Yale Z-Wave Module 2 and USB Z Wave stick?

Since I replaced the module, the batteries have been reporting in 1% steps. Couple of weeks ago it was 60%, today it’s 59%.

Yes I got my module replaced and it is fine now.
Weirdly, they didn’t ask for proof of purchase or the old one back when I contacted them on twitter!

They seem to be inconsistent about it, I had to provide proof of purchase, but the old one is still sitting here on my desk!

Well I got a replacement from Yale, no proof of purchase or return required.

My retailer also refunded me, no return required?

So I ended up with 2, one old, one new. But paid for neither. I’ve only just remembered that! Hm. I’m going to make a Christmastime charity donation to make up for it!

I can see that some people are reporting battery problems. I’ve got my Keyless for almost two years and found a really strange behaviour. If i buy cheapest AA batteries, then they last around 6-9 months of very frequent pooling. But whenever i buy expensive batteries, especially rechargable ones, they last for 1-2 weeks tops and suddently they go from 100-99% to dead, without any warning.

I’m still on the fence about buying this module due to battery drain issues.

Something I did find was they may last longer if you use 1.5v AA instead of 1.2v which rechargeable are.

Could anyone confirm this?

im not sure if the battery drain issue comes from the module used though - i believe its the lock what doesnt like rechargeable/lower voltage batteries.

Any of you with battery issues tried lithium instead of alkaline?
I found alkaline draining too fast when winter arrived, despite batteries being on the inside
I switched all of my locks to lithium and it fixed the fast drain.

I wasn’t having much issue before winter though…

The manual advises to use alkaline battery’s using lithium is a bad idea because the voltage drop off profile is different the lock will not know when the battery is low.

With the new module from yale my alkaline (Duracell industrial) have lasted over 6 months and the battery level is still over 50%!

Similar to me, I got onto them on twitter, got a new module posted out free of charge and its working like a dream now. Really happy i went with this despite all the negative reviews out there. I have had no problems and the wife loves it.

I can’t seem to find that in the manual for my YRD210 or 216. For this purpose there’s a difference between a 1.5v lithium and a 1.5v alkaline?

I don’t have Duracell Industrial but do have Duracell Procell which is the same black and orange exterior saying it’s a “professional alkaline battery”. These are the ones that dropped like crazy when the temp went to - 10 outside.

for one of my locks it mentions it on page 25

Gotcha, that’s definitely not in my manual. It seems to be worried about rechargeable batteries here which are usually 1.2v iirc, I’m using 1.5v single use lithium batteries.

It seems to be OK, I’m seeing it step down by single percentage values when it does change. I’ll post again if I ever see anything odd from it.

I used to use them in one of my locks but I found that the batteries suddenly died (along with the lock) and the lock didn’t make its low battery warning chimes! luckily I was inside the house when this happened.
this is down to the drop off voltage of lithium’s being higher so the lock is unaware that the battery is about to die!
this is explained here; batteries - When will the AA battery voltage drop? - Electrical Engineering Stack Exchange

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The YRD210 and 216 both have key cylinders so can use a key if necessary.
However I came back to eat crow, one lock just dropped to 40% today and now just died this afternoon ;/

Thanks for the info, not sure what I would have thought if we hadn’t talked about it

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Hass anyone tried to pair Zwave lock (with “azure” Zwave S2/Plus module) with HA recently? It seems that OZW configuration is not right.

My initial set of batteries are still going strong after over 5 months. They are now saying “critical” battery level, and have been for a couple of weeks, but I’m going to persevere and see how long they last. We have a 9 volt battery available to use if needed!


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I appreciate you coming back.
is there any physical way to determine if the product has the latest firmware, or should I just purchase it from Yale directly?

Not sure, though Amazon UK just refunded me when it turned out to be the wrong one (6 months ago).

Decided to change the batteries after nearly 6 months. They hadn’t run out, but I think they were on the verge - changes in status were sometimes taking a little longer to reach Home Assistant, which I guess might be a power saving feature?

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