Xiaomi IR Remote Climate Component

I had to stop hassio before copying the file. after another reboot now it works. thanks again for your work!

Doesn’t work anymore on 0.90.1, “Platform not found: climate.xiaomi_remote” Tried both new and old scheme of folders (custom_components/climate/xiaomi_remote.py and custom_components/xiaomi_remote/climate.py). Help pls. Thank you.

It’s working for me with 0.90.2 (it was also working with .0 and .1)

try to stop home assistant, remove py cache folder, copy latest file from github and restart hass

Deleting cache folder seemed to help, thank you

@Anonym did u ever work on the Media Player component for this XIAOMI ir blaster ? I already asked in December but no news since then.

Don’t work for me in hassio 0.92.2.

HI @crozo5, can you provide more info about “don’t work?”
I’m using it in 0.93 without issues, and it also worked on 0.92.x releases.

in my air conditioner, the “turn on” and “turn off” commands have different codes, and here only “turn off”, how will the “turn on” command work?

“Turn on” command is combination of all selected modes, for example “cool, high, 23C”

Thanks for this module. I have installed this module and it’s working. When I want to send the off command, my IR light flashes so it seems to be working. However, nothing is happening with my aircon. I recorded the IR code through services and added it to the yaml. When I want to send a command to turn on my TV through home assistant, it works fine.

When I send a command via the Xiaomi Home app to power off the aircon it is working fine.
To me it looks like the command given through Xiaomi home app takes a little longer then the one through home Assistant. So is there an option to extend the duration an IR command is given?

Hope someone can help. Thanks in advance.

I think you copied not full code from notification. Please use Chrome Dev Tools (F12 in Windows, Cmd+Shift+I in macOS) and copy codes from there.

Hi anonym,

thanks for your response. I did copy the full code, however this doesn’t work. I tried the IR signal from my TV remote and that does work when using the Climate component off switch.
Any other idea’s?

Can it have something to do with decode/encode the command i get? THe command I record from the learn funcion is:

While the commands in your file have more characters:

Try to send this command with REMOTE.SEND_COMMAND, don’t forget prefix raw:

Hi anonym,

thanks again for your response. Tried that as well but it didn’t work out. Added :38400 behind the raw command as well. Also without any result. (however the light from the right is flashing like it’s sending th command)

You have wrong command :slight_smile:
Learn again and copy code from Chrome Dev Tools.

That’s what I thought as well. I have done this over 50 times with 2 different remotes that work on with the AC without any result unfortunately :frowning:

I don’t know, really.
Provide video with full process - learning code, copying, sending.
Maybe your xiaomi remote have long distance from A/C?

hi anonym,

thanks for the help so far.
I uploaded the video where I record the off command with my IR. You see the AC is on when recording. The light starts flashing on the IR Xiaomi and then recording the command. I take the command from the HTML and copy it into the command. Call service and the light of the Xiaomi IR flashes, but the AC is not going off. WHen I send the command through the Xiaomi Home app, it works. So it should have nothing to do with distance right.

Video below:


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hi anonym,
did you have any chance to check the video yet?