Drayton Wiser Home Assistant Integration

thanks @msp1974 for the link

went into the shell for the Homeassistant docker and ran:

apk add --no-cache gcc musl-dev python3-dev


pip install ruamel.yaml.clib

Restarted the container and now all fine. Will these steps have to be repeated when i pull the latest image again?

Yes i think it will need to be redoneā€¦
What Host OS are you on?

Ive started adding graphs (again) using grafana to my system, thought id share this.

Currently I use influxdb, but from V1 to V2 its all changed :-(, do people here use influx or prometheus?

Iā€™ve just noticed something Iā€™ve not seen before and I have a question.

I have just found that one of the climate presets is ā€˜Advance Scheduleā€™. I would ideally like to be able to use this against 4 TRVs/Thermostats at once as a button or similar. I have my ground floor set to go from 17 to 21 at 8am, but my sometimes we get up before 8am so advancing the ground floor in one go would be ideal.

Is there a way I can do this? Or could an ā€˜Advance Allā€™ button be added?

Best way is to create a script that calls the climate.set_preset_mode and set preset to Advance Schedule on all your rooms and then use a button to call script.

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Awesome! I always forget services. All working and under Alexa voice control. No more scrabbling around at 6am with a crying daughter to warm up the house.

I did see some error messages for a while after setting up the API, but I was able to select the gas and electricity entities pretty soon after - the errors and lack of data stayed till the next day.

If you are still having issues do you want to PM me your config and I can compare to mine? Donā€™t post them here as I think this Geo stuff is getting a bit off topic.

Hi @dunxd

I have this working now - i had to rewrite the code to retrieve the access token.

Once this was working it all works fine.

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Hi guys,

If someone can give it to me straight, I wanted to install the Drayton wiser system in the house (via plumper) and wanted to connect it to home assistant like my cameras currently (quite proud of myself for doing that part) :smiley:

Can this system be fully offline? aka send signals locally to the local controller? or is it kinda like Honeywell evohome where you can fully integrate but requires their webapp to receive to be connected and commands to be sent?

some posts state it works fine and is 100% what I want : Drayton Wiser Home Assistant Integration - #298 by Angelo_Santagata

can anyone else vouch for this before I spend and generally any major gripes?

:smiley: TY!

I can confirm that the integration only works with a local connection to a wiser hub. It doesnt and canā€™t use the cloud api.

In terms of any gripes, as one of the developers with Angelo, not independent to comment but we both get great feedback from our community.



Yes I said before, providing your local internet is up and running then Home Assistant (With our integration) will work fine with the Wiser Hub even if your WAN connection (ie BT/Virgin) is down. There are some caveats here, I have noticed that if virgin is down then sometimes their router doesnā€™t work properly for local connections,. I solved this by putting the wiser hub on a different router I have frontending the virgin router with routing and dhcp servicesā€¦

I also believe (not conclusively tested but observed) that even if your local internet connection is down (router died, virgin network down etc), then the wiser TRVs appears to continue to communicate with the heathub and work as per schedule- you obviously cant access the heathub as your local network is down.

Im sure this is because it uses Zigbee and not WIFI/Internetā€¦ The caveat here is that this is what Iā€™ve noticed but ive not explicitly tested it and obviously I dont work for Wiser Drayton :slight_smile:

Any other comments from other users?

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OMV (debian based)

Checkout the latest beta release, Mark has come up with a workaround in the code, which may work for you.

Is there entity that will turn the screen on for the wiser thermostat. Would love to be able to see the screen when I open the front door and come in to see what the current temperature/target is

I am generally very happy with the Drayton Wiser system - I have a number of iTRVs in addition to the hub and roomstat. As far as I can tell, it can be used independantly of the internet. The Wiser smartphone app communicates directly with the hub for the key functions (setting the schedules and temperatures). Some functions are dependant on an internet connection - the eco function that adjusts the heating based on the external temperature, and the Insights function that provides reports on your energy use are two examples that I can think of now.

On the downside, the iTRV assessment of room temperature is not very accurate - in my home, rooms with only iTRVs in them are actually about 2C colder. The workaround is to shift the target temperature up by 2C - would be better if Wiser allowed calibration or a manual offset.

I previously used Nest and Wiser is much better (can adjust room by room) and more interesting (lots of graphs and this integration!). I wonder if anyone else here is familiar with alternatives such as Hive or Tado?


Having to retrieve the Geo access token regularly through code makes it a bit fiddly, but looks like they are taking security seriously. Glad that you managed to get it working!

As an example, this is the code i changed in HA to get the access token:

Original Code:

  - platform: rest
    name: geo_accesstoken
    method: POST
    payload: '{ "identity" : "xxxxxxx", "password": "xxxxxx" }'
    resource: https://api.geotogether.com/usersservice/v2/login
    scan_interval: 3000
    value_template: "OK"
      - accessToken

New code - which works :slight_smile:

- platform: command_line
  command: >
     -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" 
     -d '{"identity": ā€œ<ā€œgeo username>, "password": ā€œ<geo password>ā€™ https://api.geotogether.com/usersservice/v2/login
  name: geo_accesstoken
  scan_interval: 300
  value_template: "OK"
    - accessToken

Stupid question warning applies, but where in HA might I find this? The integration stopped working yesterday and I believe that the token issue is the reason.

This goes into the configuration.yaml (i have mine in sensor.yaml but ultimately its called from configuration.yaml

You then need to replace the existing REST sensor with the one iā€™ve posted above.

I thought this might the case, I just donā€™t have the REST sensor anywhere, which is why I was confused,