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September 2022


Nice update, as always :slight_smile:

1 reply
September 2022 ▶ francisp


Very nice update indeed. The Bluetooth proxy stuff looks really interesting.

September 2022


Great release! Wonderful to see the Schedule component. That should be a great addition. But I’m missing the part on how to trigger an automation on schedule start / end?

4 replies
September 2022 ▶ alex3305


The schedule entity has an on / off state, use that for triggers.

September 2022


I’m excited about the bluetooth proxies with ESPHome. Awesome!

September 2022


Weirdly supervised does not show the update yet, but it is super new, no issue.

My question is: Do i need BT adapter in my HA server if i would use bt proxy in esp home?

Or if I add


to my esphome config HA will magically begin to see bluetooth devices over wifi that the esp adapter is connected to?

1 reply
September 2022


It typically takes about an hour after a release is tagged for the images to be built.

You can monitor the progress here:

September 2022

SNoof85 Great contributor

Nice to see @piitaya joining nabu casa! Congrats mate ! Mushrooms everywhere :grinning: :mushroom:

September 2022


Wow, this is an update full of things I’ve been waiting for, great work! Especially eager to see where the zwave update will go, hopefully lots of manufacturers will follow.

September 2022


Awesome job again. It keeps getting better and better for every release. Thanks for all the hard work you all do :tada:

September 2022


It was born on my birthday? No wonder it is so awesome!!!

1 reply
September 2022

Hellis81 Solution Institution

It’s done! Time to update

September 2022


Excelent, awesome job, i love this team!

September 2022


Nice release, I love merging of settings and info in the entity popup menus. Also the hardware CPU and memory graph is nice, but I do not understand why y axis is adapting dynamically. This is completely confusing.

September 2022


Does this mean you can use the BT proxies without plugging in a BT dongle to HA?

I’m looking too have BT control similarly like Zigbee2MQTT, as i run HA in a Hyper V which does not support usb passthrough.

1 reply
September 2022


Love the updates but…on the new dropdown sections of the automation they seem backwards?

Like, they show the ‘down’ arrow when they’re up and ‘up’ when they’re down. I guess they’re saying ‘click here to do that’ but it feels wrong so I guess I’m used to them being the opposite elsewhere. Normally collapsable sections point right when theyre collapsed and down when they’re expanded.

Especially strange for HA where icons normally show ‘states’ rather than actions.

Anyway a totally minor thing just the first thing I noticed!

September 2022 ▶ johnsnow

balloob Founder of Home Assistant

Correct. A bluetooth proxy works without requiring a Bluetooth dongle.

1 reply
September 2022

BebeMischa Regular

Can we, the community, somehow help with the database of Zwave firmware for the live update?

Like, i just received an new firmware for my device directly from the manufacturer and would not mind sharing this with the community. Just upload it somewhere…
Or is that somehow unwanted?

2 replies
September 2022


How about the Bluetooth tracker (non LE) that was deprecated two months ago? Is there a solution for that already which works as good with iPhone as the last version did?

1 reply
September 2022 ▶ BebeMischa

petro Great contributor

There’s a process for zwave js firmware updates, linked here.

1 reply
September 2022 ▶ BebeMischa


With all due respect, ’BabeMischa’, I am not sure if letting Internet strangers upload firmware update files for my devices would feel very trustworthy :).

1 reply
September 2022

BebeMischa Regular

Thank you, will study that :wink:

Its not that simple. As anything added to HA on GitHub, it will first have to go thru all checks :wink:

September 2022


Excellent work! Hopped on the beta channel just to try the zigbee migration from a Conbee V1 to a Sonoff zigbee 3.0 plus dongle under ZHA and it worked like a charm!
The new automation UI is also very nice, much easier to create complex automations now.

September 2022


Are the iBeacons natively supported already?

September 2022

Hellis81 Solution Institution

The automatic naming of the collapsable sections in automations are not quite there yet.

Still like it though.

