🎮 ZHA, deCONZ, Zigbee2MQTT - IKEA E2001/E2002 STYRBAR Remote control Universal blueprint - all actions + double click events - control lights, media players and more with Hooks

Hi @jiggs
I will update the Pull Request to include this fix, cheers

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Please find the latest version of this blueprint here: awesome-ha-blueprints/blueprints/controllers/ikea_e2001_e2002/ikea_e2001_e2002.yaml at 1a9a9eb1ae14de0e6a1dce7cd88182b5ff076058 · EPMatt/awesome-ha-blueprints (github.com)

In the future, I intend to start creating pull requests to @lsismeiro 's repository*, so all of the modifications have a clear location.

*Luis’ repository does not yet have the latest changes

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Hi, I Just update the blueprint but still i’ve some truble.
When I push the button The automatico recognize the “pression” bug it do not apply the service.
Here some screenhot.

Am I doing something wrong?

Hi @Maderik72
Please check your Call Service code, try creating it in the Developer Tools then copying it into the automation.

I have a problem with this blueprint and the new Rodret remote by IKEA (which I like a lot btw). I use @LewisSpring blueprint for styrbar 2001/2002 (selected v1 in the blueprint), and a light hook from the same repository.
Whenever I want to dim (increase or decrease brightness), the light doesn’t stop increasing or decreasing brightness until it has reached full brightness or no brightness at all.
(I had the same effect with the old Tradfri On/Off switch, btw.)
I have checked everything, however can’t find my problem. Anyone an idea?
Thanks alot for your help!

Hi all,
The latest version of the blueprint can be found here: [awesome-ha-blueprints/blueprints/controllers/ikea_e2001_e2002/ikea_e2001_e2002.yaml at main · lsismeiro/awesome-ha-blueprints awesome-ha-blueprints/blueprints/controllers/ikea_e2001_e2002/ikea_e2001_e2002.yaml at main · lsismeiro/awesome-ha-blueprints (github.com)

In the future, any changes I make to PR#411 will also be made to @lsismeiro 's repository (linked above).

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Hi Connor, welcome to the community.
Can you check you are using the latest version as linked above?

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Hello Lewis,

Apologies for my late reply! And thanks for the welcome.

I’ve removed all old versions and started with the linked blueprint above. Now it’s working perfectly!

Thanks alot!



hello everyone.

I was trying to integrate this blueprint and didn’t understand why it wasn’t working.
Skimming a little, I found the blueprints of @LewisSpring and @Isismeiro (I see that the user does not recognize me, maybe they have unsubscribed?)

By using one of these “customs” I have been able to control an LED strip without problems.

But I didn’t understand so many versions, so many different repositories,… until I read that the original (the one from @epmatt ) no longer supported.

So, since the EPMatt blueprint is not supported, and lsismeiro
It does not appear as active, I understand that the supported project is that of @LewisSpring

is this correct?
And of all the versions, am I only left with the main one?

Thanks for your work

EPMatt’s version is now broken, yes

You are best to delete all of your blueprints and add the blueprint from this post

I have just checked that it works and I can access it.

Hope this helps

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thanks a lot
The truth is that it was a bit confusing to decide which repository to follow, among all the variants I have found.
Do I add 8eea618 specifically, or the main? (they seem to be the same)

And I just thought that the one in your repository was better, given that you are here and Isismeiro is not.


Main and 8eea618 are the same. My link should have been pointing to main, apologies. Will update that.

@lsismeiro is here. Not sure why you are having trouble seeing his profile.
It is a collaborative effort between me and Luis to update the blueprint and put it somewhere central. - All of the latest versions will be put in Luis’ repository.
It was beginning to get confusing in my repository as I was using it to update PR#411 only, whereas Luis’ is a truer fork of EPMatt’s project.

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Well, many thanks to @lsismeiro and you.

Now I want to make a small modification to the hook.
If I get it, I’ll publish it in the repository to see what you think.

No problem, feel free to make a pull request :slight_smile:

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I’m afraid I have overrated my knowledge of Home Assistant and programming.

My idea is to add the color WHITE in the “Hue - Saturation” mode.

I am clear that the line to modify is this, but I can’t think of how to add the white mode in each rotation:
hs_color: '{{ [((state_attr(light,"hs_color")[0] or 0) + 15) % 360, 100] }}'

The idea I had before discovering this blueprint was to use a list of colors:
{% set colors = ["white", "yellow", "green", "blue", "red", "orange", "purple", "pink", "black", "grey", "brown"] %}

I’ll let you know if I can achieve it. I also appreciate ideas.

No problem :slight_smile:

I’m not fully sure about this either.
HSL White is 0%,0%,100%

Maybe it has something to do with the “% 360” but I’m not entirely sure how it works.


That has also been a great mystery to me, I had never seen it.
In the end, doing tests I discovered that it is a limiter of the previous calculation. Adding +15 comes a time when 375 comes out, but with “%360” the resulting value is 360.

My current idea is to add a new mode, to be able to select the colors I want to add.

      name: (Optional) Light color mode
      description: Specify how the controller will set the light color. Choose "Color Temperature" and "Hue - Saturation" depending on the features supported by your light. If you are not sure you can select "Auto". "None" will disable color control features.
      default: Auto
            - Auto
            - Color Temperature
            - Hue - Saturation
            - Color list
            - None

Right now I’m creating the scripts to see how I do it, and when I have it working, I’ll comment on it in case you want to add it to the hook

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Hi all,

I’m having trouble calling the light.turn_on service from this template, it is a simple turn_on light service. I’ve tried the same code via the developer tools and it works fine but when executing this automation I get the error below.

I’m using Z2M and the latest version of the blueprint posted by @LewisSpring


Im a new user so I can post only one embedded image but in Traces → Step Details the entity_id doesnt seem like it is getting passed down?


In the end I see that it is easier to modify the control of raising and lowering the colors.
About the list maybe in the future.

I have solved it by modifying the up and down lines, putting these:
lines 550 and 592:
hs_color: '{%- if state_attr(light,"hs_color")[0] >= 345 -%} [5,5] {%- else -%} {{ [((state_attr(light,"hs_color")[0] or 0) + 15) % 360, 100] }} {%- endif -%}'

lines 567 and 620:
hs_color: '{%- if state_attr(light,"hs_color")[0] =< 15 -%} [355,5] {%- else -%} {{ [((state_attr(light,"hs_color")[0] or 0) - 15) % 360, 100] }} {%- endif -%}'

If you want, you have complete freedom to add this modification to the code.
In my case it was important, since the LED strip illuminates my daughter’s room, and the white color was essential.

Ok I got there at the end…I did see all the requirements but I completely disregarded creation of an input text helper. Once it’s been added it all started working.

I do have a question about brightness increase/decrease, is it suppose to go all the way down or up while holding the button? For me it only goes two steps and then button needs to be released and held again. Is this intended?