Zemismart ZM25 Zigbee howto (Tubular roller blind/shade/cover motor)

Hi @nickshanks,

I’m not quite sure if it would work. The issue is if there would be enough friction.
Just to avoid this kind of issues, I bought my motors first, then while buying the shades, I took a motor with me and agreed on an almost compatible profile. Finally, I had to cut a small piece of the plastic on the motor to make it fit the profile the shade/blind guy was using. I would think there would be a lot of torque when the shade is completely down. Not sure if it work properly only depending on friction. You see, if it would slip just a tiny bit, you would have bigger problems in time.

Brilliant! Thanks so much, works like a charm.

I have installed an paired my motor successfully, but one problem.
It is rotated in HA, so this means HA think the rollo is closed, but in real it is open.
Can I cahange the behaivior of HA?

Here is the solution