1 reply
September 2022


Very happy with the UI changes on Automations… also the enhancements to z-wave firmware updates… now we need Zooz to join the party! :slight_smile:
Great work! Thank you all!

September 2022


Is there a ‘expand all’ button for teh automation collapse since its the default? I haven’t upgraded yet but curious. It sounds really nice and yet could be cumbersome at the same time. :slight_smile:

That scheduler will be welcomed!

1 reply
September 2022 ▶ calisro

Hellis81 Solution Institution

Not that I can see. I think you need to expand them one by one.

1 reply
September 2022 ▶ Hellis81


I hope a collapse/expand all button is added and/or a ‘hover for the content’. I have some very long automations. It would be nice to have them collapsed to focus on sections but then trying to find the ‘part’ would be difficult. The summary (in your screenshot) needs to be better too. Its a .0 release. Hope that all gets ironed better.

September 2022


Im not convinced my upgrade has worked… although it reports 2022.9 I am not seeing a number of the upgrades… For example Hardware page (running RPi3), also automation screen seems the same on my installation… File Editor and HACS are also blank when I go to them…

I will monitor and see if anybody else has similar problems.

2 replies
September 2022 ▶ Scope

petro Great contributor

Clear your browser cache.

1 reply
September 2022


After the 2022.9 update, the configuration.yaml started showing an error unknown tag !< !include >

But everything works fine
There was a file editor update before, so I don’t know when it happened.

3 replies
September 2022 ▶ Scope

BebeMischa Regular

Even on my dual core intel host I had to wait some seconds for the new stats to show up. I can imagine, on a RPi 3 it takes even longer. So maybe just give it bit of time?

September 2022 ▶ petro


@petro : You were Spot on, thank you :slight_smile:

September 2022


Group is no longer configured via configuration.yaml so that’s prob your issue. It’s gone a while though (since 0.107) so strange you’re only seeing this now :thinking:

You can configure Groups via UI using Helpers or using group platform in yaml for lights, switches, etc

EDIT: seems I’m wide of the mark and incorrect here in case anyone else reading this…groups can still be configured via yaml, it’s just not recommended…thanks to the community (see below) for correcting me, especially those who did so constructively :+1:t2:

3 replies
September 2022 ▶ Gav_in

BebeMischa Regular

From the link, you posted:

YAML Configuration

Alternatlively, this integration can be configured and set up manually via YAML instead. Here are example of how to configure groups when using the configuration.yaml file.

1 reply
September 2022


I don’t think that’s true. :slight_smile: unless that was in this release.

EDIT: IT isn’t in this release. They are perfectly still configurable in YAML.

September 2022 ▶ pepe59


This is not caused by HA update, the culprit is the new version of File editor.
There is an open issue

1 reply
September 2022 ▶ pepe59

BebeMischa Regular

Strange, I also have groups defined the same way, I did update the File editor, and I do not have this warning…

1 reply
September 2022 ▶ Gav_in


Do not tell wrong things: Groups via yaml are still alive!

September 2022 ▶ BebeMischa


Groups can be defined in YAML, do not belive who is telling different things.
The issue is caused by new version of File editor

September 2022 ▶ Maurizio_Andreotti


Thank you for the information. I’ll join git.

September 2022


Great update again guys!

I tried setting up one of my esp32’s as a bluetooth proxy by adding the lines below to the esphome config:


I get this error when validating the code. Thoughts anyone?

INFO Reading configuration /config/esphome/esp32u_contact.yaml…
Failed config

bluetooth_proxy: [source /config/esphome/esp32u_contact.yaml:22]

Component not found: bluetooth_proxy.

2 replies
September 2022 ▶ stephack


The feature isn’t out to stable yet, you’ll need to use the dev version to use the feature until that is released

1 reply
September 2022


Does this update allows Bluetooth devices to be tracked via device.tracker.ABCD? I’m still on 2022.6.0 because I need this functionality.

September 2022


Strange…they have it documented in the 2022.9 release notes. There is no mention that a Beta version of anything is needed.

