šŸŽ® ZHA, deCONZ, Zigbee2MQTT - Ikea E1743 On/Off Switch & Dimmer Universal blueprint - all actions + double click events - control lights, media players and more with Hooks

I didnā€™t manage to upload/fix the code to be in code format, I will read more and when I will know, I will come back with the error again.


Hey, this blueprint is not working anymore because of the problem with regex. @lsismeiro @LewisSpring I think I saw somewhere that you tried to keep the blueprints repo up-to-date ? I created a pull request here to fix that problem for E1743, could you accept it ? Thx !

Edit: Forgot to say it but I tested locally and it works fine after the fix.

Hi, thanks for the pull request. I havenā€™t got write access to the repository, but @lsismeiro will see it in due course

this looks great. Usinf deCONZ and unfortunately I cannot make the double press working. I tried several times, all the rest works, I activated the double press options and also added the helper as required.
I tried to extend the delay between double press and also added a debouncer, but nothing changes.
no matter how fast or slow I do the double tap, this gets not detected.
Any ideas please?

Is there any progress here?
As of today, the long press and hold still doesnā€™t work. :frowning:

Blueprint: Version 2022.08.08
Ikea E1743 with FW 24.4.6
HA Core: 2023.11.3
ZHA + Skyconnect

Hi @Vanessa
Have you tried this version of the blueprint?
awesome-ha-blueprints/blueprints/controllers/ikea_e1743/ikea_e1743.yaml at main Ā· lsismeiro/awesome-ha-blueprints (github.com)

We do have an issue open ( E1743 long press still doesnā€™t work with latest pull Ā· Issue #4 Ā· lsismeiro/awesome-ha-blueprints (github.com)) Re Long press but I am unable to verify it as I donā€™t have the device.

Yes, i tried the fork. Unfortunately still unsuccessful.

It turns out I have an E1743 :laughing:

I will test this and get back to you!!

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Seeing the same issue, Please check the issue I linked above and will continue there.

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Hey everyone!

Thanks to SandaleZ and Rofo.

I finally read this topic to the end and with your help I managed to get this blueprint to work with ZHA with IKEA E1743 button.

  1. The code needs to be edited:


By file editor

Afterwords create a new text helper by UI and extent the maximum letters to 255

At the end, refresh your automation.

For me it was lines between 216 - 228

      - 'on'
      - move_with_on_off_MoveMode.Up_83
      - stop_with_on_off
      - 'off'
      - move_MoveMode.Down_83_0_0
      - stop_with_on_off
  1. I also had to edit the code below in the same file as recommended by Rofo
    For me it was lines between 287-293
    trigger_delta: '{{ (as_timestamp(now()) - ((states(helper_last_controller_event)
      | from_json).t if helper_last_controller_event is not none and (states(helper_last_controller_event)
      | regex_match("^\{((\"a\":\".*\"|\"t\":\d+\.\d+)(,)?){2}\}$")) else as_timestamp("1970-01-01
      00:00:00"))) * 1000 }}'
    last_controller_event: '{{ (states(helper_last_controller_event) | from_json).a
      if helper_last_controller_event is not none and (states(helper_last_controller_event)
      | regex_match("^\{((\"a\":\".*\"|\"t\":\d+\.\d+)(,)?){2}\}$")) else "" }}'

Hey @Hari_Hari

These work, thank you!
Will contribute these to GitHub - lsismeiro/awesome-ha-blueprints: A curated collection of automation blueprints for Home Assistant. with credit to you

Update ikea_e1743.yaml - change actions by LewisSpring Ā· Pull Request #5 Ā· lsismeiro/awesome-ha-blueprints (github.com)

cc @Vanessa

Please test if possible by importing and switching your automations: raw.githubusercontent.com/lsismeiro/awesome-ha-blueprints/69707d91de11a3317d9276216e3c28c4f2e95f41/blueprints/controllers/ikea_e1743/ikea_e1743.yaml

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Hey @LewisSpring

I downloaded your blueprint and ran my automation on it. Everything works great. Single, double and long presses work perfectly.

Sweet. I will look at merging this now :slight_smile:

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@LewisSpring Thanks for this plugin! I have a question. I got 3 GU10 LEDs together in one light.

  • How do I set this blueprint so it fades while holding (long press)? Iā€™ve tried setting loop until release, but it causes the lights actions to jam. Probably because Zigbee2MQTT cant handle the massive loops.

Hi @viezevis

You should set up the Hook Blueprint alongside your controller blueprint, ensuring that the hold and press actions wonā€™t clash.

Hope that helps

PS: If you want to override or supplement a hook action, like ā€œup single clickā€, it might work to add a 10ms or so delay and then your action; and theyā€™ll work together.

Just a note for anyone looking for support from me with ZHA specifically going forward, I have now moved to Zigbee2MQTT. I intend to keep my old coordinator that I can do ZHA specific tests with if needed. :slight_smile:


Ah, Iā€™ve missed that. Is there like an instruction to basically set the default settings of IKEA into the controller and Light Hook Blueprint?

On and Off is working perfect. But once I start dimming the light it just turns off, no matter how long I ā€˜long holdā€™ the button down. Theres no ā€˜fast stopā€™. Do I have to setup something in the controller for Up/Down Up button long press?

(Optional) Up button long press - loop until release = off
Maximum loop repeats = 250 (default, but I tried 3 also)
Minimum brightness = 3 (tried in light-specific Z2M config)

In logs I can see it keeps spamming anyways. Hope theres some documentation about this? Or can you help me out? :smiley:

EPMattā€™s documentation should help you with this: Awesome HA Blueprints | Awesome HA Blueprints (epmatt.github.io)

There could be a conflict with the controller automation and the hook - if you are using the hook, you donā€™t need to use the Loop until release settings.

To begin with, you should:

  1. Start with a blank Controller automation and configure it with your remote entities.
  2. Add your Light hook automation, configure it with your remote entities and target light
  3. Test and see if the dimming and power controls work fine.

What you describe is basically what I did based on documentation. Thats probably why I messed a little with the settings without needed to.

  1. I setup a Controller with no other configurations then Controller Entity and Last Controller Event. In Z2M I can see On/Of/Brightness Up/Down events.

  2. I installed the Light Hook. Set te device + entity, controller module and set the light group which to control.

  3. When testing, on/off works fine. Dimming works, but the dimming does not stop whatsoever. If I dim the lights, it keeps dimming untill its off somehow.

I can upload a video?

Im seeing the same behaviour while trying to setup my Ikea Styrbar remote and Ikea 1100 lumen colour temp bulbs. Loading the controller and light hook automations works fine for on and off but brightness results in a loop of the command until an short button up or down command which is evident in the z2m logs. Itā€™s as if it needs a ā€œstopā€ command when releasing the long press.

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