Custom Component: Dreame Vacuum

How to create a zone list?

Please ask your remaining questions about the card to its own thread and read its documentation before that.

L10 ultra not supported?


maybe someone has some finished script already or can help me create one.

I am using the Dreame integration. For a dashboard, I created a few input_boolean helpers for each of the rooms. So each room can be turned on and off. I also have a ā€œStartā€ button which is supposed to start the Dreame, and vacuum is then supposed to only clean those rooms that were turned ā€œonā€ via the helpers.

I guess that might work using the ā€œcustom cleaningā€ service? Somehow the input_boolean has to be mapped to a list of segment ids, somehow?

Also, if NO input_boolean helpers are set to ON, then all of the rooms are supposed to be cleaned.

Can anyone help? Thanks in advance.

service: dreame_vacuum.vacuum_clean_segment
  repeats: |
    {{states("input_select.wall_e_room_times_clean_number") | int}}
  water_volume: |
    {{states("input_select.wall_e_water_level") | int}}
  segments: >
    [{% if is_state("input_boolean.room_1", "on") %}2, {%endif %}  {%
    if is_state("input_boolean.room_2", "on") %}6, {%endif %}  {%
    if is_state("input_boolean.bathroom", "on") %}4, {%endif %}  {% if
    is_state("input_boolean.tapis_roulant_room", "on") %}1, {%endif %}  {% if
    is_state("input_boolean.corridor", "on") %}3, {%endif %}  
  device_id: 7dhaif307adda343dwd2b23dfes3b1

this is my script, clicking on a button, itā€™s called. For the All rooms, just add another helper. and create another script that select and deselect all room buttons/toggle

Take a look at this.

Supported on Beta.

Hello, I wanted to add the Dreame D9 Max to the Xiaomi App but it doesnā€™t work. The App never finds the robot. Any ideas? I can choose the D9 Max when trying to add the robot manually, also I am going to join the network published by the robot, but after that it never endsā€¦

thx! :confused:

That specific device may not be available on Mi Home app. If that was the case, you need to use the Dreamehome app with Beta version of the integration.

Where can i find the beta?

I am having issues creating automations which sends notifications to my phone when different things are happening with my device. Hereā€™s one automation which should send a notification when the device finishes:

alias: Robotdammsugare - FƤrdig
description: ""
  - platform: event
    event_type: dreame_vacuum_task_status
      completed: true
      cleaning_mode: SWEEPING
  - platform: event
    event_type: dreame_vacuum_task_status
      completed: true
      cleaning_mode: MOPPING
condition: []
  - choose:
      - conditions:
          - condition: template
            value_template: "{{ == 'SWEEPING'}}"
          - variables:
              text_status: StƤdning
      - conditions:
          - condition: template
            value_template: "{{ == 'MOPPING'}}"
          - variables:
              text_status: Moppning
      - service: notify.mobile_app_iphone
          title: Robotdammsugare
          message: "{{ text_status }} fƤrdig ({{ }}mĀ²)"
            group: robotdammsugare
            url: /lovelace/hem#dammsugare
mode: single

What am I missing?

Is it possible to have multiple vacuums added using this integration? I have two devices added to the Dreame app but when I try to add another device in Home Assistant I get an error itā€™s already added?

Your second device model may not be in the supported devices list. Update the integration to the latest Beta and try again.

Itā€™s a L10 Ultra and a D10 Plus. Both seems to be supported. I run the pre-release v2.0.0b14 which seems to be the latest.

First of all thank you for an unbelievable amount of work put into this integration. Itā€™s really impressive.

I have Dreame Z10 Pro.
I like look of the default card. Maybe map area is too small. I feel that native app with a map fitting almost the whole screen is more comfortable to navigate/zoom. BTW 2-finger zooming does not feel as smooth as in native app. Often is being interrupted without reason (Iā€™m using iPhone)

Anyway again: impressive work on this integration, and reverse engineering the Xaomi/Dreame protocols.

The main reason I write here is, that Iā€™m unable to find an option to select a floor or room(s) for cleaning. All is mapped. But the card doesnā€™t show such option. Iā€™m obviously overlooking something. I appreciate any help.
TBH itā€™s easier to share vacuum control through HA than installing the Xiaomi app for every family member.

with regards

Hey, I am also trying to set up two different devices (Dreame L10 Prime & Mova M1) with the new beta version. He only finds the Dreame L10 Prime. Is there a trick to add another device?

I am not responsible from the card.

Checkout the card documentation.

Issue only affects HA OS users with the stable version of the integration (v1.0.2 and v1.0.3). Installing the Beta version (v2.0.0b14) before upgrading the HA will prevent update failure.
I will also backport some fixes to the stable and release a new version as soon as possible.

Fix for HA 2024.5+