Xiaomi Mijia 1C Sweeping Vacuum Cleaner (white) (STYTJ01ZHM)

Can you confirm what the official app shows, as the status is polled directly from the machine.

ok installed the modified app, but where can you see the zone coordinates? i draw the zone, then what? :slight_smile:

edit: nm

It will create in the root folder of your phone a folder called “/vevs/logs/miio”. Search in the last modifed file when you use a zone cleaning and you will see something like this:

{“id”:9556,“method”:“action”,“params”:{“did”:“292175500”,“siid”:18,“aiid”:1,“in”:[{“piid”:1,“value”:19},{“piid”:21,“value”:“ 2213,4329,9706,5834 ”}]}}

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In the app appears “Cleaning” (Fregando in spanish), the status of the vacuum in HA doesn’t change from “idle”.

Im trying to get thiapp running so i can try and debug a few things.
Ive installed the app from your link.

I get a vevs folder in my root directory with 3 folders automations devices and translations.
Not finding any other logs.

Is there any further config that you did?

Hi @concentric.

You have to check the file with the last modification inside /vevs/logs/miio folder.

But first, you have to launch a clean action to get the log.

If you need a log, just tell it to me and I’ll send it to you because I think you don’t have this vacuum.

I just needed to manually create the logs/miio folder within vevs

I do have the vacuum cleaner, I made the component to use it :slight_smile:

Ive done some digging.
The status that home assistant displays is polled directly from the device.
If the device sends back a status of idle even though it is doing a zoned clean i dont think it can be changed.
I am still waiting to confirm by polling directly from the protocol cli, but as i had the app uninstalled, i need to wait for the map to rebuild so i can attempt a zone clean.

If anyone else wants to check the repo and offer any ideas, please do :slight_smile: :smiley:

hi all, downloaded and installed the modified .apk file from here https://www.kapiba.ru/2017/11/mi-home.html

started a zone clean… i see indeed a vevs folder in root, but no log files there, just 3 empty folders
anyone? what am i missing?

Manually create the other folders.
See my comment above yours

omg, i missed that, gonna try again, thnx for pointing me out

Ok, I now have the log, it was indeed needed to start a normal clean first…

Btw , isn’t it possible to make room cleaning commands?
Is it also possible to send multiple coordinates? So you can clean 2 zones?

I just had a look and noticed it too. This looks like a recent change. There are other ways to calculate your co-ordinates as well.

I managed, seems you need to make a normal clean first , then the log file gets created

I found an script to get the tokens from xiaomi server, i think is more handy than the apk.

Hey @concentric, I noticed an update was available and I updated.

After restarting, the vacuum was no longer available. I’m going to try and roll back the update.

Update: A few restarts later, the vacuum is back!

Yikes. Restoring files to my backup from before the update didn’t help. It’s still showing as vacuum not available. It doesn’t show up in my entities either. :frowning:

@concentric Scratch that. After a couple of restarts to process all the back logged updates, it seems to be working again.

hello, noob here. can you share a link to that sick card of the vacuum? i suspect those room icons are linked to the scripts for zone cleaning?

Yes, the room icons are linked to scripts. Tha card is that Xiaomi Vacuum Card

would you mind sharing your partial config linked to this card? i cant seem to get to put the same picture, maybe im mistaking some path. im a bit noob (95% noob), just started with HA and"coding". also i didnt got to the part of adding the scripts to it. im guessing it should be done directly in the config.yaml, since UI doesnt support it