2022.3: Select and play media

Looks like the blog sync to Discourse missed some stuff. I didn’t catch that at first

 and compare to 2022.3: Select and play media - Home Assistant .

And worse, “breaking changes” is entirely missing. So this

 seems like a pretty easy mistake to make for people who are assuming they can just consume this info through the forum posts. :frowning:

It might be best to change the Discourse plugin to only post excerpts and clearly link to the original until whatever is causing that can be figured out.


Hi all!

I was able to fix the theme for the dropdowns but not for input numbers and input datetimes:


Can anyone suggest the correct new variables for these?

Input selects, numbers and datetimes all share the same theme variables.

From what I can see, the change here is to remove some broken (in the API, not anything that can be done from the HA side) functionality. Is there more to it than that?

The correct fix of the input controls for existing custom themes seems to be:

  input-idle-line-color: "var(--dark-primary-color)"
  input-hover-line-color: "var(--error-color)"
  input-disabled-line-color: "var(--disabled-text-color)"
  input-outlined-idle-border-color: "var(--disabled-text-color)"
  input-outlined-hover-border-color: "var(--disabled-text-color)"
  input-outlined-disabled-border-color: "var(--disabled-text-color)"
  input-fill-color: "var(--card-background-color)"
  input-disabled-fill-color: "var(--card-background-color)"
  input-ink-color: "var(--primary-text-color)"
  input-label-ink-color: "var(--secondary-text-color)"
  input-disabled-ink-color: "var(--disabled-text-color)"
  input-dropdown-icon-color: "var(--primary-text-color)"
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It doesnt work for me either

The way I fixed it is to SSH into home assistant,
then run this command

docker exec -it homeassistant bash

after that run

pip install pyit600==0.3.2

(had to run pip install twice)

After HA restarted it worked again, but stopped working after today’s update to 2022.3.1 and had to do it all over again

Yeah I just listed the variables. You have to work out what colours you want to make them.

Your settings don’t work for my theme. I use this:

  input-ink-color: 'var(--primary-text-color)'
  input-label-ink-color: 'var(--secondary-text-color)'
  input-disabled-ink-color: 'var(--secondary-text-color)'
  input-fill-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)
  input-dropdown-icon-color: 'var(--primary-text-color)'
  input-idle-line-color: 'var(--secondary-text-color)'
  input-hover-line-color: 'var(--primary-text-color)'

Same problem here!

Please put back the real entity name in the Entity field!


in case you missed my question: How can I switch between applications using SamsungTV?
Changelog says this feature has been added but documentation lacks any details about it.

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There is and is NOT working

That is a third party integration not a core integration. Take the issue up with the third party developer.

Oh look, there’s already one open. https://github.com/jvitkauskas/homeassistant_salus/issues/29

same way every media player does, through play media with media_content_id and media_content_type.

EDIT: Before you ask, you’re going to have to manually switch to these and look at the attributes to figure out what you need to set them as. Every media player is different in that regards.

OK, thanks.

Thanks for answer.
I was asking because every other SamsungTV integration I know requires manual configuration of list of possible applications. Devs were saying it’s not possible to collect app list from TV). Nice if it’s the opposite

Every media player works the same way. The only way you can change things are through the play media or the change source service calls. If those service calls don’t accept your inputs, then it’s not possible. I’m sure every TV is different, especially seeing that these can have different os’s and apps.

I understand the difference now. Thanks

Agree I did use the TTS on the entity to communicate with my family.

And for me the new media player TTS with Google translate is not working. The Google home is triggered but no speaking is heard.

Will try when I have time to look into the logs

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But it’s not about changing itself. The point is to change app in SamsungTV you have to know it’s ID (it’s fixed identifier given to each app).
While changelog says changing app is now available for SamsungTV, it doesn’t say where to get those IDs from. And what is more important, where to store them to make them available to select (considering using GUI).
As I said other integrations require to list those app in the integration configuration.
But docs of the official integration don’t mention how to work with that at all
Docs doesn’t even mention changing apps.

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Then suggest an edit to the documentation. You know the drill at this point.

I do. But I have no knowledge about core SamsungTV component implementation.
This is why this is me who is asking for details. Once those details will be provided, I can update docs.

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