2023.12: Welcome home!

Believe me, there are thermostats which are always on, I have plenty of them.

In such a case removing the buttons in default dashboard would be appreciated

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Yeah I looked at mine, the fridge only has one - “auto”. The AC units have on, off, heat, cool, auto.

So in the case you showed in your post, what exactly is it? If it is always on what looks like a heating mode, what are you going to do when it is hot enough?

no, ZHA was running absolutely fine with this update.

It’s a thermostat :slight_smile: as soon as temperature is reached heating is switched off, but HVAC mode stays in heating mode. I was referring to the HVAC mode, if there is only one it should be suppressed. Best regards

At least it forced me to work on a solution to improve my setup somehow :slight_smile:. A little background, I have this layer 4 loadbalancer in place to be able to do SNI based routing so I do not have to maintain and distribute certificates on/to multiple places. Especially when they are renewed often as with Let’s Encrypt.

Nevertheless the real point I tried to make is that there are scenarios where the distinct between internal and external views would not work. Therefor it would be better if the user was be able to have influence on displaying either the internal/external view or only the external view in any situation. Maybe there is such option, but I could not find it.

Yeah the CPU Temperature is lost on my RPi. Seems to be the ping thing they have introduced messing with my config yaml. I have rolled back to 2023.11.3 for now till there’s an update or more information.

you don’t say how you are reading the CPU Temp from RPi but this is still working fine for me on 2023.12

you need to change the structure of the sensor in the linked post as the Command Line format has changed since it was posted

Are there some more information about the blueprint reimport? I provide some blueprints in this community mainly hosted on github. I also provide a source url linked to the related file on github.
I’ve recently updated that file, clicked on reimport. I got a success message but the blueprint did not update.
Do I have to provide the blueprint code directly in the first post of my blueprint thread?

Indeed: 2023.12: Welcome home! - #158 by tom_l

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I haven’t installed the update yet, so I don’t yet know what the new thermostat will do to my displays, but I imagine it won’t be good.

One big problem I already had with the new version, which you can get at by clicking the dots on the old one, is that if a device is “off”, on the old card you can still turn it on by dragging the temperature setting up. On the new one, you can’t do this.

I have worked in IT since 1979 and if there is one thing I have learned over that time, it is that imposing a change on people that they didn’t ask for simply because you think it is a good idea is guaranteed not to be widely accepted well.

Please separate these two versions and give us the choice to change to the new one IF WE WANT TO.


Anyone here already figured out how to get the Roborock Vacuum Maps? According to the release notes that should now work?

Wondering the exact same question. I cant see any entities for image in my roborock integration.

It may be disabled by default, check your disabled entities in the integration page.

Any way to revert to the old login screen? These multi-click logins are annoying when using password managers. It’s much better to have to enter both username and password every time when auto-filling with my password manager.

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Petro, did you consider collecting all climate/thermostat card related posts too? might be good to follow the progress being made outside of the release topic

If there is only one mode, it will be hidden for the default dashboard in the 2023.12.1


Meh, that’s not really overtaking the release thread. Gonna keep it here for now.

Yeah, that was indeed the first I noticed
Not very logical, as a setting is temporary, and the current temperature should be the main visual.

Guess I could share my thermostat card since that’s a topic of conversation right now. It uses a Picture Elements card as the background for the Simple-Thermostat and Mini Graph custom cards.

I manage my thermostat temperature scheduling with a bear of an automation that makes too much use of templates that I should eventually re-write but it works, so my motivation to change it is low.

Yaml for Card

The background image is just a transparent PNG, sized to fit the card.

I’m not convinced that the style key at the parent level actually does anything since I think that’s for Card Mod, but I removed Card Mod from my installation and the card didn’t change.

type: picture-elements
image: /local/background200.png
style: |
  ha-card {
    background-size: auto 160px;
  #image {
    height: 160px;
  - type: custom:simple-thermostat
    entity: climate.t6_pro_z_wave_programmable_thermostat_mode
    name: false
    control: false
    header: false
      - entity: sensor.openweathermap_feels_like_temperature
        name: Outside
      - entity: sensor.t6_pro_z_wave_programmable_thermostat_humidity
        name: Humidity
      temperature: true
      state: false
    step_size: 1
      width: 90%
      height: 100%
      top: 60%
      left: 50%
      z-index: 1
      '--card-background-color': transparent
      '--ha-card-box-shadow': none
      '--st-font-size-xl': 2rem
      '--ha-card-border-width': 0px
  - type: custom:mini-graph-card
      legend: false
      show_state: false
      name: false
      icon: false
      - entity: sensor.t6_pro_z_wave_programmable_thermostat_air_temperature
      - entity: sensor.accuweather_realfeel_temperature
    points_per_hour: 1
      width: 100%
      height: 100%
      opacity: 0.4
      z-index: 0
      top: 50%
      left: 50%
      background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0)
      pointer-events: none

at first look i thought the new thermostat card was great, but now i’ve updated i noticed that is really garbage.

  • the 2 temperatures are swapped
  • the fonts are smaller and now not as good readable from a distance
  • it’s bigger in height and now does not look good anymore on my display
  • i really liked the little buttons for heat, cool, off, etc.
  • the + - buttons are nice but they take too much space, they also could be placed beside the temperatures. or just be gone

the new circle animation and glow are nice but due to the above points not acceptable.
i really want to revert back to the old one, is there a way to do that? or is the only option to restore a backup?
or maybe give it more customization options so anyone can make it how they like?