Airtouch 5 Integration (Aus)

Fixed here too.

Correction - current temp of each AC Unit not showing, only set temp. Zones look OK.

Confirmed that the ā€œcurrent_temperatureā€ is null on both AC units. Zone temps are OK.

Hi All,
I just got two AirTouch 5s install this afternoon, and the integration seems to be working well, but for some reason I canā€™t have more than 5 devices setup, even with multiple hosts.
Iā€™ve attached a video showing the problem. (This is the same on both the custom and official integration.)
I would really appreciate some help.
Thank you for your time!
Link to video: HA AirTouch5 Problems.mp4

You only add one device, each device has its zones.
Do you have two standalone Airtouch with seperate IDā€™s or one Airtouch with two screens?

If you have two separate consoles each controlling their own AC (looks like you do from the video), then that is busted in HA:

I have two AirTouchs, each with their own separate Android operating systems, and their own IPs.
Thanks for the heads up Danzel, I will move to monitoring that issue for the answer!

If you have two consoles in the home connected to one main module then they are treated as one system.
You would only use the ID of one the consoles.

The two consoles should mirror each other in normal use

I canā€™t really tell what you have because each console will have its own ip and I canā€™t see the video clearly

Thanks smitcoracing, I have two AirTouch units, each controlling separate AC units. It seems like the issue that Danzel mentioned is my issue?
Edit: Also, there are different zones as well on each one, if that helps.

Possibly yes, if you use the app and you have to switch between different units then yeah they are separateā€¦
Or if each console only shows a system each then they are separate.
Itā€™s possible to have multiple systems with two consoles etc back to one main module is why I was asking.

Yep, just downloaded the app then, and can confirm they are separate units. Thanks so much for your help smitcoracing and Danzel, and thanks for all of the effort you put into this integration. Hope the issue gets fixed soon. Have a good night/day!

Fixed up the missing current temperature on the AC unit.

Install as noted in my message above.
Assuming no other issues are found this is what Iā€™ll submit to HA.

Iā€™ve released v0.8.0 of the custom integration which should address the errors there too. The update is available to download via HACS.

Let me know if you still see any issues. I havenā€™t been able to test on my system since Polyaire pulled the update before I could upgrade.

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Thanks for the updated docs @smitcoracing
The engineer is correct that my implementation was being overzealous with validating the message sizes in the protocol and rejected the additional fields. Iā€™ve made some updates so that this shouldnā€™t happen in the future.

Your welcome, kind of annoying they paused the update but I can see why they have and Iā€™m sure have learnt a lesson from it.
Once this and control 4 are sorted it should be back fairly quickly.

When you used the custom integration, did auto discovery work for either of your consoles?
The discovery mode of my integration is able to pick up multiple independent AirTouch systems (including a mix of AirTouch 4 and AirTouch 5). The only limitation at the moment is that the Spill zone configuration doesnā€™t work and its best to choose ā€œBypassā€ in the Spill/Bypass configuration dialog even if you have a spill zone.

Improving support for multiple systems in on my TODO list, but itā€™s pretty rare so I havenā€™t prioritised it yet. If thereā€™s enough interest I can look into it further.

Danzelā€™s integration didnā€™t pick up any of my AirTouch consoles, but Iā€™ll download yours and see how it goesā€¦

I donā€™t think the built-in integration implements the auto-discovery feature.

Your HACS integration worked wonders Noctambulist, it found both of the consoles and all of their aircon zones. Thank you very much!


Had the same issue, unfortunately made the mistake of updating and it broke my consoleā€™s functionality in combination with the HA integration. Polyaire support didnā€™t acknowledge that this was a bug told me to reset, but it sounds like theyā€™ve pulled the update now.

Edit: Thanks @TheNoctambulist! Your update worked to get basic function back. Everything looks ok at the moment.


Iā€™ve just published v1.0.0 of the integration.

Note: This is a breaking update and will require you to delete and re-add the config entries for the integration after upgrading. However entity names will remain the same after the update so dashboards and automations wonā€™t be impacted.

The major change is related to improvements for houses with multiple AirTouch systems. This should now be fully supported, including mixes of AirTouch 4 and AirTouch 5.

Iā€™ve also added an optional feature to allow Zone climate entities to change the main AC heating/cooling mode.

Let me know if you see any problems after the upgrade.

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