2022.4: Groups! Groups! Groups!

No criticism, I am merely reporting what I read in #beta on discord :slight_smile:

Hi all developer :slight_smile: First good job Thanks.
I updated my HA to 2022.4.0 and i use Generic Camera. Ok instegration is added but in integration i dont see option to setup name for Camera.

The developers have been pretty clear about why this is not going to happen.

Entity Settings

Hey guys,

first of all: Thank you so much for your great work!!! :wink:

Since updating to 2022.4, I have no longer all entities in my Goodwe Integration. In 2022.3 I had abou 150 entities. Now, I only have 10?! I removed and installed the integration, but I had no success -.-

Can anybody help?


Is is just me, or is it no longer possible with this release to set an input_text to an empty value via a service call:

service: input_text.set_value
  entity_id: input_text.<your_input_text>
  value: ''

Whereas this worked in 2022.03, nothing now happens with this service call - the state of the input text is not updated, and there’s nothing in the logs.

I use this is in a few scripts where I need to save e.g. the results of a music search for later use in the script, and often test against an empty value in the input text before taking certain actions.

If someone else can confirm this, I’ll post an issue on GitHub - or would be happy for suggestions of workarounds.

Not sure if this kind of information was implemented in this release but this is very helpful. Thank You

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Change the title of the config entry in the UI

Switch as X: it would be fine to have the option switch as an “invert switch” when the switch is on the working machine is off and when the switch is off the working machine is on !! Thanks for all

Samsung TV integration still unable to actually turn on my NU8000 Tizen TV, despite years of seeming progress. Luckily there’s the wonderful Samsung TV Smart that works pretty well.

Hey Nick,

would you be able to suggest changes/help me out here 2022.4: Groups! Groups! Groups! - #175 by Mariusthvdb
Checked the Release party and you’re mentioned as the mastermind behind all improvements :wink:
looking for a way to ‘subscribe’ the entities to get the changes back in without refreshing the view.

thanks if you could!

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Set up a template switch to do that, then use switch as x on the template switch.

I assume this is because you can now designate a switch as a light in it’s entity?

They don’t look any different to me than how they’ve ever looked!

Are you saying I should be seeing the colour picker and so on here ? (this is a group of 4x GU10 colour bulbs - latest gen.)


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Yes, I checked after reading this, and I have the same behavior.

fix is on its way…

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Thanks for the link, but that’s not what happened here.

With 2022.3.8, everything is fine, no issues.
With 2022.4.0, everthing but Tradfri long press/release events is fine.

BTW: Home Assistant OS on an Odroid N2+ with an external log recorder DB on a Synology NAS running MariaDB.
Sonoff Zigbee 3.0 (CC2652P CP2102N) stick and an EnOcean USB 300 stick.

Any help or insights would be appreciated, standing by for testing.

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yes i know it !! it would be fine to make this like switch as x directly on ui.

Have a look higher up - there is a link from @makai. I am also looking for a solution. Like many others I have rolled back.

Fantastic release! Thanks for all the work to the entire dev-team!


Can only second this.

How many times is one adding/deleting favourites to or from Sonos? Every temperature sensor is probably causing more stress for the database.

Additionally, that seems to break the ability to have playlists from Apple Music integrated into scripts/automations if they are not listed as “Sources” anymore. Or am I overlooking something?