1 reply
September 2022 ▶ stephack


You can see here that 2022.9 is not out in stable yet: Docker Hub

2 replies
September 2022 ▶ crzynik


I’m not part of the Beta.

1 reply
September 2022 ▶ BebeMischa


yeah saw that, but do you not config them now using the Group Platform (under lights, switches, etc) rather than all under one Groups: area of your config…am I totally misreading this?
(Slightly off topic here…apologies )

1 reply
September 2022


Super nice! Congrats to those involved :clap: :clap: :clap:

Not sure if this is the right place, but wouldn’t it make sense to add a consolidated dashboard to monitor the hardware instead of 3 separate entries?

September 2022


You can still do both. There are still legacy groups (which I still use for some things).

Group - Home Assistant

1 reply
September 2022 ▶ calisro


Cheers…I did away with my legacy groups, thought they were dead…thanks for explaining :+1:t2:

September 2022


Many thanks for that awesome release! Really love it.
One question (maybe I’m just too dumb): How can I use “next_event” of a schedule in a template? Don’t know if the datetime format is so special but I’m just getting error messages when trying to use it.

September 2022 ▶ crzynik


Found the issue in the Release live chat. Somehow my version of ESPhome fell way behind and never prompted me to update. I was on 1.17.x and the latest version was 2022.8.3.

Had to uninstall my addon and reinstall the latest production version. All works now (no dev version necessary).

1 reply
September 2022


Thanks team, it has been a nice and useful beta, and now a very smooth release update. really nice.

trying to figure out the BT proxy (because the regular bt tracker no longer works, and le tracker finds 230 devices in an hour or 2, all carkits passing by apparently…)

New BT integration does nothing either, other than find the MiniPC’s own bt hardware.

could we use the ESP device we ran the Matter workshop on some time ago? Espressif ESP32-C3-DevKitM-1

Its laying around useless now, but if that could be done, it would actually be a great tool, to finally be able to track the handhelds and tablets again?


seems the release pushed the processor usage even up a bit more than the beta. went from 16 (2022.8) to 18.5 (in beta) and now see 20 + steady (in release)

1 reply
September 2022


Awesome update, thanks for doing great work!

September 2022 ▶ adamba


I second that.

September 2022

Nick4 Regular

Happy B-day, great release, again.
Thanks guys!

September 2022


Zha backup
So if I updated my tubes coordinator firmware and it lost all network settings.
What would be the process to restore it to it’s previous state?
Would I just click on migrate in zha and follow the steps?
Thanks in advance.

September 2022

finity Regular

What you missed as the important part in that statement is bolded below:

Groups are NOT being removed, but the configuration options, services, and service options related to the (previously deprecated and now removed) States UI are now removed in this release

groups are still perfectly configurable as an integration via yaml.

1 reply
September 2022


Happy Birthday Horn Assistant :birthday:
I love the changes introduced with this release.

But I have a general question: with Bluetooth getting more love every month, wifi everywhere in our houses or z-wave getting update routines: should I continue to invest in e.g. Philips Hue or Ikea Lights on Zigbee standard in the future?

I’m currently with Deconz and Zigbee, and the update mechanism there never worked for me. So I need to unpair all my devices e.g. once a year, connect them to their manufacturer bridges, update, then reinstall. Other things work just fine, but this update thing is annoying.

Could we get some advise from the HA Team which long-time radio should get priorities in our investments?

Or did I miss something and using Zigbee with Deconz is not the recommended way anyways :man_shrugging:t3:


1 reply
September 2022 ▶ pschneider87


I had a horrible time with Deconz, I now use zigbee2mqtt with my Conbee II and it has been amazing. Firmware updates for my Phillips hue lights also works great.

1 reply
September 2022 ▶ finity


We’ve covered this…tried to help…was wrong…have acknowledged it and moved on.
It’s done…you’re kicking a corpse at this stage :man_shrugging:t2:

September 2022


Uhmmm… What?

There is a breaking change:


What does this mean? “The previously deprecated utility_meter entities…” What entities?

