Zanzito - A lightweight bridge between your Android device and your MQTT/home automation system

@smile zanzito connect directly to home assistant, its very easy , and support multi funcionalitys.

@MrMep could you please add the support for a local FIND server instead of only a cloud option for room presence detection.

I would like to run everything locally, it’s also safer.

Also it seems it can only monitor 1 room, maybe i’m not yet familiar with all the features.
Why should I relearn every room again when I used the official FIND learning app.

hello guys i send sms, but i dont know if my configuration is correct.

its uses:

  • service: notify.my_device
    message: “text”
    sms: 123457689


  • service: notify.my_device
    message: “text”
    sms: “123457689”


  • service: notify.my_device
    message: text
    sms: 123457689


Is there a simple setup tutorial apart from the online manual. Admittedly, I haven’t any idea what I am doing, I’m trying to set it up like i had Owntracks (which i set up through a tutorial), but I don’t seem to be getting anywhere at all with Zanzito. I have a very limited understanding of mqtt.

All I can see is that in the app, after inputting my login credentials that it’s connected on the home screen… and there are Inbound things happening in red, and blue numbers in the Outbound … none of which seems to talk to my Hassio install. From what I can see.

The manual is very informative of everything it is capable of, but a “these are the steps in a sample setup for the less technically inclined” section that I would find extremely helpful. :slight_smile:


IRRC you can set it up to mimic owntracks, you just copy the info you put into owntracks and it reports that info to HA as if it were owntracks.

Hi all, I’ve been using Zanzito for a few weeks now with HA and it’s working great. I was wondering if it’s possible to use it for Alerts? If so can anyone share the config I need to add to do so? It works perfectly in automation to notify me that my gate has been left open for over 2 minutes but I’d like it to repeat the notification every xx minutes if possible, from what I’ve read, Alerts should do this?

Any tips?

Hi there, quick question, I’m using GPS Logger for presence detection, but I’m looking for something more reliable. In everyone’s experience, is Zanzito better than GPS Logger? Also ,can we use a solution other than MQTT for sending data back to HA?


I don’t know how to do it with alerts buts you could have and automation that fires every 2 minutes with a condition that the gate is open

I couldn’t figure out how to make that happen and gave up after few tries! My config is below which works, can you suggest how I could get it to repeat? Cheers

  alias: S7 notification of gate left open
    platform: state
    entity_id: binary_sensor.door_window_sensor_mysensorhere
    to: 'on'
      minutes: 2
    service: mqtt.publish
      topic: zanzito/S7/notification
      payload: The gate has been left open for over 2 minutes, check the dog!
      qos: 1
      retain: 0

This is how I would set it up

- alias: 'S7 notification of gate left open'
    - platform: time
      minutes: '/2'
      seconds: '00'
    - condition: state
      entity_id: binary_sensor.door_window_sensor_mysensorhere
      state: 'on'
    service: mqtt.publish
      topic: zanzito/S7/notification
      payload: The gate has been left open for over 2 minutes, check the dog!
      qos: 1
      retain: 0

Now I think about it some more it might not work how you want it to. It will fires every 2 minutes of the hour ie 08:02, 08:04, 08:06 so if you open the gate at 08:05:45 and its open 15 seconds later you will get the notification

Change the condition to:

  - condition: state
    entity_id: binary_sensor.door_window_sensor_mysensorhere
    state: 'on'
      minutes: 2

Or if that only triggers at the two-minute mark, maybe have a template binary that returns if the state has been 'on' for more than 2 mins, and use that as your conditional.

Thanks Guys, I was over complicating it originally I think, the ‘/2’ minutes solution works great and while it may false trigger as you say if it’s been open for a short period I’m happy for now that at least I’ll get repeat alerts if it happens (don’t want to lose the dog!). I had the ‘on for 2 minutes’ condition as the trigger and it did only trigger the once hence the need for a change to repeat alert. I’ll probably keep that and add the repeat at 5 minute intervals to save being spammed then have a look at changing the condition to the ‘on for 2 minutes’ and see if that is the final solution. Not tried a template binary so not sure what to do there (yet :-))
Many thanks!

How do I know what to put as the “Host” in the Zanzito app on my phone? I tried putting my duckdns web address which is https and the app won’t connect. I am running hassio on a raspberry pi 3. I have installed the mosquitto addon in hassio.

How about some kind of tutorial for setup/installation? Something? Anything?

What did was read the manual, and add my duckdns as my host like so and then forwarded 8123 to my HA ip addr in my routers NAT table, and Bob’s your Uncle :slight_smile: However I don’t use lets encrypt so that makes it a bit easier. The manual is at the bottom of the menu page accessed from the hamburger menu button at the top of the Zanzito main screen (at least on Android it is).

The app will not allow me to enter a colon. I have an android phone.

I don’t have to enter “:8123” on my duckdns address to access home assistant from the web (I have port forwarding from 443 to 8123 on the raspberry pi’s IP address). Does that carry over to the app “host”?

Sorry yep that’s right, I just put the duckdns addr in the host slot. However to access HA I do still put the :8123 on the end of the duckdns addr in the browser, I don’t use ssl so not sure you would need :443 but I’m assuming you don’t as https probably assumes that anyway. So forwarding 443 to 8123 is probably correct.

Did you have a read of the manual …

A2. SSL/TLS Connection
If you have configured your router so that your MQTT broker is accessible from outside your local network, you can
put your public address into the preferences and Zanzito will connect to it. However we do not recommend this unless
you have an encrypted connection.
Zanzito supports SSL/TLS connections to the MQTT server, but no client authentication with certificates (you must use
usernames and passwords). To enable encrypted connections to your MQTT broker, your Android device must first
recognize the Certificate Authority (CA) that signed the certificate your server is using.
If the server certificate is signed by a recognized authority, Zanzito should work straightaway.
If the certificate is self signed, it is necessary to load the CA certificate (usually ca.crt) to your device (through
email attachment, USB copy or any other means). Then you can:
– launch the certificate file through a File browsing app and accept it into you system (Android will
complain a bit about the fact that the certificate is self signed: as long as you know where it comes
from, there’s no real risk);
- or, alternatively, load the CA certificate directly from Zanzito (under Preferences->MQTT
Once the self signed CA certificate is imported by your device, enable “SSL/TLS connection” in Zanzito->Preferences-
>MQTT Connection->Security and change the port according to your server configuration.
There are many tutorials on net on how to configure SSL/TLS for an MQTT broker. For mosquitto, the following article
is a good starting point:
MQTT Mosquitto broker with SSL/TLS transport security – Primal Cortex's Weblog

Where do I get the certificate from? The instructions don’t say. The instructions do provide a link which gives some details, but the very first assumption seems to be that the user has a linux machine. I have a windows machine. Not sure how I can proceed.

Well google usually has some of the answers …