Which Aircondition (Heat/Cool) can be controlled by HA

sooo, I am getting a better picture. Midea & ESPHome seems to offer what I am looking for.
Now I have an offer for this:
2 x Midea Xtreme Save Pro 09
1 x Midea Xtreme Save Pro 12
which I would like to use with these:
but I can’t find proof that this combination will work until I spend a huge amount of money and try it out myself?
It is not listed here:
any suggestions?

Does it use the OSK102/OSK103 wifi dongle?

I will have to ask my supplier or somebody here in the forum knows it.

Let me save you some trouble. According to this site, the Xtreme Pro uses the SK103 dongle

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Thanks - that is good to know - but what does that tell me about the compatability with the SLWF-01 pro? @aceindy does that tell you anything as you explicitly asked for the use of the OSK102/OSK103 wifi dongle?


This is an esphome module ready made by an ukrainian company, same as the esphome module we are referring to

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@aceindy I guess what he’s really asking is: is the SK103 I linked to the same as the OSK103 you referred to?

I know it’s only 1 letter off, but putting his mind at rest before he invests in a non-trivial expense would go a long way towards helping to make a decision.

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Nope, this is not the one you want. This is some kind of a “hub”, that you don’t need, and I don’t know if this is usable aka is to flash with ESPHome. :slight_smile:

I’m so sorry, I accidentally confused the Wifi-Kit for this A/C unit with the ESP-dongle model name! I’m so sorry! :slight_smile:

What I wrote underneath is still valid, but doesn’t fit to your question, sorry! :slight_smile:

What you “need” is a model, where you won’t get the dongle with it. That would be the cheapest. But nevertheless units with SK dongles work as well as units with OSK dongles.

Just to be clear: you won’t use the provided dongle! You need to get an A/C unit, where a dongle (SK or OSK) can be used. After that, you buy or build yourself an ESP board (aka dongle), and this get’s connected to the A/C unit. The provided dongle goes into your drawer as a backup. :wink: :slight_smile:

What you need, is some kind of dongle, as for example the one linked by @aceindy. Or you get the parts yourself to build the dongle. It doesn’t make any difference how that dongle is build. Afterwards you flash that dongle with ESPHome and connect it with your A/C unit.

Hope this clears it up a bit! :slight_smile:

English is mandatory here, so just as a one time exception…

Englisch ist hier Pflicht, daher nur als absolute Ausnahme in Deutsch. :wink:

Im Grunde läuft das so:

  • A/C kaufen und aufbauen
  • den mitgelieferten USB-Stick in die Schublade legen
  • ESP-Board oder bereits fertigen USB-Stick kaufen
  • Flashen mit ESPHome
  • In die Klima stecken
  • In HA nach dem neuen ESP-Board suchen (oder warten, dann wird’s automatisch gefunden)
  • Neuen Eintrag für eine Klimaanlage in HA finden, und nutzen.
  • Fertig!
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Umm. Not sure why you would confuse someone who’s just starting out like that, but the

he quoted and the link aceindy posted both refer to the same product.


Yes, (O)SK102/3 are the same.


@paddy0174 @ShadowFist is correct, the SLWF-01 is just an esphome module, pre- flashed with the same yaml.

So actually it is an out-of-the-box esphome/home-assistant solution


Sorry, I made an edit to the original post! I accidentally confused the ESP-dongle with the “hub” that is offered now to the units he mentioned in his post. I’m really sorry! :slight_smile:

These A/C units are now available with some kind of a smart hub, where the dongle is part of the bundle and the real connection is made via this device. This is a set from Midea and is what I thought was the one linked in the post. Here is what I meant:

You both are totally right, the actually linked product is exactly what fits the needs!

I’ll keep my mouth shut for the rest of the evening… :open_mouth: :slight_smile:


It’s good to see you regulars monitoring each other :slight_smile:


Makes you late to the party :partying_face: Where have you been? :rofl:

No, really, I’m sorry for that mistake. :slight_smile:

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This is as usual awesome. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: All the help I am getting here. This is such a great community. :vulcan_salute: Thank you all soooo much. Especially Patrick as he was so patient with me in the beginning. :star_struck:
I willl now go for the Media solution and let you all know how it worked out. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:There are still some negotiations to be made for my three rooms regarding the outside units (1,2 or 3 of them whatever is the cheapest) and then I am ready to order.
And yes Patrick you got that right, I am german but english is just as good for me. :sunglasses:

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I haven’t used midea heat pumps, but when I have asked installers about units with one outside unit and 2 or 3 indoor units, I have been told that all inside units have to be set exactly the same.

This is no good if, for example, one room isn’t used much (you heat or cool it unnecessarily) or if one room is sunnier than the other.

I don’t know if this is true for other brands, but it has led to not use multiple indoor units with one outdoor

hi. I got my three Midea ACs now and I use them straight away with the ESPHome USB. Was working straight away. Very nice. Thanks again for the help to find this combination.
I have 3 indoor units and one outdoor unit and they work completely independent. Although I can not have one cooling and the others heating at the same time. But certainly I can cool one or two rooms and leave the 3rd AC just off or at a complete independent temperature.
Everything appears to work just fine for now but I do not get any humidity or power sensor data. Does somebody know the most common reason for that right away?


I would say most common reason is lack of those sensors. Low end models don’t have them.

I have to agree with what @Karosm said :wink:

You got that right. Midea confirmed that there is no power sensor data available. Therefore I now use a Shelly Plus 1PM and that works great. Standby consumption turned out to be quite high (17W) so I plan to shut down with the Shelly in the months where I do not need the AC.