Yeelight in 0.115 not working

What is confirmed?
If HA and yeelight are in the same VLAN it works.
If they are not it doesn’t.

Which HA installation are you using? If your are using HA container, then it must be in “host” mode and not bridge.
Otherwise, I am using 0.116.x and it works…

Is it confirmed as of only different VLANs don’t work. But you just answered that. Then idk what my issue is that it doesn’t work for me… The HA setup is ofc since always running host mode.

Anyone else with Unifi has/had the same issue?

Experience of a few users seems to lead to this conclusion. So “confirmed”, not really but almost :slight_smile:
I am not using unify.

There’s a new release out. 0.117.2. Anyone tried it yet? Does it resolve our issue with not having yeelights working if they are on a different vlan than HA?

Here’s what’s listed in the release notes:

Release 0.117.2 - November 1

Since nothing is mentioned in the release notes, I would assume it is still not working if the yeelights are in a different VLAN.

Yeah I’m thinking as much myself. I was just curious if someone actually gave it a try. :slight_smile:

Did give it a try. Yeelight on different vlan still not working for me on 0.117.2

Thanks for letting us know. :+1:
It’s a shame it’s still not in the release. :frowning:

Still nothing on 0.117.04 …

Yeah. Annoying. I think, I read somewhere on Github that it is being tested in the 0.118 beta. Let’s keep fingers crossed that it makes it into this release…

New release out. Still nothing regarding this issue though.

Release 0.117.5 - November 5

Indeed, i am having this issue with docker installation as well and i can not use host networking. Waiting for a fix of this regression.

The fix made it into 0.118.0! Finally! Has anyone been brave enough to give it a try already?

Nope… I don’t do .0 :slight_smile:

Me too. :wink:

It works, but not with auto discovery. I had to set the light’s IP as host

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Great. Thanks for the feedback. I have set up my Yeelights in configuration.yaml with their IP addresses anyways. So I guess, I will give it a try once 0.118.1 comes out.

I can confirm that everything is working fine with Yeelights in a different VLAN (version 0.118.2).

Awesome. Thanks for sharing.

Yeelight Problems!
I turn on light with a manual switch, and my light get power…but…it only have white. To fix it I need to reload the bulb in yeelight integration…ok…
When I turn power switch off, the state dont changes on HA, in fact I can Turn on, turn off and doo all the stuff in ha yeelight, but in reallity, the light is off without power! This happens since 118.3…i’m on 118.5