I’m having problems after updating to the latest Zigbee2MQTT.
Anyone got a clue about the cause?
I went through the breaking changes, but still. I believe I’m not having a very complicated setup and using a Sonoff USB adapter.
This is from my log
[18:15:26] INFO: Preparing to start…
[18:15:26] INFO: Socat not enabled
[18:15:26] INFO: Starting Zigbee2MQTT…
Starting Zigbee2MQTT without watchdog.
AssertionError [ERR_ASSERTION]: The expression evaluated to a falsy value:
(0, node_assert_1.default)(result instanceof Object)
at read (/app/lib/util/yaml.ts:24:15)
at Object.readIfExists (/app/lib/util/yaml.ts:36:34)
at readDevicesOrGroups (/app/lib/util/settings.ts:317:38)
at read (/app/lib/util/settings.ts:325:5)
at getPersistedSettings (/app/lib/util/settings.ts:393:21)
at Object.reRead (/app/lib/util/settings.ts:640:5)
at start (/app/index.js:130:14)
For now I restored back to 1.42.0, but it would be nice to stay up to speed
Now the log is telling me there maybe something wrong with devices or groups:
at readDevicesOrGroups (/app/lib/util/settings.ts:317:38)
Because my configuration has devices.yaml and groups.yaml, I went through those. groups.yaml is empty, which shouldn’t be a problem.
However in devices.yaml there were two old devices which I don’t have anymore. I removed these from the yaml.
Now I want to retry, however, my upgrade to 2.0.0 is not available anymore. How to get that back?
Edit: in the meantime came through, but the problem persists
I removed the one empty .yaml file that I had and added the above extra settings and I still get an error trying to start the add-on and access the UI. This started with the HA 2025.1 update. When I go back to Z2M 1.42.0-2, everything works correctly.
After looking at the logs, I noticed my Zigbee dongle was not being recognized. Thought I would mention it here in case anyone else has the same issue.
What I meant here, is there is an empty groups.yaml which leads to a problem. I did not delete the groups.yaml, but instead removed the reference to it from the configuration.yaml, so the last two lines in the excerpt below:
- devices.yaml
- groups.yaml
Dongle problem
I added that line already before updating, after I’ve gone through the breaking changes, so I don’t know if that would have been a problem.
Good you mention it.
port: /dev/ttyUSB0
adapter: zstack
In my case it’s a zstack adapter (Sonoff), but might be different for others (like ember)
I wanted to understand, if homeassistant_legacy_triggers: false
is mandatory for V2.0, or if this also can be implemented with homeassistant_legacy_triggers: true
I have hundreds of triggers like sensor.bj_tastfeld_sideboard_rechts_action. If I add the line: homeassistant_legacy_triggers: false to V1.42 nothings works anymore.