A refreshed logo for Home Assistant!

how is this even an issue??
so they changed to logo. how does this in any way affect anyones interaction with their system?

it’s not that we cant find the app anymore on our mobile devices isnt it?

desktop tab icons… got to admit the new one is clearer there


I don’t like it either and this isn’t a “change is bad” opinion. It looks to simplistic and looks like a kid made it.


Couldn’t agree more.


Wasting 15 minutes reading this thread, takes my mind off the what’s da ‘Matter/Thread’ logo… :wink:

Congrats on the new image.

I admit I preferred the high detailed version (for homescreen icon) but the new one is nice also :slight_smile:


so migrating my dashboard to use the new logo, I am lost when it comes to the animated one…
we dont seem to have that anymore. Is that considered legacy design these days, or could we get the new logo in an animation too…

I kind of liked it, though with 2 days of new log, it immediately seems outdated :wink:

Thank you to Home Assistant and Nabu Casa for devoting the time and energy to keep Home Assistant relevant. It is not just the code that needs to be kept up to date. logos are important too. Ten years from now a new one may be presented to replace this one. Life goes on.


I wanted to give the new logo some time to sink in before writing this, but now it’s time.

I strongly prefer the old logo with the complex tree. It really was a great logo. The node & branch structure fit perfectly. It was distinctive and unique.

The new one with the pruned down tree is far less interesting to look at, and doesn’t feel appropriate to what we’re actually doing with Home Assistant. It’s a step backwards. The previous one was sophisticated and refined, and the new one feels amateur and childish.

In short, I think you’ve made a mistake. I hope you reconsider.


Was that animated logo ever used anywhere? :slight_smile: And as a not unrelated question, where did you get that? :rofl: It’s very cool! :slight_smile:

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Yuk, how about a user vote?


Yep, the new logo isn’t for me.


yeah, I believe I found it in this community a looooong time ago :wink:


Your post doesn’t make any sense as you are discrediting an argument that isn’t being made. I don’t recall anyone saying this impacts how they interact with HA.

The responses are stating opinions/taste/preference both for and against the new logo.

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Yes it is, by me, so not discrediting it, I am stating it.

Nothing more.

So why is this even an issue?

I am not sure I exactly follow the logic but that’s ok.

My point was just that I don’t see people making this an issue about interacting with HA like you stated in the original post. That’s it.


Wrong decision.

  1. Doesn’t look like a house.
  2. Version in updates look like a drop.
  3. The inner three dots look like USB logo
  4. Roof is too high to be a roof and lost its side rims

Overall changing the logo was a bad decision, the general tendency to do everything minimalistic, while the corporate identity brings attunement, so you just lost a lot of people’s love for HA as visible in the comments above. Give us a choice at least in our installations.



yeah, came here to paste similar screenshot - the new logo design wasn’t tried in all scenarios I guess. as a graphic designer - it hurts my eyes…

I am into identification refresh, but it needs to be well thought out.
keeping my fingers crossed they’l fix that cropping soon :slight_smile:

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I dont dislike the new logo but the proportions and centering are triggering my OCD so much.

Also, should I throw away my “Blue” aluminium cover as it dosent represent HA anymore? :wink:


It is fixed in Home Assistant 2023.10


good to know, thanks!