Yale Assure Lock with Yale Connect Kit

Hi all,

I am in the market for a new smart lock and couldn’t fail but notice the following Yale Access kit (https://www.bunnings.co.nz/yale-access-kit-with-connect-bridge-and-module_p0195728) which seems to be a rebranded August module, as seen here: https://www.cnet.com/news/yale-smart-locks-get-the-august-treatment-with-new-kit/

Now that Yale seems to have dropped the August branding, does anyone know if I could expect the HA August Integration to work with the Yale Connect Kit?

In other words, if I get that Yale kit (that makes no mention of August), can I hope to have this talk successfully to the August Cloud Service? Has anyone had any luck?



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Hi G!

I have just bought this very lock from my local JB (with the connect module) https://www.jbhifi.com.au/products/yale-unity-entrance-lock-with-connect-bridge . I’m about to start my journey - I’ll keep you updated!


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Well - that was… quick!!

I went to my HA > Configuration > Integrations > searched for August.

I set the option to phone, entered the same mobile as my phone in the +XXXXXXXXXX format and my password. My mobile received a new challenge code - and the add-in was prompting me for that code. I entered the code - done!

I was given 1 device with four entities:

This shows me I have 1 device with 4 properties. The lock state (locked unlocked), the door state (open closed), battery (percentage) and what action was taken last by whom.


My integration of Yale to Google also went off without a hitch. The Android Yale app is ok, but a bit amateurish.

Hit me if you have any questions!


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Thanks for that, very encouraging! I think I’m gonna go ahead and buy the Yale now that I have confidence the integration will be good.
Shame to have to rely on a Cloud for that but at least it seems to have DoorSense and Autolock, which is a must for me.

Any chance you would mind posting just so i can be sure, which model of lock / components you bought to make this work?

I am about to purchase as well, and was hoping the yale locks would work via the august integration, and this seems to confirm it for me.

Now i just want to make sure i buy the right hardware as i was looking at this - https://www.amazon.com/Yale-Security-YRD256-CBA-619-Connected-Touchscreen/dp/B07XHP112C?th=1


Edit: I did end up buying and set this up through the yale app as instructed. This then shared accounts with my august account, and automatically showed up in the august app. As such when i went to add the august lock integration in home assistant it worked perfectly.
Just wanted to share. Thanks all

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This worked perfectly for my Yale lock too. I’m so pleased because it was the second last thing that wasn’t working.

Okay so no need to go down the zigby/zwave route for just a lock. I’m considering getting a Yale lock with the connect bridge kit.

How do you manage users and pins? I assume you need the Yale app to do that stuff still?

Just installed a Yale Doorman L3 Family SPL, did the August intergration as mentioned above with mobile phone number.
Connected instantly and I can open/close directly in HA.

Very nice :slight_smile:

Don’t shoot me if this stupid but could I buy Yale lock with zigbee module and use it completely without cloud but with zigbee2mqtt? Or is this not an option because I would not be able to change codes and stuff?

It seems I could lock/unlock from home assistant but would not be able to control codes?

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Hi noob here from Australia.

I am also looking at buying the YRD256 lock but tossing up on the module to get with it. Has anyone been able to connect to the lock and get logs or change user data/programming with either zigbee or zwave, or are these features only available with the Yale access kit? (Connect bridge and module).

Is it with this Yale access kit that people are using the August integration?

The Yale Access kit is the same thing as the Connected by August kit. Yale is rebranding these but it is the same exact thing and you can simply use the August app when you go to install/configure your lock. Also of note is that the doorsense ability is only available in the August/Yale connect modules. The highly sensitive doorsense sensor is in the module itself, so you lose that feature if you go with, say, a Zigbee module.

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Can you take screenshot of all entities that Yale Doorman L3 in HA?

And did you get door bell to work?

@Robert_it ?

Installed the Yale Doorman L3 Family SPL, did the August integration as mentioned above with mobile phone number.
Connected instantly and I can open/close directly in HA.

I can however not get the doorbell to send anything to HA, there is no entity for the bell.
All my entities are:
Door lock/unlock : can be controlled by HA
Door state Open/closed. can be used by HA as a state
Door Battery: updates the batt charge Can be used as any Batt state.
Door operator: will let you know who opened or locked the door: either “manual” or with user name

That’s it - no more in my integration. Would be nice if Yale made an open API so we would get the full feature but as long as we hook onto August I think this is all we get?

Sorry I cannot give you a screenshot, working abroad these days.

Note: I have set up my lock to auto lock after 30 min. and gave each of my kids a single long press on one of their lights switches to unlock, now when their friends come around, they just press the button in advance and the door is unlocked for when they come. they seems to like it, the lazy teenagers don’t have to get up to service their friends :slight_smile:

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Still working as intended?

Quick question. I saw on August page for Home Assistant that Doorman L3 was an “Known Unsupported Device”. Is that specific for, like, the doorbell or is it for something els?

I gave up on mine…too flaky and got a kwikset. Works perfectly!

Do you get the person who opened the door as an input?

I have a Yale Assure Lock 2 and the integration “works” however I am getting the wrong data as for example:

  • The integration does report the Front Door is open when is not :thinking:
  • The battery level does report a value that is not true since I have charged the batteries to 100% and at least I would expect to see 95~100%

    any ideas?

did you get an answer? were you able to make it work?

no, no answers so far and it still showing the wrong values there :expressionless:

@reypm. I’ve just set up a new Yale Assure SL with Bluetooth module and the Yale bridge in Home Assistant. My new batteries are showing 97%. You mentioned you charged the batteries. Alkaline batteries typically have a nominal voltage of 1.5 volts, rechargeable batteries have 1.2 volts. This might explain the lower battery level % you are seeing.

I’m now working out how to get the Yale activity data into HA