Add option for switching places of target and current temperature in the new climate cards

Come on. This has than the same information, than I would say “did you see all the posts from the thousends of users on discord and it github which wanted to see a cat in the middle of the wheel? There were at lest 67,54% of all HA users wordwide participated all over there. Trust me”. But for security reasons I will not link to any of this posts.

… but look forward to see the cat. :cat2:

Well yeah, that is mentioned a lot indeed. It’s not always true though. This applies to all user facing software, not only HA. In general providing options will make the code more complex and harder to maintain, if said options call different code paths, create side effects (modifying underlying behavior of the code) or change UI layout or interaction behavior. Options like the one mentioned here, basically just a data source swap without any side effects and layout changes, is extremely simple to add and create essentially no maintenance burden at all. We’re talking about a one-liner here. This is more about design philosophy rather than technical considerations.

I have no real opinion on this change personally, but I always thought HA was about configurability and choice :slight_smile:


It is, to a limit. There’s only so much they can do.


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I suspect we are now in a sunk cost situation. Time, effort, and emotion went into the design choices. I especially see the emotion part in the release video. Questioning the design choice is now tantamount to attacking the devs.

I’ll give you my use case - which may be the case for many in warmer climates. I do not use heat at all. I only care about the current temperature and humidity in the house.

Use by many does not equate acceptance. Most won’t put in the effort to complain.

BTW There is another growing thread regarding this topic “New Thermostat Card” same problem.

In the end I can’t really do anything. I’d change it myself if there was a way to modify prebuilt cards - perhaps there is. However, I do not have to like the change or use as the devs require. As it is now I changed to better-thermostat-ui-card. It actually offers the choice of display temperature. I may rearrange my cards and create a house temp.


Good thoughts Richard.

For others, the thread is here: New thermostat card

I was looking at the code for the stock thermostat from 2023.11.x this morning and also that of Better Thermostat, trying to work out if we could just cut out the stock card and create a custom card with from it it OR inherit from the existing new card’s class and render it differently. Add to HACS etc. I feel like it should be possible, but I’ve never done any HA code and don’t know the ecosystem, so not sure if there would be any pitfalls with trying to do this.

Does anyone else have any experience in this area or share any interest to possibly explore this further?

Another vote to switch the temperature locations, or at least add that as an option.

Home assistant has great developers doing a lot of fantastic work. Having worked on a lot of projects with good developers I’m quite familiar with the functional UI they implement. Hopefully over time some top-notch designers are also moved to join the team so that HA can get the UI it deserves for such awesome functionality.


And another +1 to either revert this back or make it at least configurable to have the current temperature larger than the set temperature in the card.

Don’t think so

I agree. HA user base is growing and the UI has to be flexible to keep everyone happy. The discussion that devs can maintain it is the wrong lane. I guess it’s more about what needs to be arranged to maintain what is relevant to the users. The users angle is paramount, not the devs time to keep up with the requirements.

I still hope that the actual temperature comes back to the center. Optional or not. The current card is typical a repair for something what was not broken.

Fingers crossed!


I’m happy to see many of you agree with our thoughts here.
For those who don’t agree , wich I fully respect, why didn’t you make a feature request before ?

Same here. I respect that some people like it this way but I really think it’s counter productive.
In my case there’s no point to display the target temperature on my dashboard as I:

  • Know at which temperature I’ve set it
  • The target temperatures are automated anyway

In my case I only use them to have my current temperatures available at a glance.

I like the design (hopefully the dimensions will remain the same so they won’t upset my dashboard) so I’d like to update. However I’m waiting to upgrade to the latest version, just because of the reverted values…
Let’s hope there will be a decision soon on this…


That is great news​:+1::+1::+1: I really hope it will be implemented soon. I am still running the latest Nov release because I like to see the current temperature for multiple thermostats on my phone at a glance!

now lets all give Paul a thumbs up on that PR, so he knows many people appreciate it, and dont only complain :wink:


Thumbs up to dev team :+1: :+1: :+1:

Great !! Thank you so much !!!

Fanstastic thanks to the dev team - amazing

:+1: I thought it was just me that found this illogical