ZigStar - ZigBee Coordinators and Routers

Now you can flash CC2652P7 with ZigStar Multi Tool


Hi @mercenaruss ,

Not sure what I was doing wrong, but did it initially as you described. But z2m was not starting until I change second IEEE to the original one and re-flashed device.

Ok, thank you. I was under the assumption you should flash over USB, but if this is the case, then no problem.

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ZigStarGW-MT v0.4.2 & ZigStar Addons - Enhanced Flashing Speed

We are pleased to announce the release of ZigStarGW-MT and ZigStar Addons introducing significant improvements in the efficiency of Zigbee chip flashing. This update offers a noticeable increase in flashing speed, streamlining the process for users. Our team remains dedicated to providing effective and user-friendly solutions for the Zigbee community.

Discover the enhanced capabilities of Multi tool by visiting our GitHub page: ZigStarGW-MT v0.4.2 (Release v0.4.2 Ā· xyzroe/ZigStarGW-MT Ā· GitHub) and ZigStar Addons


How can I tell if I ā€œbrickedā€ my Zigstar ? Is it possible to confirm that coordinator firmware has been written to my uzg-01 ?

Good day, when will the new hubs be available again?

Hey guys! :wave: :slight_smile:

Iā€™m having a bit of trouble with my Zigbee network and trying all possible avenues to fix it!

In January of this year, I bought the ZigStar Olizig PoE adapter and set it up (with a bit of help :sweat_smile:).

My network consists of:

  • 6 x SmartThings Multipurpose Contact sensors (before the Aeotec models)

  • 4 x IKEA Tradfri buttons

  • 2 x Aqara H1 switches (no neutral)

  • 1 x Tuya 4CH relay (acting as a router).

From time to time, thereā€™d be some small issue with a contact sensor, but mostly after updates (running everything in Docker).

Last week, prior to any updates, I noticed about half of the contact sensors not responding

  • Either showing as open when closed or closed when open

  • 0 lqi

  • The map showing no connected lines.

I updated everything (HA + Z2M) and still, the same devices keep dropping from the network.

Itā€™s only the contact sensors - everything else is working just fine.

So, is it possible that a firmware update would fix it? It was last updated in Marchā€¦

Just reporting @mercenaruss that using my router firmware build and the official coordinator one with my 20 devices I have no issues a month later all devices work fine.

Hopefully cross-posting is not violating the rules here.

I am trying to install the coordinator firmware on one of my 2 SONOFF Zigbee 3.0 USB Dongle Plus V2 (the other is used as router with ZHA, which is disabled when I try to flash the firmware on the other USB) using ZigStar add-on.

But I get this error:

Connecting to targetā€¦
ERROR: Timeout waiting for ACK/NACK after ā€˜Synch (0x55 0x55)ā€™
[22:13:49] INFO: cc2652-flasher-up script exited with code 1
s6-rc: warning: unable to start service cc2652-flasher: command exited 1
s6-rc: info: service banner: stopping
/run/s6/basedir/scripts/rc.init: warning: s6-rc failed to properly bring all the services up! Check your logs (in /run/uncaught-logs/current if you have in-container logging) for more information.
/run/s6/basedir/scripts/rc.init: fatal: stopping the container.

What am I missing? Here more info[1].


[1] [Help] Issue flashing Ā· Issue #22 Ā· mercenaruss/zigstar_addons Ā· GitHub

This is what works for me:
To avoid a ā€œACK/NACKā€ error with ZigStar Multitool, press and hold the deviceā€™s Boot button just before clicking Start, and continue holding Boot until flashing has begun.

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Thanks, so I have to open it and click the boot button which is pictured here?


Edit: looking at the link above, it seems that the USB-chip of my device is CH9102F and not CP2102. How can I be sure which one is it (so that I do not try to flash the wrong firmware)?

Hi again,

Clarified that I actually have an E version (EFR32MG21 - CH9102F [1] ), which firmware should I use to use it as coordinator?

Indeed, the repository indicated in ZigStar seems to apply only to the P version [2], whereas the other one I found does not seem to have the right extension to work straight with ZigStar [3].

Any help would be really appreciated!


