YoLink integration

Shame I was looking to buy some water sensors and stumbled on this thread. Zero interest without local control.


@Eric-YoLink Is the YS7107 siren officially supported? This is the siren controller 2 that can use both battery and external power.

  • The YS7107 YoLink product page has a HA badge
  • The HA integrations page only lists YS7103/4/5 sirens as supported
  • Merged pull request 99310 (Add yolink siren battery entity) deals with a siren that has both battery and USB power

So, is the US7107 fully supported, or is PR 99310 only the first commit of several?

I was hoping to take advantage of the Black Friday sale, but donā€™t want to get something that is not fully supported, yet.

Found this thread and post by accident. Does this mean that the price on the yosmart website should cover the import and VAT fees? (Couldnā€™t find it on the site) Iā€™m from Europe, Belgium. Iā€™m on the fence on buying yolink equipement because iā€™m expecting high import and VAT feesā€¦

@LiveDrunk I remember reading that the reason that the non US prices are so much higher than the USD prices (when converted) is that they include the taxes and fees to send to the country using that currency.

Iā€™m just a guy on the internet, so either wait for @Eric-YoLink to answer or look for place I saw that (It could be reddit, this thread or another forum) before you actually purchase. However, it should at least give you an idea of what to expect.

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You might also check amazon.com. I am also from EU and found that price from amazon was cheaper than going directly from Yolink website. Plus with amazon you know the final price before you checkout since they collect import fees/taxes for you.

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Hey there!

Iā€™ve been following a similar path to yours, although Iā€™m not nearly as far along. I think I might be able to contribute, and I also have a question.

I focused on the backend connection to YoLinkā€™s MQTT server first. I essentially just DNATed traffic to their servers on port 8001 to port 1883 of my local vernemq cluster. I started getting data, but as has been previously noted, the actual PhyPayload in the MQTT messages is encrypted.

Iā€™m hoping it might be possible to get the app key from the hub itself by either uploading new firmware, or by reading the state directly from the ESPā€™s memory. Iā€™m probably not qualified to do either :sweat_smile: but I might give it a go. Is the debug header you mentioned those 6 unpopulated pins on the corner of the board?

Iā€™d love to chat more and possibly contribute, although I understand if you want to keep things under wraps for now.

I think you folks are barking up the wrong tree. I am slowly replacing my Yolink stuff with Shelly. Whatever you come up with, they can simply come up with a firmware upgrade that will make all of your work for naughtā€¦


Shelly doesnā€™t have LoRaWAN products, do they? Nothingā€™s turned up for me. I need the additional range, unfortunately. If it comes to it Iā€™ll try to set up a LoRaWAN to Zigbee bridge, but Iā€™m also just having fun trying to RE this thing.

I hear ya. I have the more common issue of relying upon sensors that send a message to a hub that then ignores my network altogether and talks to an external server to which my home assistant then has to reach out to get information, and for emotion sensor thatā€™s going to turn on lights or keep them on for you when youā€™re taking a shower or whateverā€¦ thatā€™s a poor design. For long distance comes thoughā€¦ itā€™s unfortunately the best thing going -

LoRa has been around for years as most know. YoLink did a good job at putting together the first consumer gateway for their proprietary walled garden and packaging a few (compared to the IOT ecosystem) home devices.
Andreas Spiess has done a nice intro to the technology many years ago.
Unfortunately YoLink initial intentions of allowing local control support have fizzed out like SmartThings promises after Samsungā€™s purchase.
At the moment that Yolink tells me that I need to buy a new gateway to (maybe) get local control, this Gateway may end up in the same bin as Samsungā€™s SmartThings. @Eric-YoLink, I know you have been a strong advocate of your user community, as you were a Customer before you went to YoLink. Please donā€™t let this company make the same mistake other companies have. The HomeAssistant community is a very large potential customer base, and should be listened to for valuable market desires and advise.
There is absolutely no technical reason I can think of why the original gateway should not be able to support local access and control with a firmware update. Please tell us what that reason would be if Iā€™m wrong.


Eric has left Yolink, evidently

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Damn itā€¦ :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Edit: Signal Strength was showing as not available in Devices > Entities, just had to select make available and all is good. My only other problem as the the signal strength takes 1 to 4 hours to update.

I updated to HA Core 2024.1.4 before I got home from work. But when I got home I realized that none of my Yolink devices worked. I reloaded it a few times to no avail. Finally I rolled it back to 2024.1.3 and everything works again.I donā€™t know if this affects everyone or just me.

Anyways, Iā€™m still holding out for the Hub 3 hoping itā€™ll be a Matter bridge for Yolink devices. So I need this stuff to keep working until I find out. If itā€™s not then that will be the last straw for me and Iā€™ll start looking into Zigbee sensors.


Iā€™m having the same issue. Yolink no longer updates to HA after 2024.1.4 update

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Same here
Only door and window sensors are not working

Motion sensors are working

If the fix isnā€™t available in a day I will have to roll back which will result in losing some changes which I made after back up and before update which can be a hassle

I just posted the same on discord. Matrixd.2 (dev) has a fix ready, waiting on HA folks (and no, the fix did not make it into 2024.1.5, hopefully it will be in 2024.1.6):

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I am considering to get the YoLink Smart Garage Door Solution Kit, which has a ā€œfingerā€ to press the garage door remote. Has anyone installed this succesfully with the Yolink HA Integration, and can it be used as a trigger in an automation ?

Has something in the integration changed recently? Or has a recent HA update broken the yolink integration. I have three flexfobs that all stopped working on Jan 19. There have been several HA core updates in the past week.

I donā€™t see any events firing anymore from the fobs. Iā€™ve tried removing and re-adding the integration. All of my other devices work fine. I recently added a bunch of leak sensors and a bulldog valve. All working fine, but the flex fobs, which were working great for many months, now donā€™t.

I am using these to activate a z-wave garage door controller and was able to get almost 1/4 mile activation range. Not anymore.

And ideas?

Yes HA broke it. If you go back to 2024.1.3 it works again.