2022.9: Home Assistant Birthday Release!

This is not caused by HA update, the culprit is the new version of File editor.
There is an open issue https://github.com/home-assistant/addons/issues/2656

Strange, I also have groups defined the same way, I did update the File editor, and I do not have this warning…

Do not tell wrong things: Groups via yaml are still alive!


Groups can be defined in YAML, do not belive who is telling different things.
The issue is caused by new version of File editor

Thank you for the information. I’ll join git.

Great update again guys!

I tried setting up one of my esp32’s as a bluetooth proxy by adding the lines below to the esphome config:


I get this error when validating the code. Thoughts anyone?

INFO Reading configuration /config/esphome/esp32u_contact.yaml…
Failed config

bluetooth_proxy: [source /config/esphome/esp32u_contact.yaml:22]

Component not found: bluetooth_proxy.

The feature isn’t out to stable yet, you’ll need to use the dev version to use the feature until that is released

Does this update allows Bluetooth devices to be tracked via device.tracker.ABCD? I’m still on 2022.6.0 because I need this functionality.

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Strange…they have it documented in the 2022.9 release notes. There is no mention that a Beta version of anything is needed.

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You can see here that 2022.9 is not out in stable yet: Docker Hub

I’m not part of the Beta.

yeah saw that, but do you not config them now using the Group Platform (under lights, switches, etc) rather than all under one Groups: area of your config…am I totally misreading this?
(Slightly off topic here…apologies )

Super nice! Congrats to those involved :clap: :clap: :clap:

Not sure if this is the right place, but wouldn’t it make sense to add a consolidated dashboard to monitor the hardware instead of 3 separate entries?


You can still do both. There are still legacy groups (which I still use for some things).

Group - Home Assistant

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Cheers…I did away with my legacy groups, thought they were dead…thanks for explaining :+1:t2:

Many thanks for that awesome release! Really love it.
One question (maybe I’m just too dumb): How can I use “next_event” of a schedule in a template? Don’t know if the datetime format is so special but I’m just getting error messages when trying to use it.

Found the issue in the Release live chat. Somehow my version of ESPhome fell way behind and never prompted me to update. I was on 1.17.x and the latest version was 2022.8.3.

Had to uninstall my addon and reinstall the latest production version. All works now (no dev version necessary).

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Thanks team, it has been a nice and useful beta, and now a very smooth release update. really nice.

trying to figure out the BT proxy (because the regular bt tracker no longer works, and le tracker finds 230 devices in an hour or 2, all carkits passing by apparently…)

New BT integration does nothing either, other than find the MiniPC’s own bt hardware.

could we use the ESP device we ran the Matter workshop on some time ago? Espressif ESP32-C3-DevKitM-1

Its laying around useless now, but if that could be done, it would actually be a great tool, to finally be able to track the handhelds and tablets again?


seems the release pushed the processor usage even up a bit more than the beta. went from 16 (2022.8) to 18.5 (in beta) and now see 20 + steady (in release)

Awesome update, thanks for doing great work!

I second that.