Fibaro Roller Shutter 3 (FGR-223) - cannot get it to work properly

Hello everyone,
I’ve read a lot most of thread on this forum on how to get this module work correctly. I’ve 5 of them and I’m a newbie in zwave network.

Everyone told me that Fibaro hardware is reliable, but after reading it seems that is not the case (for Home Assistant in fact).

So the question for the dev and zwave guru : does it have any chance to work correctly one day without Fibaro intervention ? Does we know where the problem come from ? I’ve read in the HA blog there will be some change in how HA handle Zwave (in beta for now). Does it change anything for our problem.

Thank all for your time, work, and sharing with the community.

Hi, so I have in between 8 of the Fibaro Roller Shutters installed. Version FIBARO Roller Shutter 3 FGR-223 @ SW 5.1.
For me they work without any issue with my HASS.IO implementation. First I was a bit confused how to set them up to set a proper position. But after some research they work just fine. Have them running now for approximately 6 months. Had no issues so far. I’m running now the newest release on a raspberry pi 3+ with Aeotec Z-Wave stick. I trigger them time based, sun position as well as with zigbee switches (depending on room). I have automated them with some zigbee Aqara window sensors to check if the window is open (balcony usage - not to close cover if windows are open).

And regarding the position - since newest release of HASS.IO I see the right Position in the webinterface. Sometimes it takes some seconds till it’s updated - but it definitely works for me

The only pain was actually the physically installation behind the plugs - multiple scratches on my fingers and a lot of swearing on my side…

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Thanks for that post. I already started to look into other solutions. But I guess now I’ll give it a shoot as well.

Cool, have fun!

This post helped me for config:

I’ve read the post @phil2000 . Can you provide more information about the calibration setup ? How did you do with details. Maybe it could help some people (including me) here !

Basically I’m using these under automations as actions - sorry for being in German - basically action type is “call a service”.

Regaring Callibration - that is done within the Fibaro itself - just refer to the manual of fibaro after the installation:

For the Fibaro Shutter 3 FGT-223 @SW 5.1 is already the parameter 151 set.

A great thank for your time @phil2000 . I haven’t done any calibration for now maybe that why I have problems ( I really hope it’s that ).

I’ve discovered in HA the 151 parameters but it’s not coming with numbers but with blind type.

Another things is in the calibration setup they talk about momentary switches which is not my case. I will try to put my switch down for 3 seconds then stop and so on … (Sorry for my English , I’m French with poor vocabulary)

Hey there - Parameter 151 is not coming for me in HA either. But if you have recently bought the shutters this should be set with SW Version 5.1

Another things is in the calibration setup they talk about momentary switches which is not my case. I will try to put my switch down for 3 seconds then stop and so on … (Sorry for my English , I’m French with poor vocabulary)

Hmm I don’t 100% get it. You need to go to your physical wall switches and press it for 3 seconds, release, press again for 3 seconds, release, press again for 3 seconds. Be very precise about the 3 seconds - as first I was pressing it not long enough - I used a stop watch to be 100% sure - that worked. As soon as the Shutter gets into calibration mode the shutter stops shortly, then fully opens, then fully closes and then fully opens again - and boom you are calibrated.

You could also set it via value - but I guess for setting this you would need a fibaro base station:

I’m encountering the position problem. I think home assistant is updating the position too early, without waiting for the engine to stop. It is not possible to fix this other than by an automation?

Whats exactly your issue? In the latest release I do not have any issue with it.

Are you talking about the firmware of the module or the home assistant version or the hassOS version?

~ $ ha os info
board: rpi3
boot: A
version: "3.13"
version_latest: "4.8"
~ $ ha core info
arch: armv7
audio_input: null
audio_output: null
boot: true
image: homeassistant/raspberrypi3-homeassistant
last_version: 0.110.4
machine: raspberrypi3
port: 8123
ssl: false
version: 0.110.4
version_latest: 0.110.4
wait_boot: 600
watchdog: true

I can’t switch to HassOS 4.8 because of a problem with the Razpberry.

I was talking about the version. Nevertheless I run version 5.1 in the fibaro device and latest stable & hass os.

My fibaro module’s also in 5.1. I’m using the latest version of hassio, but the open/closed status doesn’t come up correctly.

I had to set this automatism (sorry for the french):

- id: '1591286478123'
  alias: 'FIX : volet roulant'
  description: ''
  - entity_id: sensor.volet_garderobe_power
    platform: state
    to: '0.0'
  condition: []
  - data:
      node_id: 47
      value_id: '72057594831273985'
    service: zwave.refresh_node_value
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Thank a lot @phil2000 for pointing at me the calibration sequence. Now I can set a position without any problem. I only have like everyone the problem that the final position is not correctly updated in ha.

I will try an automation to solve that.

Hello @pulsar and thanks for sharing. Where did you find the ‘value_id’ in the ‘action’ part of your automation ? Is it always the same for all node ?

Hmm strange - for me it shows the correct values…

Or am I missing sth. here?


I don’t know if value_id is the same of all node, but I think it is. I haven’t motorized my second shutter yet.

In the developer panel, like that :

In addition, I don’t have a physical switch. I have done the calibration by forcing it via parameter 150.
I don’t have a key in the zwave section of configuration.yml.
All my zwave modules were added in secure mode.

It seems that I don’t have any ‘level’ entity, but only ‘alarm_level’ entity. What is that ? Does I have to redo something to have it ?

And also, where do you check the firmware version of your module ?

Good evening

Hope I am right here, I have included my Fibaro Roller Shutter 3 to hassio. All works fine. But now I would like to make some automations with my weather station. Now I have the problem that I cannot write, ore chose, something at the point “action” of the automation. See also the attached picture.

I cannot choose something at the “position”. How I can give there a target like 100 % or 0 % or close / open?

Thanks for your help