Worx Landroid Package (Deprecated)

I have no label under the lid and my serial number is only 12 digits, printed on a label on the back of the mower. I bought the mower in 2015 and Worx has changed the serial number from 12 to 20 digits on later models. At the same time they probably abandoned all service to owners of older models.

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I understand, sorry I couldn’t be of help. I did find Landroid email support helpful in the past. I had bought a second hand Landroid and support setup my serial number on my account for me. All I needed was proof of purchase.
Good luck!

Thanks everyone for ideas and input. After discussions with Worx I wanted to share what seems to be the issue. Hopefully it will help someone.

Some time ago Worx deployed new servers and left old products (My landroid is five years old) with 12-digits serial number on the old servers. They did not bother to transfer old products to new servers. When I discussed with Worx it was apparent that did not want to help me to transfer my landroid to the new server since Home Assistant is not approved third party software. However, I also have Alexa and the situation is the same for that service. No data from landroid since Alexa also connects to the new Landroid servers. Alexa is an approved third party software so Worx sweden will contact HQ in Germany to check if they can transfer my Landroid to the new servers. Hopefully they will be able to do that and that it solves the issue.

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I got stuck designig this two mower cards… Somewhere I have a yaml error. Would you share your two mower cards?

My “one-account-multiple-mowers” branch contains a " generateMowers.py" script.

It takes the standard files from the halandroid repo and generates a combined “landroids.yaml” file containing all mowers, and a seperate lovelace file for every mower.

you only need to modify the mowers names at the top in the python script to your mowers names


Thank you for this card. She is perfect.

I don’t understand this part. It does not create itself. How does it work ?

# Input Boolean ###
      friendly_name: Dimanche
      friendly_name: Lundi
      friendly_name: Mardi
      friendly_name: Mercredi
      friendly_name: Jeudi
      friendly_name: Vendredi
      friendly_name: Samedi

      friendly_name: Couper au bord
      friendly_name: Couper au bord
      friendly_name: Couper au bord
      friendly_name: Couper au bord
      friendly_name: Couper au bord
      friendly_name: Couper au bord
      friendly_name: Couper au bord
      friendly_name: Plan de tonte
      friendly_name: Information
      friendly_name: Dim.
      friendly_name: Lun.
      friendly_name: Mar.
      friendly_name: Mer.
      friendly_name: Jeu.
      friendly_name: Ven.
      friendly_name: Sam.
      friendly_name: Conf.


Thanks for this great add-on on top of the MTrab integration. I installed it on my HA installation and the sensors etc are working. But I encounter a problem during the YAML card.

The manual describes that you must create a custom card, but my HA is configured als Lovelace YAML mode, so I may not create cards myself. Is there a way I can copy the lovelace/card.yaml data and include in my main ui-lovelace.yaml? I can’t integrate all the card content to my main file because that will become unreadable with that amount of content.


When you are in Lovelace YAML The trick is to place the Lovelace folder in root of the HA configuration directory and include that card.yaml from your main ui-lovelace.yaml. For example, this is my ui-lovelace.yaml, look at line 5.

  - id: 2  # Automatically created id
    title: Tuin
    icon: mdi:tent
      - !include /config/lovelace/worx_landroid/card.yaml
      - id: 7ae7163a0add41dwrefrwv7e2bbffb7f  # Automatically created id
        type: entities
        title: Tuin
#        show_state: false
        show_header_toggle: false
          - type: section
            label: Veranda huis
          - type: custom:slider-entity-row
            entity: light.zwave2mqtt_fibaro_dimmer2_veranda_level
            toggle: true
            name: Spots

Hi Folks,

Taken the jump from smartthings over to HA, loving it so far but still starting out…
This is one of my first proper integrations and i’m having issues getting it working.

My UI currently looks like this.

I have no idea why… Obviously the assets are there as the background has loaded in, but it’s missing a number of entitys. I have the landroid.yaml file in my Packages folder and have that imported in my configuration.yaml.

Any help much appreciated, once i get to grips hopefully i’ll try and return the favour!

Hi, trust that you have installed https://github.com/MTrab/landroid_cloud

This will give you three sensors in HA: status, battery & error. In my case this looks like

You need to replace the landroid name in the package from Barmalej with yours, in my case it is landroid_m. This might help

Thanks, yep Landroid_cloud is installed and working.

I assume this is within the Landroid.yaml file I need to update those values? Looking at mine i think it is correct. YAML
Screenshot 2020-09-09 at 20.09.24
Sensor Names
Screenshot 2020-09-09 at 20.05.10

I am getting values for some of the items but not all. I assume from the package the YAML just sits within my packages folder and the www folder sits in the root of my config folder?


  1. Copy landroid.yaml in folder .homeassistant/packages

  2. In configuration.yaml add string:

  packages: !include_dir_named packages
  1. Restart Home Assistant

Thanks, the above sorted me out. Ironically i’d already done all that, but going back through it noticed i’d left an uppercase P on Packages… Renamed and it’s working. Thanks for your help.

Hey @Barmalej just wanted to see if users were having issues with the latest version of Home Assistant (0.115.x)? Thanks

no one reported problems with this version

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Thanks, will investigate further :+1:

This is my appearance to Home Assistant with your Package.
Works like a charm :slight_smile:

Thanks a lot!



Just updated to 0.117.1 and the landroid worx package is not working anymore :frowning:

Unable to prepare setup for platform landroid_cloud.sensor: Unable to set up component.
17:25:39 – setup.py (ERROR)

Error during setup of component landroid_cloud
17:25:39 – custom_components/landroid_cloud/__init__.py (ERROR)

anyone else got this problem?

Updated from 0.116.4 to 0.117.1 without a problem.


I updated from 115.2 to 117.1 and now I got this error.
It says he is expecting some boolean variables instead of numbers (rain delay for example)

Is your mower on? I can’t check it, my mower is off