Alarm-panel not showing keypad or Accept input

You are probably right.
But how do we get in contact with him or how do we raise the. Problem so he sees it :blush:?

by logging issue on github page for the component. Issues · gazoscalvertos/Hass-Custom-Alarm · GitHub

i am also using the alarm card with this componenet without issue…
type: alarm-panel

What version of HA are you on?
Maybe we can try to compare?

85.1. even tried using the dev build without issue

what is the version of bwalarm are you using


The same as I have used for the past 3 (maybe even way more) months I guess. I didn’t see that it got updated?
I asked earlier to see if we could get it added to the custom_updater so I was sure I was running with the latest version.

EDIT: I opened the alarm.yaml file - is that was you were referring to?

VERSION: 1.0.2

MODIFIED: 18/04/18

Here is where you can download the latest file, but the alarm is the same for the last 2 months.

In my case, I re installed everything 2 days ago. So, I curently have the latest HA and also the custom alarm. I am also on 0.85.1.
The problem is still there. The last time it worked for me without errors was with 0.84.6

if you open with a editor it shows the version in there

my code keypad is also gone, from 84.2 to 85.1 , and i am NOT using the custom project, but original platform

  - platform: mqtt
    name: Risco Alarm
    state_topic: "riscopanel/armstatus"
    command_topic: "riscopanel/armstatus/SET"
    payload_disarm: "disarmed" 
    payload_arm_home: "partially"
    payload_arm_away: "armed"

and in lovelace :

  - type: alarm-panel
    name: Risco Alarm
    entity: alarm_control_panel.risco_alarm    
    show_keypad: true

ok, i added now line below in my configuration, and keypad is back
this was not needed before

code: 1234

Hey Fabio,

Nice! Silly question, but the line added is that the code used for arming / disarming?

You are right. Have you downloaded the latest files?
Also, did you try to add (Alarm-panel not showing keypad or Accept input - #25 by rhodan52)

code: 1234

I’ve not tried anything yet, but it looks like this might be fixed in the next release:

Nice! Fingers crossed. Hopefully it will be available soon.

Seems to be an issue in 0.86.2 again?
Had it running in 0.86.1, but after the update this evening the issue is back.

Anyone else experiencing this?

from the 0.86 I lose the keypad … is not a custom component:


  • platform: manual
    name: Allarme Casa
    code: !secret antifurto_code
    trigger_time: 300
    trigger_time: 0
    delay_time: 0
    pending_time: 0
    delay_time: 60
    pending_time: 30
    pending_time: 0

if I type the code from the keyboard it work but I need the keypad for the touchscreen dashboard…

I have been suffering from this same problem (no keypad) for a while and I finally figured out the cause in my case. I have an envisalink board hooked up to my alarm system. When I looked at the alarm_control_panel entity in States, the code_format field indicated ‘null’. I commented out the ‘code:’ line in my envisalink configuration and now the keypad shows and the code_format indicates ‘number’. I can still arm the panel home or away without entering a code from the UI. But now a code is needed to disarm from the UI which before it was not required for my system. Not sure if this is a bug or correct behavior.

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If you’re using Alarmo, make sure that you specify this as the entity when you click on your “Alarm Panel” card - this will bring up the keypad and whichever other options you’d like to see.

Has someone solved this problem? I just installed Alarmo, but couldn’t get the keypad / PIN to work. It’s not showing up in the alarm panel card and I can disarm without using the PIN.