Wifi thermostat (Beok, Floureon, Beca Energy) component

Sorry but it is not clear to me. Files from https://github.com/algirdasc/hass-components/tree/master/floureon
copy into custom_components/floureon and set configuration.yaml - is it all? (talking about hassbian)

- platform: floureon

belongs into climate component in configuration?

Yes, you are right. If thermostat is not appearing - check your home-assistant.log, there might be written the cause. But at the moment, I see that your MAC lacks last couple of digits.

2019-11-22 18:41:46 ERROR (SyncWorker_3) [homeassistant.loader] Error parsing manifest.json file at /home/homeassistant/.homeassistant/custom_components/floureon/manifest.json: Expecting value: line 7 column 1 (char 6)
2019-11-22 18:41:49 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.config] Platform error: climate - Integration 'floureon' not found.

Floureon files are in /home/homeassistant/.homeassistant/custom/custom_components/floureon
climate.py and manifest.json

Oh, my fault. I copied files using wget from github - wrong url, downloaded html content instead of code. Sorry.

Climate component shows 0 instead of real temperature… My HW is Beok TGT70WIFI-EP

Log is clear.

Tried this command:

pi@hassbian:/home/homeassistant/.homeassistant/custom_components/floureon $ python3 climate.py
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "climate.py", line 4, in <module>
    import broadlink
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'broadlink'

Flouren component uses probe temperature senor by default. Do you have it connected? Also, does your climate device show up in “States” page? Could you try installing broadlink python module manually:

pip3 install broadlink

Thank you. Probe sensor - you mean external. is it possible to use internal sensor which is on the device screen?

Yes, of course - just add
use_external_temp: false
to your configuration.
Is component working now?

Works now - many thanks @algirdasc
Don´t you know if it is possible to change history temperature scale inside thermostat card? I found a post about changing graph scale but this is about standalone card.
I mean this: thermostat - to have scale from 15 to 30.

Wait until some time passes (that +30C part) - it will scale down automatically.

@algirdasc Thank you for sharing with us this component. Is there a way to make a modified version where there is only heat/off option and also without present (none/away).

PS. I am not sure for what Presents is used for.

Looking for help. Cannot connect Beok wifi or Floureon wifi to Iphone. After updated iphone IOS cannot see device on app.
Can anyone help to sorted issue.

Hi guys, hi @clementTal, hi @Emmanuel,
i’m trying to add the BroadlinkWifiThermostat “BEOK BOT-313WiFi” following the instructions and coding found on Hassio forum and Github repositories.

I added the platform code in configuration.yaml

 - platform: broadlink
        friendly_name: Termostato
        mac: “xx:xx:xx:xx:xx”
        host: “xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx”

(are the " " correct?)

and added broadlink.py in /config/custom_components/climate

After that, nothing appear on the Dashboard… where is the mistake?

I think that i copied the wrong broadlink.py code because i found a lot of them and it’s very hard to understand what is the correct one.

  • Could you, please, post me the right one (code, attachment o link) to the state-of-art file?
  • Is the file climate.py mandatory too?
  • Do i need to restart completly the raspberry after the configuration modifying or not?

Thnx in advance and best regards.

thanx for your efforts. its confusing me little bit :slight_smile:

what exactly are:

  • external_temp
  • room_temp

also… would be possible add to component possibility to use external sensor (target_sensor) as it is on generic thermostat (https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/generic_thermostat/)?

These thermostats has two temperature sensors - external NTC sensor (external_temp. I don’t know if all has it, but at least floor heating thermostats do) and inner temperature sensor (room_temp). Also, I’m currently working on switch/sensor component to implement own thermostat logic. I’ll keep you informed.

I’ve decided to start a new topic for this component as information here a mixed with other component. For my component, please look here:
Floureon / Beok based thermostat component


Have anyone used this thermostat and know how to hook up it to home assistant?

Best to ask the seller what app it uses on the phone. From there you can see if this component will probably worked or not.

my thermostat needs aplication weback to work

Unfortunately, this thermostat uses different chip, I had no luck with that kind of thermostat.