“…used to change tariffs”? Some sub-group of what entities? They surely then have names?
Or is the whole utility_meter removed?

“Use select entity instead”? Finding select from HA gives this Select - Home Assistant and it does not say anything useful.

Link to #76480 say somewhere in the middle " remove deprecated utility_meter domain" Really? Whole domain? Meaning I cannot use utility_meter anymore?

The link “documentation” leads to Utility Meter - Home Assistant which does not say anything about deprecating or removing anything???


4 replies
September 2022


Yes!!! And this my birthday too!!!

September 2022 ▶ mekanics


It says… Utility meter entities that are used to change tariffs. It doesn’t say the entire domain…

1 reply
September 2022


No it does not mean that at all. All it means is that you change tariffs like this now:

  - service: select.select_option
      - select.energy_from_grid_daily
      option: 'off-peak'

Previously you used the entity to do this.

2 replies
September 2022


…but this link title does.

Link to #76480 say somewhere in the middle " remove deprecated utility_meter domain"

1 reply
September 2022 ▶ tom_l


Hmm… OK, I would never have guessed, because none of the links told anything about that kind of structure?

1 reply
September 2022 ▶ mekanics


Just a typo in a git commit. They probably meant “entity”.

September 2022 ▶ mekanics


The previous release when the option was depreciated detailed it.

1 reply
September 2022 ▶ tom_l


OK, thanks, I have missed it then. I must say, I almost soiled my pants… :slight_smile:

1 reply
September 2022 ▶ mekanics


Scroll down to Utility Meter here:

1 reply
September 2022 ▶ tom_l


OK, thanks again. The breaking changes said only “The previously deprecated…”

Is there a neat way to find these versions, where they were first deprecated?

Edit: I mean the release notes like you linked

September 2022


They are always in the release notes like was linked above. But if you were using it, you’d likely see this in your logs:

The ‘utility_meter.select_tariff’ service has been deprecated and will be removed in HA Core xxxxxxx

1 reply
September 2022


Yup, I know they are. What I do not know, is when the release notes talk about “previously deprecated…”, how to find easily THAT release note, where it was announced to be deprecated.

September 2022


Great to (finally) see the Fully Kiosk Browser - Home Assistant integration coming to core :partying_face:

As I’m using it currently via HACS as custom integration, I was wondering what will happen once updated to HA 2022.9.

  1. Will it continue to work out of the box without any changes?
  2. Do I need to remove it from HACS and readd it from the official integrations list (HA Core)?
  3. Is there a difference in terms of supported features or anything else to keep in mind?

I care about these questions as it was quite some work to integrate my devices with all my customization (renaming all entities etc.) and I really hope there’s no need to go through that again :slight_smile:

1 reply
September 2022

123 Regular


If you don’t use default_config and want to use the new Schedule Helper, be sure to add schedule: to your configuration.yaml file. Otherwise, “Schedule” will be displayed but disabled in the list of available Helpers.

This information is included in the documentation for the Schedule integration. However the documentation for default_config overlooks to mention that Schedule is one of the many integrations bundled into default_config.

1 reply
September 2022


I love the new UI changes!

Is there any way to expand all the collapsible cards simultaneously instead of opening them one by one?

It’s an option I might expect to see in the … menu > Expand All Cards

As when debugging, the new UI requires lots more clicking to see all the details.

September 2022


There are a few differences, I tried to outline them all in this issue on the repository for the custom component. Since they use different domains, it should technically be possible to run both integrations at the same time while you migrate.

1 reply
September 2022 ▶ cgarwood


Perfect, that answer is a) really helpful, sounds b) quite comfortable (I’m gonna compare and potentially go the registry hack and restart way) and came c) very quickly. :+1: :+1: :+1:

September 2022 ▶ balloob


Does it? I’ve just added bluetooth proxy to a couple of spare esp32’s, nothing bluetoothy is available via the esphome integration and trying to add the Bluetooth integration fails with “no unconfigured bluetooth devices connected” or similar

2 replies
September 2022 ▶ 123


I think you also need ‘hardware:’ in your config if you want that functionality and don’t use default_config.

