2023.4: Custom template macros, and many more new entity dialogs!

looks like there is a problem with the Enviroment Canada service, when changed to 2.4.4. the entitiy values go to zero, althouhg some of the forecast entitites seem to come through. If I rollback to 2.4.2 all is good.

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Dev is aware of this issue

When exactly does it supposed to happen on this Sunday? I have a feeling that my db is even bigger than before…

You don’t need to wait for the second Sunday of the month, you can just repack the database whenever you want using:

service: recorder.purge
  repack: true

You can also use e.g. keep_days: 7 to purge history and only keep the last 7 days, at the same time as repacking.

It was my bad. This is the 3rd Sunday of the month. And actually my db is bigger than ever.

My question really was about the new size reduction. Is it really working?

check my other posts:

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Thank you very much parautenbach
Could you please check my question here ?
I still haven’t found a working solution for using templates in dynamic strings(messages), maybe it’s something easy I just can’t find out…

Two days ago I finally managed to find the courage for HA update from v2022.8.last

I was surprised how smooth it went. The only bigger issue was with mqtt integration which didn’t started. the message in logs was mentioning something incompatible in the integration config. But the config was already managed by GUI so I was not able to fix it. Fortunately there is the “reconfigure” option available which solved the problem.

There were also a few mqtt entities left in old format. Error messages don’t give any idea where to find them. Nothing surprising though. Knowing my own system I quickly managed that. It was easier with mqtt lights incompatibilities. It shows whole light yaml pointing me to exact entity.

I knew I will have to workout my theme but at the end it was enough to update card-mod and make a few touches.

But all the rest went without problems. Database conversion being done in a background is outstanding work. Considering my HA was 8 major releases behind I can say the process went better than I expected. Without mqtt issue it would have been flawless.


It really is unacceptable to come to a release thread and NOT complain! What were you thinking?


After update to 4.4 (I have not done 4.1,4.2 or 4.3) my network video recorder onvif fails and I lose camera and motion entitys.Screenshot (58)


Looks like it may be fixed in .5

With one of the .4.x releases, my (AVM) fritz-integration jumped now in top 3 of duration of start times. Around 60 seconds. Every start. Didn’t find an issue on githup and only want to double-check if someone else has this as well?


You’re lucky I saw this message. :slight_smile:

Perhaps start a new post and tag me there. I’m assuming you’re referring to my general help post about imports.

When you want to get someone’s attention, hit the reply arrow on their message (the small grey one; not the blue button), quote some text from it or use an @ mention. The link you used won’t cause a notification (at the same time don’t just tag people that weren’t involved in your issue).

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I have the same issue. My ONVIF cameras are fine, just not the recorder. When I click “check the logs” it says there is nothing relative to ONVIF…

Hopefully Nicolas is correct and we see this fixed soon.

Perhaps you should post logs to your github issue.

Yes I used the wrong reply button and after realizing tried to remove the whole post but it stayed as empty so I decided to edit it and put your name to the header to get your attention :slight_smile:
P.S. Will use @ as you are suggesting below, thnx

A link to someone’s profile does nothing, unfortunately. You need to use an @ mention. If you’ve created a new post as I suggested and you didn’t tag me like that, I won’t find that post.

Not sure if it’s the right place to ask, but the database size has been mentioned quite a few times in this thread. I do a full backup every 3 days. After the 2023.4 update, the last four backups look like this:

I was happy to notice the steep decrease in size 3 days ago, but now I see it got back to ~7.0GB. Can anyone help me understand? Thanks.

First look inside your backups (they’re just compressed archives, use 7zip or similar) and confirm it is the database taking up the space.

Right. It looks that influxdb was actually responsible for the significant difference in size, although I see no reason for the sudden drop and raise. I’ll keep digging. Thanks!