What's your favourite ESP32 board? (# Best, good, cheap, quality, reliable)

Many thanks - the Eth01 is using the S1 so this is ok? I would prefer cable Ethernet for some applications.

I don’t know about S1s. But QuinLED also come in ethernet variants.

@MassiPi Thank you! Now to do some reasearch…

@Mahko_Mahko More usefull information to investigate!

If you are looking for a small footprint ESP32 AND you want I2C I would recommend the Super-mini over the Xiao. I “need” a small footprint as I’m trying to fit everything for my project into a small model. I found the Xiao works well if you require a UART OR I2C. That is unless someone can say otherwise?

After the recommendations above I’ve now tried both the Xiao and Super-mini in identical hardware configurations. The Xiao was more troublesome to get to compile and I could only get it to work with either UART or I2C, I wasn’t able to get a reliable Xiao board configuration for both to work successfully. However, the Super-mini, after removing my copy/paste errors, worked with the default ESP32 C3 board configuration!

EDIT: Removed reference to I2S working, whilst it does work, it’s not really usable. UART and I2C works a treat though.

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2 posts were split to a new topic: Powering ESP

I’ve read a lot of people having problems with the configuration of the ESP32-C3-super-mini board.

I also had problems as shown in this topic and tried a lot of different configurations.
Later I Found out that when you remove the board from the breadboard it works fine and connecting fast to the WiFi network with a strong RSSI.

I tested with

  • display(st7735)
  • stepper(ULN2003)
  • servo( MG90S)

and experienced no problems at all with the wiring connecting direct to the board pins.

I think the problem with the ESP32-C3-super-mini board has to do with unstable pins. When the board is on the breadboard it looks like the metal strips works like a sort of antenna and disrupt the GPIO’s.

#  name: esp32-c3-super-mini
#  platformio_options:
#    board_build.flash_mode: dio

#  board: esp32-c3-devkitm-1
#  variant: esp32c3
#  framework:
#    type: esp-idf
  #platform: esp32
  #board: esp32-c3-devkitm-1

  name: esp32-c3-super-mini
  platform: esp32
  board: esp32-c3-devkitm-1

# Enable logging
    component: ERROR # solved speed problems with my display st7735
#  hardware_uart: USB_SERIAL_JTAG
#  level: NONE

# Enable Home Assistant API
    key: "key passphrase"

  password: "password"

  ssid: !secret wifi_ssid
  password: !secret wifi_password
  fast_connect: true

  # Enable fallback hotspot (captive portal) in case wifi connection fails
    ssid: "Esp32-C3-Super-Mini"
    password: "password"


# ---------------------------

I hope this information solves some problems out there …

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This nugget was a savior. I probably lost 6 hours trying again and again to flash OTA my C3 Supermini while it was on a breadboard. It would only work one time in ten. I actually fried one board from a failed OTA. Then after hitting the same problems with a new board, I remembered reading something about the breadboard interference. Sure enough as soon as I took it out of the breadboard, connections and OTA flashing were perfect.

Holy Maccaroni what kinda Magic is THIS?
Couldn’t use the “board_upload.flash_size: 4MB” command because it’s used twice… BUT it WORKS! Finally!

BTW i’m using those Luatos ESP32C3 Boards.

Hi Nick,

Does your experience remain still good after 2 more years?
Is the board actively supported by ESPHome?
Does it also support OTA?

I have seen that all ESP pins are brought out on the 40-pin HAT. That’s good news, but do you know how many free GPIOs with hardware PWM are supported? I would assume that some pins surely will be reserved for networking, relays etc…
My plan is to build an LED application with at least 8 channels, and since I want to position the board right next to the router, Wifi doesn’t really make sense - so I’m looking for a suitable Ethernet board…

Cheers! Renato

The schematic is available, the link is in the first of those pages @bdraco posted.

Did you see and consider the QuinLED ethernet? The esp32 it is built on comes recommended by many.

I don’t know if it meets your other requirements.

I’m a sucker for m5stack’s design. Mostly because the antenna’s look great unlike the seemed Xiao that stick out like a sore thumb. While not a board, their new camera is tempting, want to replace my P1S camera with it if possible, especially now that they replaced that proprietary downloaded with USB C to grove connectors… That and the m5stampS3, although I believe they quick selling the breakout boards


Hi, the board is now available.

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The PowerFeather looks like it ticks a lot of boxes.

I’m keen to hear ESPHome user reviews.

I’d also love to see Adreas Spiess review this.


Hopefully Andreas comes across this board somehow :rofl:


Let’s put link then



I could have sworn I already posted a message on the relavant video to try to get his attention (he seems to usually view and reply to messages). Either I didn’t actually post it, or maybe it was flagged as promotional and removed. I tried again…

Probably won’t happen any time soon.

Either I didn’t actually post it, or maybe it was flagged as promotional and removed. I tried again…

Oh wow, thanks!

However, FWIW I myself do not see your comment:

The newest comment (sorted by newest) on the video was 5 days ago. Maybe it was the later?

I might also try getting his attention, at the risk of being… ‘markety’.

Probably won’t happen any time soon.

It’s ok, roundup videos like this might take a long time.

Edit: I also tried commenting on the video, and it too does not appear. Could be that the comments are set to be approved by Andreas before it can be shown.

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i have a lot problems with lolin D1 mini v4 USB-C. Gpios stop working,not working…
Best one for me are the v3 with metal shield and the PRO ones with antenna connector