatherFlow to MQTT Setup

Hi @tom_l, this is a very nice dashboard, I love it. I’m trying to rebuild it and have already been able to implement some of it.
Would you be so kind and maybe explain how you realized the middle cards with min, max and the time? Did you also use the Mini-Graph-Cards for this? How would the YAML code look like? Could you post an example? I am very new to Home Assistant and unfortunately have no programming skills.

Best regards

Yes, mini-graph card:

  - color: '#e45e65'
    value: 30
  - color: '#e0b400'
    value: 20
  - color: '#0da035'
    value: 10
  - color: '#039BE5'
    value: -50
color_thresholds_transition: hard
  - entity: sensor.weatherflow_wind_speed_knots
    name: Wind Speed
group: false
hour24: true
line_width: 4
points_per_hour: 4
  extrema: true
  fill: fade
  icon: true
  labels: false
  name: true
  state: true
type: custom:mini-graph-card

Great, thank you so much! :+1:t3:

@Lux4rd0 This really looks awesome! do you have the yaml for this available ?

@tom_l, another question.
How did you managed the layout. I think I have tried all the possibilities already.
The first and the last column I created with “Vertical stack”, but I can’t get the middle part right.
This is what I already tried:
– 4 grids with one vertical stack each
– 2 grids with two vertical stacks each
– 1 grid with four vertical stacks
(with square cards)

The middle cards are always squeezed together. What I’m doing wrong?

Start a new topic in the frontend category, This is off topic.

@kasdk3 I’ll be posting shortly in a new thread the YAML and project that I’m working on. I’ve redone the four screens to fit a smaller Lilygo device rather than the larger Waveshare screen due to some ease of use. I’m hoping to get something finished up for a first publication in the next week or so. Thanks!


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Newbie here, so sorry if this has been covered before.
I’m trying to use the integration and while it looked promising, once I add my Tempest Station-ID and Personal Use Token for my data it seems to finish OK as it finds my Tempest station… On closer look however I get this logbook notification which shows up in the integration panel too… Something’s probably wrong in my config but what’s it telling me?

Config entry 'WeatherFlow Tempest' for weatherflow integration not ready yet: Error while retreiving data: Timeout fetching weatherflow data.; Retrying in background 4:42:02 PM – (WARNING) - message first occurred at 4:29:38 PM and shows up 2 times


There can be several reasons for this error. The obvious ones are network connections, but often this is not case. It is typically an empty dataset, and that means that your station is not transmitting data to the WeatherFlow Servers. If you go here: Tempest API and Authorize using your Token, then try and pull some observation data. You can post it here and I can look at it.

You could try and restart your Hub and maybe event the Tempest Device itself, to see if that fixes it.

I tried resetting my hub and got email notifications regarding the station disconnect/reconnect so it seems to be communicating. I restarted Home Assistant and same error.

On the same machine running the HA image (virtualbox) I used this https request:[your_station_id]?token=[your_access_token]

and received the following:
{"station_id":35569,"station_name":"Motorcoach Dr","public_name":"Motorcoach Dr","latitude":28.17615,"longitude":-81.84299,"timezone":"America/New_York","elevation":44.52511978149414,"is_public":true,"status":{"status_code":0,"status_message":"SUCCESS"},"station_units":{"units_temp":"f","units_wind":"mph","units_precip":"in","units_pressure":"inhg","units_distance":"mi","units_direction":"cardinal","units_other":"imperial"},"outdoor_keys":["timestamp","barometric_pressure","station_pressure","pressure_trend","sea_level_pressure","precip","precip_accum_last_1hr","precip_accum_local_day","precip_accum_local_day_final","precip_accum_local_yesterday_final","precip_minutes_local_day","precip_minutes_local_yesterday_final","wind_avg","wind_direction","wind_gust","wind_lull","lightning_strike_last_epoch","lightning_strike_last_distance","lightning_strike_count","lightning_strike_count_last_1hr","lightning_strike_count_last_3hr"],"obs":[{"timestamp":1653487445,"barometric_pressure":1013.1,"station_pressure":1013.1,"sea_level_pressure":1019.2,"precip":0.0,"precip_accum_last_1hr":0.0,"precip_accum_local_day":0.0,"precip_accum_local_day_final":0.0,"precip_accum_local_yesterday":0.0,"precip_accum_local_yesterday_final":0.0,"precip_minutes_local_day":0,"precip_minutes_local_yesterday":0,"precip_minutes_local_yesterday_final":0,"precip_analysis_type_yesterday":0,"wind_avg":0.8,"wind_direction":179,"wind_gust":1.7,"wind_lull":0.2,"lightning_strike_last_epoch":1653361360,"lightning_strike_last_distance":41,"lightning_strike_count":0,"lightning_strike_count_last_1hr":0,"lightning_strike_count_last_3hr":0,"pressure_trend":"steady"}]}

Is there any debug log info I can check?

TIA, Chuck

There is something wrong with the data your station submits. It is missing basic data such as Temperature and Humidity, and that is why the Integration fails, as it expects this data to be present.

There might be something wrong with your Tempest device, but before you contact WeatherFlow support, I would try to power cycle the Tempest device itself.

Here is an extract from the Tempest Troubleshooting Guide:

Power cycle the Tempest sensor device: remove the base attachment, on the bottom of the unit, flip the switch off for a moment and then back on. You should see a quickly flashing green LED if the device reconnects to the Hub successfully.

OK, getting further as it seemed to have gotten past the configuration issue. There seems to be a problem in my HA / server config as I now get a timeout indication. I played around with the Virtualbox VM instance network, CPU and memory config but no change. I will try another HA test install on a separate server to see if there’s a difference and try to isolate. Thanks for your help!


Thanks for the update cant wait to see it!

As a side note, how did you make the last picture in your post? Is it just a cropped picture of the screen or some kind of generated preview?