YET another take on an alarm system

Tom, the problem is this is not my call it is somewhere within the “yet another Alarm” scipts/code.
All I am doing when I get this is hitting the perimeter or Away button in the Alarm panel. I do not have the skills to trawl the code to find the call :frowning:

As it is not happening to anyone else, perhaps one of your sensor definitions is not correct?

I hope it’s already done in this fork.
This original component is currently unsupported and has plenty of issues so there is no guarantee it’ll work for you at all.

Thank you for the update, I installed the fork, but still have the same issue.

Sorry, I don’t quite get what’s your issue because of the huge amount of copy-paste here.
If you don’t know how to do something, please ask here.
If you experience problems using the integration, pease open a new issue here providing as much relevant information as possible.

with the latest update of ha all my alarm stuff doesn’t work. is there a fix? i saw Ahmadk posted on github commit about it but haven’t heard anything else since.

this integration is not supported at the moment

that’s very informative! use Github for issues and please please please provide a bit more information unless int’s just social :wink:

sorry here is the log after updating to 104, also happens on 103.

Error while setting up platform bwalarm
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/helpers/", line 158, in _async_setup_platform
    await asyncio.wait_for(asyncio.shield(task), SLOW_SETUP_MAX_WAIT)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/asyncio/", line 442, in wait_for
    return fut.result()
  File "/config/custom_components/bwalarm/", line 317, in async_setup_platform
    alarm = BWAlarm(hass, config, mqtt)
TypeError: Can't instantiate abstract class BWAlarm with abstract methods supported_features

hope this helps, let me know if you need more info. are you running ha 103 or later with bwalarm? i read a post somewhere in the ha github commits regarding something breaking it (i thought it was you hence my short previous post). now i can’t find the post :frowning:

Sorry mate, but I cannot offer you any help if you are using the original bwalarm component simply because I have no write access to its codebase.

I can only help if you are using this fork of the original bwalarm.

Generally, it’s advised to open an issue on Github in cases like yours and not to post it here (especially in this topic).
Looking at your errors, it’s most likely this issue that has already been fixed, just update your component.

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thanks so much, i was unaware of the new fork :wink: i haven’t played with my setup for ages and just tried an update. managed to sort all other errors but was unable to sort this. but i will try your recommendation and try that fork. kind regards Steve

I sorted my issue with this commit

just in case it helps anyone else using mqtt in bwalarm.yaml.
Thanks for your work :slight_smile:

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Is it possible to link directly to the alarm panel, without needing to go through HA?

I’m setting hp a dashboard on an old ipad which won’t load the panel if I go through HA. I’m hoping a direct link will help?

Try something like http://hassio.local:8123/alarm

Thanks Ahmad. That link still takes me through lovelace. I think the problem may be with the old iPad more than anything else as it doesn’t play well with any custom components anymore.

Lol ahmadk. Thats easy. Had it on my todo list to figure this out when I hang up my tablet. For me that link works perfectly. Thanks

I don’t know what’s wrong because it’s just a webpage and it has nothing to do with Lovelace…
Could you post a screenshot when you type in this URL (including the address line)?

There’s not much to see when I go to the link on the ipad.

I see the sidebar with “Alarm” highlighted and then the area to the right is just plain white. Address bar shows

I’m pretty sure the problem is with the old ipad not using an up to date browser - and no way to update it…

have you ever been able to see that alarm panel or you’re just trying to use this old iPad and it doesn’t work for all custom components?
does it work for the parts of the Lovelace interface?

I’ve never been able to get this alarm panel to show on there.
The lovelace interface works fine for stock components, however, custom components do not work. I do remember reading somewhere that this is due to the browser not being updated by apple - all 3rd party browsers still rely on the apple part of it to function.

Not to worry though as through tileboard (the dash that I am using) I can use an alarm tile and that will allow me to arm/disarm.

The reason I really wanted to use the usual bwalarm page is because it handles open sensors better. On tileboard I get no feedback as to why the alarm did not arm if there is open sensors, whereas with the bwalarm page it tells me and allows me to bypass.

It takes care of open sensors, can show a list of open sensors etc. Yes, that’s because it was designed long before Lovelace and hugely relied upon its own interface.
It’s not so dependent now, but still to get the most of the alarm one need to use its own web panel.

Out of curiosity, what iPad is it?

It’s a 4th generation. Limited to IOS 10.3.3

Regarding the open sensors on arm - if I attempt to arm does the panel give any feedback to HA or change anything in the state to show that the arm did not take place? If so I’ll be able to use that in node red to prompt that the alarm did not arm.