[1] SONOFF Zigbee 3.0 USB Dongle Plus-E - SONOFF Official

[2] https://github.com/Koenkk/Z-Stack-firmware/raw/Z-Stack_3.x.0_coordinator_20221226/coordinator/Z-Stack_3.x.0/bin/CC1352P2_CC2652P_launchpad_coordinator_20221226.zip


we are mostly focused on CC2652P2/P7 chips, for flashing SONOFF Zigbee 3.0 USB Dongle Plus-E check some other tutorials what are focused on this device,for example Flashing Silabs EFR32/EM358x/ETRX35x based adapters
Our Multitool is working only with CC2652P2/P7

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Gotcha! It is a pity (for me). Iā€™ll try to look in that direction (or I could give the two dongle back to Amazon and take the P version, if you say it would be overall easier in the futureā€¦).

Anyone using a UZG-01 with ZHA? How do I go about migrating from a SONOFF Zigbee 3.0 USB Dongle Plus-E to a UZG-01 over wired Ethernet?

For the records, I managed to flash the E dongle (of course not using ZigStar but SecureCRT). I leave here the procedure in case someone needs it (apologies for going off topic, mods can remove it if it is too much).

[Quote] To flash the router/extender firmware on your Dongle-E you can use SecureCRT on a windows, MacOS or Linux computer.

In my case, I have an Ubuntu 2023.10 so I followed the following steps:

install the missing library as explained here: https://www.reddit.com/r/SecureCRT/comments/13cqgv2/anyone_got_securecrt_to_work_on_ubuntu_2304/

$ wget http://mirrors.edge.kernel.org/ubuntu/pool/main/i/icu/libicu70_70.1-2_amd64.deb

sudo dpkg -i libicu70_70.1-2_amd64.deb

install an additional library

$ sudo apt install libxcb-cursor0

download SecureCRT from the following website


install SecureCRT

$ sudo dpkg -i libicu70_70.1-2_amd64.deb

$ sudo chmod +x scrt-9.5.0-3241.ubuntu22-64.x86_64.deb

Now SecureCRT is installed on your Ubuntu and you can proceed to flash the firmware on the dongle-E.

  1. unscrew the case of the dongle, to have access to the restart an bootloader buttons

  2. connect the dongle to the Ubuntu machine on a USB port

  3. open the terminal of your Ubuntu and look at the port used by the dongle using ā€œ$ sudo dsmesgā€. In my case, I could see that the device was under /dev/ttyACM0

e.g. [ 3407.820600] cdc_acm 4-2:1.0: ttyACM0: USB ACM device

  1. now you can open SecureCRT with sudo, otherwise you get the following error:

Unable to open serial port /dev/ttyACM0:

Permission denied

so run the following command on the Ubuntu terminal:

ā€œ$ sudo SecureCRT &ā€

  1. on SecureCRT accept the license page (note that you have a 30 days evaluation period) and follow the first step described here to give the right connection settings:

and here

Once configured the connection as described above, a terminal will appear on the SecureCRT screen.

  1. Now push BOTH buttons of the dongle and release the external one, so that it restarts and enters in boot mode

  2. Now push option ā€œ1ā€ on the Secure rt screen.

  3. As mentioned in the second pdf linked under point 6. above, you have to tell SecureCRT which firmware to use. So go to the menu ā€œTransferā€ of SecureCRT and then click on ā€œSendX modemā€, this way you can point SecureCRT to the local downloaded firmware.

*Note: You should complete this step during the progress bar displayed as the character ā€œCā€, otherwise, an error will be reported and you need to re-enter 1.

In my case I used this firmware (as router/extender):

  1. after the upload is finished, enter the 2 option (run) which will restart the dongle.

  2. unplug the dongle, screw it back, add the antenna and connect to a pc or 5V power supplier

  3. go to HA and add the new device on your preferred integration or add-on.

Hi, Iā€™m using UZG-01.


Connect UZG-01 to network cable, change serial to port with IP address:

port: tcp://xxx.xxx.x.xxx:6638
baudrate: 115200

Disconnect usb dongle.

You are using it with ZHA? I donā€™t see a place in HA to change from serial to ip:port.

Go to Add-on Store and install Zigbee2MQTT.

Once install in a configuration change serial to
port: tcp://xxx.xxx.x.xxx:6638
baudrate: 115200

Iā€™m not using Z2M Iā€™m using ZHA which my understanding the UZG-01 supports.