1 reply
September 2022


This was demonstrated in the stream. You do not need to add the Bluetooth integration if you do not have a dongle. The supported bluetooth devices that the bluetooth_proxy picks up will appear as if by magic in Home Assistant, ready to be configured, in the same way they would if you were using a dongle - without having to add the Bluetooth integration.

1 reply
September 2022


Scheduler! Yes! Love it! But why is the UI limit to such strict times? Also, the UI doesn’t seem to work ok the iOS companion app or mobile Safari very well… can’t select a time on the table :man_shrugging:

2 replies
September 2022 ▶ lits

bdraco Great contributor

The esphome device doesn’t need its own bluetooth config entry. Everything it needs to connect the esphome device to the bluetooth manager is stored in the esphome config entry.

September 2022


Amazing update, thanks guys!

The Bluetooth remotes using ESP32s is quite interesting and I’m wondering: are devices associated to an specific bluetooth adapter/remote? Like, I added a bluetooth LED using a USB adapter that has been iffy because its quite far, if I put an ESP32 bluetooth remote close to it, do I need to remove / re-add the LED device?

If not, will it automatically use that one communicate with it? How does HA know which one to use? Does it have some sense of the signal level to each device from each adapter/remote?

1 reply
September 2022 ▶ Lumute


This was explained in the stream, that HA keeps a track of what adaptor has a stronger signal - so it knows which adaptor to use to communicate to the device with.

However the ESP32s right now are passive only, you cannot control a device with a bluetooth_proxy - yet. But that is being worked on.

1 reply
September 2022 ▶ mobile.andrew.jones


Great! This implementation seems really amazing, very flexible and poweful… Kudos guys!

Looking forward to being able to use ESP32 remotes for active connections…

September 2022


Great update!
Frustrating timing for me - just this week I swapped coordinator and did a full repair 🤦

September 2022 ▶ calisro

123 Regular

Thanks but the need for the hardware key is documented in both the Hardware integration and the default_config integration.

In contrast, the schedule key is not documented in the default_config integration. That omission may trip up users who don’t use default_config and prefer to cherry-pick its integrations individually.

For those users it’s common practice to review default_config's documentation whenever there’s a monthly release to see if any new integrations were added (in August it was bluetooth). However, for September’s release, schedule isn’t mentioned in default_config's documentation but it’s definitely part of the default_config integration.

1 reply
September 2022


Nice work all, especially excited to try out the weekly schedule!

September 2022


Happy birthday Home Assistant! :tada:

Great release yet again.

The weekly schedule helper has enabled me to delete hundreds of lines of code and countless input_booleans, input_datetimes and template sensors.

Some things that would be nice to have (feature request here):

September 2022 ▶ 123


Maybe help them get the documentation up to date? Anyone can submit a PR on any of the documentation pages, its not that difficult, there are some links at the bottom of every page for that…

1 reply
September 2022 ▶ Mariusthvdb

balloob Founder of Home Assistant

ESP32-C3 support didn’t make it for today’s release. It is in the works.

September 2022

123 Regular

I know how but I don’t have the time for it. However you seem to know how as well so perhaps you can spare the time to do it.

1 reply
September 2022


Wonder if using the bluetooth proxy is related to how matter can provision new devices using Bluetooth connections between the individual devices

September 2022


Once again, all good stuff! Excellent update!

I do wish History would include that elusive “All” option, though.

Also, I’m a little confused by the Processor and memory usage addition to the Hardware page. It seems like a simplified duplication of effort/functionality, especially when we can already do the following quite easily:

1 reply
September 2022


Anybody has an issue with shelly.light? I have a dimmer that after the upgrade show the following error:

Unable to prepare setup for platform shelly.light: Platform not found (cannot import name ‘ATTR_WHITE_VALUE’ from ‘homeassistant.components.light’ (/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/components/light/

4 replies
September 2022 ▶ 123



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