Eufy Camera Integration

I’m using the prescribed HA release, made the changes to, restarted HA (containerized) and I still have no entities showing in the integration… I even changed from my guest eufy login back to my primary with no changes and no entities in the integration…

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Did you restart? I was having the same issues… started pulling my hair out. Made the changes that @MizterB recommended and everything is back up and running again.

I rebuilt my entire HA LOL

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Any update on iobroker.eufy-security? I’m not even sure how to install it, since i’m running HassOS.

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You can’t. It would require a separate device running linux at this point.


I’ve been having the same log messages and issues with the Eufy integration. To workaround it I use TinyCam Pro, add my Eufy cam to TinyCam, start the TinyCam server and in my config yaml file add something like:



  - platform: mjpeg

    name: Back yard

    mjpeg_url: http://TINYCAM_IP:8083/axis-cgi/mjpg/video.cgi?cameraId=CAM_ID&user=admin&pwd=PASSWORD

  - platform: mjpeg

And it works great! You can follow this tutorial (its for Wyze cams but works for Eufy cams) Wyze Cam Integration With Home Assistant Without Flashing

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What functionality does this give you by adding the Eufy cam in this way? Can you get a livestream this way? I’m having the same issues with the Eufy integration so I might try this when i get home later

I was playing around with TinyCam as well… which Eufy cameras are you using? My only concern is TinyCam running the cameras constantly and wasting battery life. I’m using the Eufy 2’s currently.

Livestream is possible without that as well. See above in this thread. Examples for starting and stopping via scripts.

But of course would be more than great to have such options and maturity as the iobroker adapter has already.


I have the Eufy 2k Indoor cameras which are hooked up to a wall outlet. I also have an old Android Phone hooked up to a wall outlet so power draining isn’t a concern for me.

I have a live stream for my Eufy camera in my Home Assistant dashboard using this setup. Previously I used the Eufy integration but my dashboard would only show the most recent thumbnail event as a static image rather than a live stream. With the Eufy camera routed through TinyCam, Home Assistant can live stream my 2k Eufy indoor camera

Sorry, I meant the camera itself. If you’re using the indoor version, then you don’t have to worry about it because they are powered, I believe?

My Eufy 2’s are wireless and outdoors… so I was just concerned about TinyCam constantly “turning them on” and wasting their battery. I don’t want them streaming 24/7 but I’m exploring whether there is any benefit to even having TinyCam setup with them, or if the current integration is good enough.

thank you :slight_smile:

@meyerdenney how do you add Eufy cam to TinyCam?

Had some playaround with the ioBroker Adapter, which is currently superior over the home assistant one (that seems not to get improved…)

So, first of all, proof:

Getting data from ioBroker to HA is not that easy, but no rocket science.

I simply fired up some ioBroker docker container.

As i am not firm with HA sensor creation or ioBroker, and even less with MQTT there might be some noob issues here

Step 1: Install MQTT Adapter at ioBroker

Install MQTT Broker/Client Adapter at ioBroker, not the one called MQTT client.

Create Instance and configure like this:


  • i used the prefix iobroker to keep the mess under control
  • I used a mask to only publish states from eufy-security
  • Click on ‘Publish own states on connect’ to ensure all known states are transferred

Step 2: find all the topics

I used MQTT.fx to have some nice MQTT visuals. After adding the server enabled the Topics Collector and restart the MQTT Adapter instance at ioBroker. Now I saw some topics:

Step 3:Add some sensors to your configuration:

  - platform: mqtt
    name: cameras_T8113XXXXXXXXXXX_battery_temperature
    state_topic: "iobroker/eufy-security/0/T8010XXXXXXXXXXX/cameras/T8113XXXXXXXXXXX/battery_temperature"
    device_class: temperature
    unit_of_measurement: °C
  - platform: mqtt
    name: cameras_T8113XXXXXXXXXXX_battery
    state_topic: "iobroker/eufy-security/0/T8010XXXXXXXXXXX/cameras/T8113XXXXXXXXXXX/battery"
    device_class: battery
    unit_of_measurement: "%"
  - platform: mqtt
    name: cameras_T8113XXXXXXXXXXX_motion_detected
    state_topic: "iobroker/eufy-security/0/T8010XXXXXXXXXXX/cameras/T8113XXXXXXXXXXX/motion_detected"
  - platform: mqtt
    name: cameras_T8113XXXXXXXXXXX_name
    state_topic: "iobroker/eufy-security/0/T8010XXXXXXXXXXX/cameras/T8113XXXXXXXXXXX/name"

I am pretty sure my goal, enable/disable of motion alarms is only some mqtt switch away, but for now i will call it a day.


Hot damn. Nice work @MaxW!

It’s a shame I’m brand new to HA… I’m not sure I want to start dabbling in ioBroker at the same time just to get the same setup, hah.

Thanks for writing this up, I’ve had similar experience though mine doesn’t seem to report doorbell motion activities or change guard states currently. Probably because of this issue (no homebase for doorbell cameras):

Thank you for sharing. I am also also testing with io broker as gateway to my eufycams, even though my primary use case is to manage eufy security mode from HA.

I have installed io broker on Debian with eufy-security and home assistant Adaptors. The HA adaptor reveals all the HA entities within iobroker and with a few lines of JavaScript I an able to set home/away mode etc based on HA state changes.

So far I have only done some PoC testing, but my goal is to change Eufy secure mode based on presence status in HA and related conditions.

Seems relative easy to implement , despite being a novice in JS and Python.

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same idea, different direction :wink:

Using some mqtt switch is also possible:

  - platform: mqtt
    name: Home Base Away
    unique_id: guard_mode_on
    state_topic: "iobroker/eufy-security/0/XXX/station/guard_mode"
    command_topic: "iobroker/eufy-security/0/XXX/station/guard_mode"
    payload_on: "0"
    payload_off: "1"
    state_on: "0"
    state_off: "1"

But somehow the command is not sent correctly. It appears in io but gets overwritten at next pull…
Now it works via io gui. Something strange is happening. Or i am tired…

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Thanks to all of you who have written up their findings here with ioBroker. Much appreciated. Hoping to try this out also!