2023.6: Network storage, favorite light colors, new integrations dashboard

I want sftp so bad

I am getting it and my - platform: bluetooth_tracker stopped working.
I am using HA OS and I read on another thread that bluetooth_tracker is deprecated?

Are you answering my question?

yes, but it was a joke…

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Had a look at logs and see Warnings related to expected units on two sensors. Not sure where to change these though as they are not visible. Not even certain that these are from Accuweather but it is likely.

WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.sensor] Entity sensor.solar_irradiance (<class ‘homeassistant.components.template.sensor.SensorTemplate’>) is using native unit of measurement ‘mJ/m2’ which is not a valid unit for the device class (‘illuminance’) it is using; expected one of [‘lx’]

WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.sensor] Entity sensor.inchicore_sunlight_percentage (<class ‘homeassistant.components.template.sensor.SensorTemplate’>) is using native unit of measurement ‘%’ which is not a valid unit for the device class (‘illuminance’) it is using; expected one of [‘lx’]

Apologies. Cancelling the above as saw reply from [yousaf465] after I posted it… Enabling Weather Forecast has resolved. Many thanks for your help…!!

Ah, ok… But can you help me to fix those errors?? They appear for every file inside the mounted disk.

I have a Docker installation on Synology NAS running DSM 6. I tried to upgrade to 2023.6, however, the homeassistant/qemux86-64-homeassistant container will not now start.

Error message from Docker log says

Start container homeassistant failed: {“message”:“path /volume1/homeAssistant/hass.io/media is mounted on /volume1 but it is not a shared or slave mount”}.

This directory does exist, with no content. It was created back in January 2023.

Do I need to make a change to this directory, or permissions for the new version?

Any ideas welcome!


You have an unsupported supervised installation.
You should:
a) Migrate to Home Assistant Container https://www.home-assistant.io/installation/alternative#install-home-assistant-container
b) Migrate to Home Assistant Operating System https://www.home-assistant.io/installation/alternative#install-home-assistant-operating-system
c) Do the changes needed to delay the need for option a or b (I have no idea how you would do that on synology, try a separate thread.)

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I had a problem with it breaking my MQTT too. I switched back to the previous version and then tried again today with the latest version and it installed without issue.

sorry but no, I havent looked at that yet, and tbh, I am not going to mix my Home Assistant with my Music library.
In my world those are separated ecosystems, both requiring their specifics.

I can see the benefit for eg images and live stream recordings, and will test that shortly

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Ok, thank you for replying. Will try it again later this week!

homeassistant.update_entity stopped working with 2023.6 and 2023.6.1. Prior to this HA version, I had an automation that updated a command_line entity. I reconfigured my command_line entities per the new standard. The entities work and update per the scan_interval but I was triggering an update with an automation prior to this HA update.

Unable to connect to Synology NAS as a network storage drive. Tried both NFS and SMB, checked firewall, receiving the same error for both methods: Unable to create mount.

X10 devices? :eyes: 1970s calling.

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Agreed!.. surprised it changed.

Yes, a lot of people…

its not been “depreciated” as there has been no warning (which is whole different subject!).
However it has been broken by HA now using Python 3.11.x which isn’t supported by pybluez at this moment.
Hence the devs removing pybluez from the core build and therefore breaking the bluetooth_tracker.
It beggars belief this wasn’t highlighted in the breaking changes (it is buried in the changelog) as it has been known it was going to be broken since March this year.
However, if this was going to be depreciated it would have been noted in the previous release notes from March onwards - wouldn’t it???
So it’s a waiting game.