I bought a Broadlink RM pro+ from AliExpress. It was very easy to integrate the device into HA, but getting the right codes for my TV and receiver was very difficult.
If someone else is in same situation, I just write down the way it worked for me and maybe it helps others.
First, get the Broadlink device to know your WIFI. Use ether Intelligent Home Center or SURE Universal Remote. Both Apps are available for Apple as well. Follow the instructions in the app.
Unfortunately, the SURE Universal app did not find my Broadlink RM pro+ after I connected it to my WIFI. That’s why I couldn’t use IR codes provided by the app.
I was looking for some databases and found some useful on the internet:
IR codes are documented in a chart, so I got‘protocol, device, subdevice and function’ and from here I used the Software called IrScrutinizer to get the Pronto HEX Code.
Unfortunately, no online base64-converter I tried worked for me. However, I got a python script, which did the job. Don’t know where I found anymore. Here is the code:
import binascii
import struct
import base64
def pronto2lirc(pronto):
codes = [long(binascii.hexlify(pronto[i:i+2]), 16) for i in xrange(0, len(pronto), 2)]
if codes[0]:
raise ValueError('Pronto code should start with 0000')
if len(codes) != 4 + 2 * (codes[2] + codes[3]):
raise ValueError('Number of pulse widths does not match the preamble')
frequency = 1 / (codes[1] * 0.241246)
return [int(round(code / frequency)) for code in codes[4:]]
def lirc2broadlink(pulses):
array = bytearray()
for pulse in pulses:
pulse = pulse * 269 / 8192 # 32.84ms units
if pulse < 256:
array += bytearray(struct.pack('>B', pulse)) # big endian (1-byte)
array += bytearray([0x00]) # indicate next number is 2-bytes
array += bytearray(struct.pack('>H', pulse)) # big endian (2-bytes)
packet = bytearray([0x26, 0x00]) # 0x26 = IR, 0x00 = no repeats
packet += bytearray(struct.pack('<H', len(array))) # little endian byte count
packet += array
packet += bytearray([0x0d, 0x05]) # IR terminator
# Add 0s to make ultimate packet size a multiple of 16 for 128-bit AES encryption.
remainder = (len(packet) + 4) % 16 # rm.send_data() adds 4-byte header (02 00 00 00)
if remainder:
packet += bytearray(16 - remainder)
return packet
if __name__ == '__main__':
import sys
for code in sys.argv[1:]:
pronto = bytearray.fromhex(code)
pulses = pronto2lirc(pronto)
packet = lirc2broadlink(pulses)
# print
# print binascii.hexlify(packet)
print base64.b64encode(packet)
The output of the script did work but there were not enough repeats and the TV didn’t respond on this virtual ‘button press’. I used this Code Generator to change the repeats to 5.
There might be other ways, but this worked for me at least. Hope it’ll help others.