Audi MMI support

So, interestingly, and I don’t know if this is related:
When I originally set up the integration, I used my main user account and all was well. I can’t recall if it was miles or kilometres.
Following the advice here, I set up a second user bin the car and then used this for HA.
When this integration loaded, the car model was showing as a limousine rather than a sedan.

  • We don’t have the limo version in the UK.

I’ll have a play around and see what changes, failing that, I’ll create the template sensor and let you know how I got on.

This has sorted it out.
Thank you very much for the support.
I’ve updated my card to use three template sensors to show miles rather than kilometres.

Now just a bit of formatting to sort out, and I’m done!

Great ! :+1:

Just upgraded to 0.110 and see some errors in log:

2020-05-20 16:51:31 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.binary_sensor] BinarySensorDevice is deprecated, modify AudiSensor to extend BinarySensorEntity
2020-05-20 16:51:31 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.lock] LockDevice is deprecated, modify AudiLock to extend LockEntity
2020-05-20 16:51:38 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.helpers.translation] audiconnect: the '.translations' directory has been moved, the new name is 'translations', starting with Home Assistant 0.111 your translations will no longer load if you do not move/rename this 

I think these are not new (at least translation warning was in already in 0.109, but others seems to be new), but I hope there will be new version available to remediate these before 0.111 comes?

I have them too FYI.

same here, anyone how to fix already by modifying files?

This is what needs to be done.

also, seems now my picture-elements card is not working anymore?
anyone else seeing this? its since now with 110.0

Well isn’t that the real problem? What monsieurlatte posted points to “warnings” so warnings aren’t usually an issue in the logs but nothing we can change.

do you mean the issue with my picture elements card?
all the states (elements) do still excist , so not sure why this is related?

Hey Fabio,
idem hier, ziet ernaar uit dat de circle sensor card nog niet is aangepast voor 0.110.
Heb het voorlopig zo ingesteld:

  - entity: sensor.audi_a5_mileage
    icon: 'mdi:car-door'
    image: /local/2018-Audi.png
      height: 45px
      left: 50%
      top: 93%
      width: 100%
    tap_action: more_info
    type: image
  - entity: binary_sensor.audi_a5_sportback_doors_lock
    icon: 'mdi:car-door'
      color: white
      left: 10%
      top: 90%
    tap_action: more_info
    type: icon
  - entity: binary_sensor.audi_a5_sportback_doors_lock
      color: white
      left: 10%
      top: 97%
    type: state-label
  - entity: binary_sensor.audi_a5_sportback_windows
    icon: 'mdi:window-maximize'
      color: white
      left: 30%
      top: 90%
    tap_action: more_info
    type: icon
  - entity: binary_sensor.audi_a5_sportback_windows
      color: white
      left: 30%
      top: 97%
    type: state-label
  - entity: sensor.audi_a5_sportback_oil_level
    icon: 'mdi:oil'
      color: white
      left: 50%
      top: 90%
    tap_action: more_info
    type: icon
  - entity: sensor.audi_a5_sportback_oil_level
      color: white
      left: 50%
      top: 97%
    type: state-label
  - entity: sensor.audi_a5_sportback_oil_change_distance
    icon: 'mdi:room-service-outline'
      color: white
      left: 70%
      top: 90%
    tap_action: more_info
    type: icon
  - entity: sensor.audi_a5_sportback_oil_change_distance
      color: white
      left: 70%
      top: 97%
    type: state-label
  - entity: sensor.audi_a5_sportback_mileage
    icon: 'mdi:speedometer'
      color: white
      left: 90%
      top: 90%
    tap_action: more_info
    type: icon
  - entity: sensor.audi_a5_sportback_mileage
      color: white
      left: 90%
      top: 97%
    type: state-label
  - entity: sensor.audi_a5_sportback_tank_level
      color: white
      left: 90%
      top: 15%
    type: state-label
  - entity: sensor.audi_a5_sportback_tank_level
    icon: 'mdi:gas-station'
      color: white
      left: 90%
      top: 8%
    type: icon
  - entity: sensor.audi_a5_sportback_range
      color: white
      left: 10%
      top: 15%
    type: state-label
  - entity: sensor.audi_a5_sportback_range
    icon: 'mdi:gas-station'
      color: white
      left: 10%
      top: 8%
    type: icon
image: /local/2018-Audi.png
type: picture-elements


Thnx ;() gonna update too

Anynone has problem with tank level?

It stuck at 100% but all the other sensors working as espected.


Looks like it’s been 2 years since the circle-sensor-card has been updated. May never be updated.

Hi Fabio,
Circle sensor card is fixed in 0.110.2!

Ah cool, so there was a bug in HA and not the card

hmm, not really solved yet, now getting these in my log files…

2020-05-25 09:24:19 ERROR (MainThread) [frontend.js.latest.202005194] Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'state' of undefined
2020-05-25 09:24:19 ERROR (MainThread) [frontend.js.latest.202005194] Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'state' of undefined
2020-05-25 09:24:20 ERROR (MainThread) [frontend.js.latest.202005194] Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'state' of undefined
2020-05-25 09:24:20 ERROR (MainThread) [frontend.js.latest.202005194] Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'state' of undefined

Yep, whatever the issue was I see the same. Started working again in 0.110.2.


Only the issue I have posted above, happens on a fresh cache Ctrl + f5

Damn, same error here in the logs…
what do you think of the gauge card?