ZHA Zigbee Tested Devices...Please add your device results

Is this a question on making a “Quirk” to get this device to work ? I’m not entirely new to Python, but I need possibly to learn how this i should be set up i Home Assitant

just in case this affects anyone else this bug can be reproduced if you delete a group with a lower ID number then an existing group. It will be fixed in 105.

No that isn’t what it was supposed to show as. It’s a button - not a switch. It has since been fixed with an applied quirk. It now shows taps - double taps - triple taps. I have since deleted it anyway as ST sensors are trash with batteries.

Anyone having issues with Centralite 3326-L (iris v2) sensors getting stuck on motion or no motion occasionally?

Hitting reconfigure or mashing the button on the motion sensor usually fixes it.

I had it happen with one of my sensors occasionally. Replacement sensor had same problem. Traced it down to an Osram color light. Replaced it with Ikea color bulb and it flawless (mostly) since then. But I do have problem with one of Ikeas tunable whites. Sometimes is just freezes and all xiaomi sensors connected through it become unavailable. Requires a powercycle to fix it.

I’ve added ZHA into https://zigbee.blakadder.com and added most of the still available devices mentioned in this thread. Next step is to add all the devices from the quirks GitHub repository!


I really want this to work, but am a bit lost myself. I created zigbee group via the HA zha control panel. I added two zigbee lights. The only atribute I see is Group ID, no cluster, and also is how do I figure out commands? is there a list somewhere? Can you change colors using groups if both bulbs are the same? Just looking for a high level guide for

Does not need to be a step by step (but that would be cool too), but just a go here to figure it out.

Thanks in advance

This has seemed to happen a bit more often for me as well. I have 6 of these and maybe once a week one get stuck. Sometimes just triggering motion gets it working again. I had felt like it was probably me restating HA while motion was detected,so I’ve pretty much ignored it,but will keep a closer eye on it now

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You have to use the zha issue group command service currently. it will get easier at some form in the future.

But for now you issue commands direct to the appropriate cluster. For example cluster six, command one to turn on the lights, command zero to turn them off, and command two to toggle the lights.

do you perhaps use node red? I have a small hacky flow that auto creates MQTT lights for all your zigbee groups. so then you just interact with the MQTT light entity like any other light but the backend is using the zig bee group commands.

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Thanks, I’m not using node red. I am unable to find the cluster ID, all I see is the group ID, which is 0x0001 since I only have one group that I created.

Thanks for the tips on the commands

edit: I think I found the cluster info. I’m able to send a command, but of course nothing happens. haha, but closer. My zigbee bulbs are hue light strips that I’ve moved to a zigbee controller, here is what I see, does this look right


This is what I’m trying (with and without manfacturer)

No errors that I can see, just nothing happens

Lose the manufacturer bit and it should work

Edit: sorry, saw that you already tried that. Can you crank the logging level for ZHA to debug And see that the group message is successfully sent?

So the lights are not right in front of me, it looks like they were in fact turning on and off. haha, but the UI did not show the individual lights state change, so I was looking at the UI, not seeing anything. So I guess my next question is… is that normal, and how can I get the lights in a group to report back their proper state when then change?

Hue bulbs do not support attribute reporting. :confused:

I didn’t like it either and in fact last night I just swapped out all of my hue bulbs for the $4 ecosmart bulbs.

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Well boo… haha. I have quite a few hue color bulbs, strips, and white. I’ll have to figure out another way (maybe after the fact via automation), to get the UI to update. My main goal is just for a few groups/scenes I have to turn on/off at the same time. I’m thinking I’ll automate the zha command to turn on the zigbee group, then maybe send the light command to “turn them on” but they’ll already be on.

Anyone able to set color or dimmer level via zha? I might start playing with that too.

Thanks agin

That was me and yes, it continues to be an issue on 0.104.2. I haven’t created a github issue yet (I have 3 of them I need to create), but work and home have been busy the past couple of weeks.

Would you mind sending me that flow? I’ve been slowly working on one, but given that I can’t even create groups right now, it’s not a high priority.

I’ve noticed the exact same behavior. Please keep me posted, I’m thinking of opening an issue on Github once I confirm the issue is not just me and on my end. These sensors are my primary motion sensors because of how fast and cheap they are.

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There is an issue with how the new group ID is selected. If you delete a group with a lower ID then an existing group you will trigger it.

Work around for now is to delete all your groups and then start again – and just not delete a group for the time being.

Here is the Node-RED flow. It’s super hacky and has not yet been tested very much at all, so use at your own risk. I’d wait for the official supported method to use groups:

[{"id":"95da7c30.420f4","type":"function","z":"e0703c90.1a341","name":"MQTT light","func":"name = msg.payload.group_id;\ndesc_name = msg.payload.name;\n\nvar light_config = {\n payload: {\n name: \"Zigbee Group - \" + desc_name,\n unique_id: name,\n command_topic: \"zigbee_group/\" + name + \"/command\",\n brightness_command_topic: \"zigbee_group/\" + name + \"/command/brightness\",\n brightness_state_topic: \"zigbee_group/\" + name + \"/state/brightness\",\n color_temp_command_topic: \"zigbee_group/\" + name + \"/command/color\",\n color_temp_state_topic: \"zigbee_group/\" + name + \"/state/color\", \n state_topic: \"zigbee_group/\" + name + \"/state\",\n json_attributes_topic: \"zigbee_group/\" + name + \"/attributes\"\n },\n\n topic: \"homeassistant/light/\" + name + \"/config\"\n};\nreturn light_config;","outputs":1,"noerr":0,"x":570,"y":1920,"wires":[["8989caff.e8b938"]]},{"id":"8989caff.e8b938","type":"mqtt 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Dimming is cluster 8, command 4 with args [ level, 0]

Color temp is cluster 768, command 10 with args [temp, 0]

Where level or temp is 0-255 for the level or color temp.


Heiman Smoke Sensor unavailable after 2-3 hours from adding to HA. I use deconz Conbee 2 through ZHA.