2022.10: All over the place

My Solar dashboard is messed up, negative readings randomly on grid export and one where it thinks I was producing power at midnight :confused:

What did you do to resolve it ? Im having the exact same issue

Deleted the custom timer, just utilizing the stock integration now with no issues.

as in removed the timer: from configuration.yaml ?

Ive tried this as well as deleting the timer folder from in the custom_components folder

I dont see any other customer time component I have, thought mine was all the stock integration.

…but your reply was the closest and almost exact same error, so thought id reach out to you.

Use timer in helpers

Ive tried, but its greyed out because of the component failure. I created a separate topic on it here


Ahh ok, I have not upgraded to 2022.10.2 yet, still on 9.7

Correct, I deleted the custom timer from custom_componets folder as well as confirming my timer config in configuration.yaml was correct per the integration.

Post up your timer config as well as the error, I’m sure someone can help with those details. I have a suspicion your config conflicts with the stock timer integration variables.

For reference, once that was done the timer helper is no longer greyed out.

Thanks , Im going to revert to 9.6 where all worked, then remove all the timers from the config and helpers. Proceed to upgrade to 2022.10.2 and see if I can then add timers from helper hoping its not greyed out.

It wont allow me to remove timers from the helper when its greyed out in v 2022_10.2 so I assume I need to do it prior to update. Ill confirm in a few hours.

Running 2022.10.1 and attempting to upgrade to 2022.10.2

When running the pip upgrade command, all requirements are listed as satisfied and no update available. Is anyone else running into this?

pip3 install --upgrade homeassistant

Confirmed fix.

Before upgrading to 2022.10.1 or 2. - First remove all timer: items from configuration.yaml
Delete ‘Timer folder’ from config\custom_components . Then restart system, goto ‘helpers’ and remove cached versions of timers by filtering timers and selecting each timer > settings > delete. Once all removed, perform the upgrade and then add timers again one by one via ‘helpers’ only.

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Agreed 123. I’d probably use it if it retained comments. I rely on my comments ALL THE TIME to remember why I did something a year ago.

Lots of good stuff here, but I’m disappointed that History wasn’t fixed. I guess I’ll give up hope that it will ever be useful TO ME again and look for other alternatives to view my data effectively. :weary:

Am I the only one that can’t seem to get google calendars to work in this .10 release?

I habe a question for the new bluetooth proxy feature:
does it work with all ble devices or only with certain ones (is there a list somewhere then?)?

How stable is it and how many bluetooth devices per esp32? In the past the ESPHome run ESP32 seemed to be less stable than Tasmota ESP32 devices.

Looks like there’s a fix for the double sided switchbot operation in 2022.10.3.

EDIT - Confirmed working, left curtain opens both again

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I decided to try out the Netgear integration with this release and am finding some odd behavior. It creates a lot of entities, a few for everything attached to the network. That includes my 5 HomePod minis, AppleTV, a video-doorbell, and of course a bunch for the router itself.

The link rate and link type seem to be working, but the Signal Strenght is always 100% for all devices, even after I power them off and the Router shows the gone. The link rate also stays as it was when the device is gone as well. Hmm… The Netgear entities all seem to be working OK, including the Traffic data. Cool. anybody else seeing the weirdness with states not updating when devices disconnect (or is that a feature)?

I tried google calendar today with .10.3 but had no luck.

Best regards,

As I skipped HA version 2022.9 and jumped from 2022.8.7 to 2022.10.2 I’m not sure which version caused this but now my light automations fail with the below error.

Light: Turn on
Stopped because an error was encountered at October 11, 2022 at 15:50:45 (runtime: 0.00 seconds)

extra keys not allowed @ data['white_value']

Reference code:

      - service: light.turn_on
          entity_id: light.ensuite_lights
          brightness_pct: "{{ state_attr('switch.adaptive_lighting_ensuite', 'brightness_pct') | int(100) }}"
          rgb_color: "{{ state_attr('switch.adaptive_lighting_ensuite', 'rgb_color') }}"
          white_value: 0

Looking in the HA docs I’m guessing white_value: 0 should actually just be white: 0 however this previously worked and I don’t see any noted breaking change relating to this.

Any ideas?

It was in .9. Look thru the release notes.

Thanks. I did look but somehow missed that. :man_facepalming: