Zigbee2Mqtt 2.0 - IKEA five button remote

Does anybody know where to find a similar version of this blueprint without the need for the legacy triggers & attributes?
These will be removed in the upcoming Z2M update in January 2025


So i am testing this blueprint with the ikea 5 button remote and is the brightness suppose to go down by holding down the button or do i have to click multiple times ? In my case i hold it down, it fades down a bit then i need to click many times before it’s dim enough, was hoping I could just hold down until desired brightness was achieved.

Any luck? There’s no longer a ‘remote_action’ to link in the automation.

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Remote broke for me too after the update. Can’t define the trigger

Same here, couldn’t find a new blueprint yet

I wouldn’t hijacking topic but here is example

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This works for me

That’s just a bandage not a fix for the problem. Also for mine it doesn’t seem to work.

My options in settings look different. The blueprint is broken after the update to v2

This is what my settings show

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It’s the same settings, difference between them is desktop or phone

I finally updated to Z2M 2.0 and I almost have the revised blueprint ready. Just have to figure out how to get the “hold to change brightness” working without the _action entity

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I ticked those boxes and now it works but someone else above said this is not proper solution. Do you know why?

Yes, because Z2M will not always support the “legacy” options so it’ll be better practice to move forward with the device actions (or whatever they’re actually called)

New version

Yeah I saw that. I want my blueprint to specify a (or a few) light(s) and have brightness up and down just work without specifying a script or something in the “brightness hold up” and “release” actions

Alright folks, re-import the blueprint and let me know if it gives you any trouble. I have Z2M 2.0 installed with no legacy options checked. @HomeAB @Sporbillis @Dutchy-79 @CornelisNL @10der @spry-salt @donnib

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Ty, works for me :+1:

Edit, also with legacy turned off.

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Just remember, the legacy triggers are deprecated, so you need to pick another trigger method going forward.

The Zigbee2MQTT team lead has just confirmed that the reaction from the users have made him postpone the removal for a very long time. Especially the Node Red users are in trouble.

If you want an example of the 5 button remote here is mine using the new actions

alias: Tradfri PH Dimmer
  - trigger: state
    entity_id: event.ph_dimmer_action
    not_from: unavailable
  - choose:
      - conditions:
          - condition: template
            value_template: "{{trigger.to_state.attributes.event_type == 'toggle'}}"
          - condition: state
            entity_id: light.ph
            state: "off"
          - data:
                - light.ph
              brightness_pct: 80
            action: light.turn_on
      - conditions:
          - condition: template
            value_template: "{{trigger.to_state.attributes.event_type == 'toggle'}}"
          - condition: state
            entity_id: light.ph
            state: "on"
          - data:
                - light.ph
            action: light.turn_off
      - conditions:
          - "{{trigger.to_state.attributes.event_type == 'brightness_up_hold'}}"
          - action: mqtt.publish
            metadata: {}
              topic: zigbee2mqtt/PH/set
              payload: "{\"brightness_move\": 50 }"
      - conditions:
          - "{{trigger.to_state.attributes.event_type == 'brightness_down_hold'}}"
          - action: mqtt.publish
            metadata: {}
              topic: zigbee2mqtt/PH/set
              payload: "{\"brightness_move\": -50 }"
      - conditions:
          - >-
            {{trigger.to_state.attributes.event_type in
            ('brightness_up_release', 'brightness_down_release')}}
          - action: mqtt.publish
            metadata: {}
              topic: zigbee2mqtt/PH/set
              payload: "{\"brightness_move\": 0 }"
      - conditions:
          - "{{trigger.to_state.attributes.event_type == 'arrow_right_click'}}"
          - data:
              topic: blinds/step/left
              payload: "10"
            action: mqtt.publish
          - data:
              topic: blinds/step/right
              payload: "10"
            action: mqtt.publish
      - conditions:
          - condition: template
            value_template: "{{trigger.to_state.attributes.event_type == 'arrow_left_click'}}"
          - data:
              topic: blinds/step/left
              payload: "-10"
            action: mqtt.publish
          - data:
              topic: blinds/step/right
              payload: "-10"
            action: mqtt.publish
      - conditions:
          - condition: template
            value_template: "{{trigger.to_state.attributes.event_type == 'arrow_right_hold'}}"
          - data:
              topic: blinds/set/left
              payload: "50"
            action: mqtt.publish
          - data:
              topic: blinds/set/right
              payload: "50"
            action: mqtt.publish
      - conditions:
          - condition: template
            value_template: "{{trigger.to_state.attributes.event_type == 'arrow_left_hold'}}"
          - data:
              topic: blinds/set/left
              payload: "0"
            action: mqtt.publish
          - data:
              topic: blinds/set/right
              payload: "0"
            action: mqtt.publish
initial_state: "on"
mode: queued
max_exceeded: silent
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