Wyze Cam v2 - Home Assistant Review

That’s great to hear. So you can use the RTSP firmware but still get motion detection alerts through the Wyze app? That’s good enough for me.

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Yes with RTSP firmware it will still send you motion and sound alerts.

There is motion detection but additional features are not going to be added to the RTSP firmware (like people detection) and there is no direct integration to pull motion alerts/triggers without using another program with the RTSP stream (I’m using MotionEye with MQTT to create motion sensors for my cameras).

no its just that it isnt updated as often. But since there was recently a major update to person detection, they added it to rtsp firmware.

But since there was recently a major update to person detection, they added it to rtsp firmware.

If that’s true they haven’t done it yet, my wyze cams with RTSP don’t have person detection and they are using the official RTSP firmware which is the latest on their website

I just checked and it turned out you are right
but it does have motion and sound

They have person detection with rtsp firmware now? i just checked and didnt see any can you share a link if so please?

I was wrong, it does not have person detection. Only motion and sound detection which are still ok. You could probably use some third party software

hi quick question. i am trying to update , its not letting , keep saying ready connect…
basically this is what i am doing
i download [Wyze Cam v2 RTSP file “https://support.wyzecam.com/hc/en-us/articles/360026245231-Wyze-Cam-RTSP”. unzip and rename the file from “demo_V2_RTSP_4.28.4.41” to demo.bin and place in the sdcar and insert and press the setup and plug the wire… but i am not getting blue right …keep saying ready to connect

Honestly when I did it, it took a few tries. What I did was put the card in hold the button, plug it in, and hold the button to the point where my finger was hurting, until it finally worked.
Also someone made a custom firmware that I am yet to try, called OpenIPC. I will try this soon because it is interesting. It just won’t work with the Wyze app is the problem.

finally found the issue
sd format should be fat32, otherwise it wont work

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thank to him
hes integrating into home assistant


Is there any way to save video files on the wyze cam sd card through motioneye?

That’s what i did, I flashed the custom RTSP firmware and and added it as a generic ip camera. you can also use a 3rd party firmware like OpenIPC, but you lose the Wyze app functionality.

Not that i am aware of. Why would you do that though when you could use an sd card or usb drive on whatever device you have motioneye or HA on and save them there?

Could you show your code on how you added your camera?

I have 2 Wyze cams with the RTSP firmware, added them as ffmpeg, both work, but I keep getting a DTS Error in my logs.

2019-12-28 17:34:28 ERROR (stream_worker) [homeassistant.components.stream.worker] Error demuxing stream: No dts in packet

I’m actually not using it anymore, but I did this:

  - platform: generic
    still_image_url: local/wyze.jpg
    stream_source: rtsp://admin:[email protected]/live
    name: Office Camera

The Wyze cam does not support still image url, but I think it is required by HA so what I did was I saved a Wyze logo in my www folder and just referenced to it.

Edit: one more thing after flashing the RTSP firmware, you need to enable RTSP in the settings in the Wyze app.
If you don’t want to use the Wyze app at all, there is an open source firmware called OpenIPC, but I have not tried it yet.

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Thanks @shanem, that worked for me.
Getting about 2 sec lag on RTSP stream, is that normal?

Shane - thanks for this! Works great and easy to setup. Curious about audio, I can’t seem to get any audio to come through? Works fine on default wyze app, and in tinycam, but can’t get audio to stream through in HA. Any ideas? Thanks!

Are you getting audio output on a lovelace UI card? My stream works great, can’t find audio. :frowning: