2023.12: Welcome home!

Really great :frowning:
Not a good idea to remove the switch entity. I have mapped the switches to the google integration so i can say ‘Turn the radio on’ to google assistant.
Google assistant has support for the select but no one knows how to activate it in speech (at least in dutch).
So now i have to add switch helpers to select an activity in the select. Completely unnecesarry…


NOTE: It seems the deprecation of command line platforms in favour of the new integrations may have been missed in the release notes.

It was introduced in 2023.6 so this release is the six months deadline.


If you still have old platform config see the examples on how to update to the new format here:


What did you set your x forward to in nginx? Mine is set as proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;

but I am still leaking personal info

Same here. At the end of the year of voice, Harmony Integration removes the switches that the voice integrations can operate. So I can live fixing 34 references in scripts (by the way, some automations are missed, I found more references than the ones mentioned). But I won’t do that, as I too will be adding template sensors so voice keeps working.


I think it’s reasonable to say that the burden is on you to provide context, such as what you’ve tried or read. It wasn’t clear to me that you’re relating your message in any way to the one before.

Unless you have a way to intercept traffic and inject data on layer 4 (such equipment would be quite expensive, as it will need to be able to decode various protocols), I think you’d need to probably add a proxy (layer 7) to get the x-forwarded-for in there. Is there some level of NAT you can perform?

Anyway, there might be others that know better. It’s been a while for me, and it’s only been in my periphery most of the time.

And morover, there are actually only 2 working ways to start an activity. The one on the remote entity simply does not work. So if something is to be removed I would remove that one.

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Did you find a solution, as i’m also trying to get that list :smiley:


For HomeWizard tariff 1 has been removed, but now my energy history is gone.
Can I import my history from the total import/export sensor to get my history back in the energy dashboard?

You can just add the ‘non-tariff’ total back to your energy dashboard. :slight_smile:

Just go to Link to Dashboards – My Home Assistant and edit your dashboard. Add ‘Total energy import’ and it should all work again, including your history.

Hi, history isn’t coming back :frowning:

The design is actually not nicer at all (IMHO).

I choose to use default cards/options and the interface looks uglier and unglier with each update (IMHO) since there is no style, everything looks different including sizes of cards. For instance, why there was a need to increase the size of new thermostat cards that much?!

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They actually fit in narrower columns better than the old version, as discussed in the release party youtube video.

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This is not related to Ping.
or to removing YAML functionality. :slight_smile:

After installing 2023.12 i noticed an annoying behavior with the Themostat card.
When I scroll through a dashboard on my phone, I accidently keep adjusting the target temperature of any Thermostat card that is visible, when I frantically scroll.

I have never done that previously.
Has anyone else seen the same?
Maybe the area on the screen where the card registers interaction has been increased?

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Does it take some time? I’ve waited an hour, but the new sensor is starting from zero and (probably of course) the old sensor isn’t udpated.
I’m talking about the “monitor individual devices”-part:

Best thing to do is open a new topic with details of your problem.

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Unfortunately, not.

The message I’m getting is:
Failed to call service script/shopping_list. Error rendering data template: TypeError: 'builtin_function_or_method' object is not iterable

I think ‘items’ is a bad key name.

Edit: My Script is as follows:

alias: Notify - Shopping List
  - service: todo.get_items
        - needs_action
    response_variable: mylist
      entity_id: todo.shopping_list
    enabled: true
  - service: notify.notsobadger_s_phone
      title: Shopping List
      message: >-
        {% set todos = mylist.items %}{% for singletodo in todos %}{{
        singletodo.summary }}{% endfor %}
mode: single
icon: mdi:cart

Yea, i’m also out of luck.

Have anyone succes with the todo.get_items

I want to get a list of tasks to display on a epaper display.

alias: "!Test todo"
description: ""
trigger: []
condition: []
  - service: todo.get_items
      entity_id: todo.my_tasks
      status: needs_action
    response_variable: agenda
  - service: notify.michael_2
      title: Daily agenda for {{ now().date() }}
      message: >-
        Your agenda for today: <p> </p>

        {% for itmes in "agenda.todo.my_tasks" %} {{ itmes }} {{itmes.summary}}
        <br> {% endfor %}
mode: single

Done, hope it was the right way to do it:

It’s great that history graph is now showing long time statistics (I have to admit that I didn’t even know that HA is storing data to LTS by itself), I don’t think I need grafana anymore. But does that mean I don’t need influxdb either anymore, and MariaDB is enough? And I could just remove the current setting of purge_keep_days: 30 from Recorder?

Currently I have quite a list of entities that I include to influxdb so that it keeps my database better under control, so should I just check which entities LTS have already and only keep those that it doesn’t have? And if there are few sensors that are not included to LTS, then I guess I could add them somehow and then get rid of influxdb?

I noticed that although someone said LTS has been around since 2021, my temperature data etc is showing from 2nd of October 2022 forward only, although I know I have had those sensors a lot longer than that. I don’t remember anymore, but maybe I have had to reinstall Home Assistant completely at that point and that’s why I don’t have even older sensor data available anymore?

My goodness, I just want to say such a BIG thank you to karwosts ¡ GitHub and the History stats feature. I know a lot of people will be ditching Grafana just because of this and for a quick look at the history - without creating statistics graphs cards is just amazing. Very good idea, very well executed, and from the bottom of my heart, thank you <3