WTH can't I use a card as more-info popup

It would open a lot of possibilities, if you could use cards (or sections) as more info popup - so if you click an entity, a card (or stack of cards) opens as popup instead of the default more-info. At the moment this is only possible with browser mod, but that’s a hacky solution without an editor. Something similar you can do with Bubble Card, but that has a different style and AFAIK is limited to its own “cards” (buttons, sliders, …) and is also kind of hacky (not the developers fault).

With cards/sections as more-info popup, you can easily create your own UI for devices. For example you tap on your TV media player and a remote UI pops up. Or the camera has a popup with live feed and PTZ controls.

I would also wish for this, as it would allow me to keep my dashboard clean and minimalistic eg. with one entity card for dishwasher status and hidden in a popup all kinds of extra info about it like the program, running time, energy usage, etc etc.

In my opinion, the layout of the popup could be the same as the more info popup, with the close button and configurable title and the body could be a simple layout like a vertical stack card where we then put our cards in.

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Rather than just a card, I’d say multiple cards, a vertical stack of cards, or even an entire subview
should be able to be opened as a pop-up.


One card was just the minimum I wished for, since then it’s possible to add a vertical stack or grid card.
I really like the idea of an entire subview as a popup. The width should then of course depend on the number of columns. So one section column would be similar to the size of the more-info popup.


Well, it is possible by using a “navigate” action.
Ofc it is presented as a “full-screen subview”, not as a “small popup” (subviews could be huge).

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This functionality would definitely solve my WTH by having a Markdown card as a pop-up

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I like the idea of a subview as popup, because it would bring a lot of flexibility, but I think that most of the time I’d try to keep it rather small. So it would not be worth creating a full screen subview for that.
But even if people use it to create really big subview popups: Opening a popup and closing it is something totally different then navigation away and back (where you probably also loose scroll position) in terms of UX. On slow devices, navigating back is also a lot slower than closing a popup.

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Then meanwhile users may use browser-mod + any card to create custom popups as a workaround (until it becomes a native feature)

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Or Bubble. I find it more user-friendly to set up.


@Ildar_Gabdullin This is what I use at the moment. But it’s really not the greatest solution. Also it comes with a lot of other features I don’t need - I liked it better when it was just this: GitHub - thomasloven/lovelace-popup-card.

@smartin I think bubble card is a better solution than browser mod, but the style doesn’t fit the rest of HA and it is still a little bit hacky (especially if you want the style it similar to the rest of HA). I especially don’t like that the card is extended to the bottom of the screen (with a lot of blank space).


I want to be able to decide what info shows up when I choose to show “more info”, incluiding different entities or attributes.

For example, when I get more info from my vacuum, choosing to see info from it’s battery would be nice.

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Agreed, maybe there could be a “additional entities to show in more info” option somewhere. So we can add whatever we want (and how to show it) to that entities more info dialogs

This is very similar to my WTH: WTH can't I use a card as more-info popup
This link was posted before two WTHs were merged.

It would be great if there was the chance to customize the “more-info-dialog” in a nice and easy way on the frontend.

As examples:

  • For a thermostat, it would be cool to be able to directly link the scripts / automation for duration-based temperature change (e.g. for 2hrs).
  • For outside temperature entity, it would be cool to see some information about other weather entities, too.
  • For window covers it would be cool to activate and deactivate Automatic-mode.
  • For music entities, it would be cool to have some shortcuts e.g. to combine loudspeakers or select pre-defined favorite playlist with one tap.

  • And many more…
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see also:

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I really like this idea, too :+1: Could be a great extension of “popup cards” to be able to trigger them with actions.

This is what I use but since Sections View came out I honestly feel like it was a fluke that I was able to get the pop-ups working because it’s not very clear how they work…


This card has a ‘settings’ button at the bottom

type: custom:stack-in-card
  - type: custom:mushroom-cover-card
    entity: cover.bedroom_west_roller_shutter
    fill_container: false
    show_position_control: true
    show_buttons_control: true
  - type: custom:mushroom-cover-card
    entity: cover.bedroom_centre_roller_shutter
    fill_container: false
    show_position_control: true
    show_buttons_control: true
  - type: custom:mushroom-cover-card
    entity: cover.bedroom_east_roller_shutter
    fill_container: false
    show_position_control: true
    show_buttons_control: true
  - type: custom:mushroom-cover-card
    entity: cover.bedroom_centre_blind_window_covering
    fill_container: false
    show_position_control: true
    show_buttons_control: true
  - type: button
    entity: cover.bedroom_roller_shutters
    show_icon: false
    name: Settings

…which brings up the following popup:

type: custom:popup-card
entity: cover.bedroom_roller_shutters
  type: custom:stack-in-card
    - type: entities
        - entity: automation.roller_shutters_close_bedroom_on_hot_day
          name: Close on hot day
        - entity: input_number.roller_shutter_max_temp_trigger
          name: Close at temp
        - entity: input_number.roller_shutter_sun_elevation_trigger
          name: Close at sun elevation
        - entity: automation.roller_shutters_close_when_high_rain
          name: Close if rain likely
        - entity: input_number.roller_shutter_max_rain_chance_trigger
          name: Max Rain %
        - entity: automation.roller_shutters_open_in_morning
          name: Open in morning
        - entity: automation.roller_shutters_when_night_temp_low
          name: Close on cold night
        - entity: input_number.roller_shutters_low_temp_auto_close
          name: Close if going below
    - type: custom:slider-entity-row
      entity: cover.bedroom_centre_blind_window_covering
      name: Centre Blind
    - type: entities
        - entity: automation.bedroom_windows_to_be_opened_for_cooling
          name: Notify to open bedroom window
          icon: mdi:speaker-wireless
        - entity: input_number.bedroom_window_temp_trigger
          name: Bedroom temp trigger
      title: Temperature Control
      show_header_toggle: false

…but it’s not clear how that interaction was coded. (I do know where the link is but it’s kinda janky)

If this was a native feature it would:

  • be clearer how this works
  • allow config via the UI rather than YAML
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For fun I tried to make bubble card popups look more like more-info popups (primarily for desktop). It actually worked - but of course it’s not a great solution to have to add CSS to all popups :wink: Here is the code (work in progress):



  • adjusted position
  • removed blank space
  • adjusted transition
  • adjusted backdrop
type: vertical-stack
  - type: custom:bubble-card
    card_type: pop-up
    hash: "#test"
    styles: |-
        position: fixed;
        top: 40px!important;
        transform: none!important;
        bottom: auto!important;
        height: auto!important;
        max-height: calc(100% - 80px);
      .is-popup-closed { 
        opacity: 0;
        transition: opacity 0.4s!important;
      .is-popup-opened, .is-popup-closed.editor {
        opacity: 1;
        transition: opacity 0.2s!important;
        padding: 18px!important;
        mask-image: none!important;
        border-radius: 20px!important;
        transition-delay: 0!important;
        transition: opacity 0.2s!important;
        background-color:rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)!important;
    backdrop_blur: "5"
    bg_blur: ""
    bg_opacity: "100"
  - type: entities
      - sensor.date
  - show_name: true
    show_icon: true
    type: button
    entity: script.restart_home_assistant

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What about a subview and define the click to navigate to this subview?

The floating nature of popups is the desired outcome. It visually indicates that the data you are viewing belongs to the page behind it. Instead of feeling like a separate page altogether, it feels as if it is part of the page.

It also allows the quick action of tapping off of the popup to leave the data.

EDIT: It also only takes up the space it needs, not the whole page. Small data = small pop up.

Essentially, the pop up is more aesthetic and more intuitive.