2024.8: Beautiful badges!

Read your logs

Is it working in other countries other than .com?

you’re replying to me about Alexa Media Player and quoting Tom about a Daikin Integration…what are you actually wondering about

if it’s re Alexa Media Player all the details are in the Github issue I linked to for various amazon regions…

Nothing in there. Not in the core logs, not in the MySQL addon logs. I guess I store too much data (400 days configured now), and it just takes a long time since it’s a full table rebuild probably.

The logs will tell you whether it has started.

Apologies, not sure what happened there

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thanks, the linked ticket is mine :wink:

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I think I can safely report this as a bug.

Tested the following automation script, created in the UI from scratch, in a fresh browser session (tried different Chromium-based browsers in public and private sessions as well as two HAOS instances, one lightly loaded). Once SAVE is clicked the screen goes blank as in the image of my original message.

alias: HVAC Therm
description: ""
  - platform: state
      - climate.hvac_therm
    attribute: current_temperature
condition: []
  - if:
      - condition: template
        value_template: "{{ is_state('input_boolean.hvac','on') }}"
    then: null
mode: single

probably hit the wrong “reply” button :wink:

Not sure what you are asking here. This is local communication. No TLDs involved.

Interestingly it is only my mini-split reverse cycle heat pump that has an issue. The adaptor in the ducted system is still working.

:grin: all good so…different user names and user image across the platforms you’ll have to work on your brand consistency :wink:

Thank you for this release which is awesome again.

All are good on my side :slight_smile:

I just updated the parameters about badges to get almost same as before (picture & state).

Thank you again to all Nabu Casa team & contributors.

I know, I working on it… but too busy with submitting issues :wink:

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Is there a way how to get the old layout of badges back??

Yes. 2024.8: Beautiful badges! - #100 by Mariusthvdb

There is a little confusion here.

  1. First I have not installed 2024.8 - and read in release Notes about a new “modified” column. This feature seemed desirable to me.

  2. Then I was told that MAY BE these new columns are slowing down the Entities table (“And reevaluated upon state changes”).

  3. Then I claimed that this “modified” column is not same what I wished - I wanted to see a modification of entity’s settings (if possible), but this “modified” column stands for changing a state.

  4. That is why I said that displaying a constantly changing column is not beneficial.

  5. After installing 2024.8 it was realized that the new “modified” column stands for unclear purpose:
    – it is not updated after an entity changes it’s state;
    – it is not updated after a user changes some settings in UI - like “step”, “max”, “entity_id” in more-info.

So, my initial fears about pts. 3-4 were hasty. This new “modified” column does not seem to slow down displaying of the Entities table.
But a purpose of this “modified” column is unclear.
Have not got any clarifications from anyone from Dev neither in this thread nor on Discord.
It is said in Release Notes:

like these are NEW properties.
I see these properties in “core.entity_registry” - but have no description of their purpose.

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Thanks, so do I have to edit the type for each and every badge? :-/
Also, is there a way to set the title if I want it different from the entity name?

Thanks, I found this also and it worked to fix Alexa Media Player for me. I used Studio Code Server to modify the file.

update HA to 2024, update the custom_components/alexa_media/manifest.json file to alexapy==1.28.2, restart HA

Link to github page

It’s really not unclear… it’s covered in the release notes:

If these are shown in a table, it means you can now sort them by the date they were created or last modified; helping you find those recently added or modified items.

Have you tested it yourself before expressing this sarcasm?
My observations are here.
It is said in RN - “sort them by the date they were … last modified” - but it is not clear what is “modified”.