(J. Nick Koston)
June 13, 2022, 7:41pm
I suspect your executor is overloaded at startup, or there is I/O in your event loop, or something is CPU bound which causes the executor overload in the first place. It is likely it is not going to be a single fix that solves the issue as usually there are many contributing factors that get the system to that point.
These two will probably help
← bdraco:requirements_io_event_loop
opened 08:14PM - 09 May 22 UTC
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May help with #71575
`pkg_util.is_installed` does I/O, it should run in the executor
This got rid of many more asyncio warnings when a component was discovered or startup was happening on a slow disk
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← bdraco:use_c_loader_for_yaml
opened 09:15PM - 10 Jun 22 UTC
This PR is for YAML power users (or anyone with a large number of automations or… YAML configured MQTT entities)
## Testing HOWTO
Testing this requires installing `yaml-dev` or you won't see any speed improvement (it will just fallback to the slower pure python implementation in the way that pyyaml recommends). This means we need to add it to the docker images so `pyyaml` can load it or the change won't have any effect. Docker PR: Ideally we would only use the C loader but someone will want to run this in venv without it.
Installing `yaml-dev` on alpine and rebuilding pyyaml to make sure its used:
apk add yaml-dev
pip3 install --upgrade pyyaml --force --no-binary pyyaml
This PR is still safe to test even if you don't install libyaml since the behavior should be nearly identical (just slow). Its designed to be mergable even without libyaml being installed. **The CI setup actually already had support for the C loader.**
## Proposed change
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This comes from a discussion here and in #73037 we see just how expensive loading YAML is in the pure python code as its enough to swamp the CPU that connections get dropped. Mind you we are doing it more than expected in the issue, but it highlights the performance issue here. This change also gets rid of the `asyncio` warnings when all the service yaml files are loaded.
I figured we couldn't improve this because we needed to give line number errors when loading yaml fails, but I realized we can use a similar strategy that we do in the websocket api of trying again with the slower loader to get the line numbers if it does fail since we only need to optimize for the success case.
Since the C loader is almost an order of magnitude faster we try to use it if it is available. This requires libyaml to be installed.
### Testing results
Checking configuration on my large instance with a bit of yaml took ~4.310s before (Even though its a non trivial amount, and mostly from automations/scripts, I don't have a lot of yaml compared to some of the users I've seen.). It now finishes in ~0.480s. Unfortunately the constructors in `pyyaml` is always pure python (otherwise the C loader and pure python loaded wouldn't be interchangeable) so the remaining overhead can't be reduced. The more yaml you have the more significant improvement the result is expected to be.
As a bonus there is less contention for the executor at startup
This change does not improve dump/write times which could be done in a similar manner. That would help reduce the time it takes to save after editing automations. I'm not sure how often automations get edited though to if its worth doing since based on my personal experience I almost never change them once I set them up. However my usage may not be typical so I might be underestimating the value of a performance improvement with dumping yaml.
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- [ ] For the updated dependencies - a link to the changelog, or at minimum a diff between library versions is added to the PR description.
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If you open an issue and provide a few py-spy
s during startup, we can probably figure out why it is so slow.
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